Illuminati II: Black Masses- Gnosticism & Sex Magick Part I

in #informationwar6 years ago

Although the Illuminati is generally believed to have been created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, many of the societies that preceded the Bavarian Illuminati have been around for many years, centuries for some. The following list comes from Sheet No. 51 mentioned in the previous post which has a secondary purpose- in addition to the classifications listed yesterday, it also describes the "Invisible Colleges" of the high level Illuminati (the network is hierarchical). The Illuminati methodically takes over other secret societies through infiltration, intervention and counter-intelligence. 

The infiltration techniques of intervention and counter-intelligence have been around since the sixties and seventies, even for paramilitary organizations of the so called counter revolutionaries operating within NATO such as the OAS (Organisation de L'Armee Secrete) in France, and the secret apparatuses of the "Stay Behind Net" operating in the Euro area of NATO until around 1990; commonly referred to as GLADIO. These paramilitary groups embody the secret mercenary armies that are frequently used for "regime changes" such as we see in the Middle East.

Illuminati Secret Societies

The Egyptian Order of Osiris (OOE)

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Golden Dawn)

AMROC (Ancient and Mystical Order Rosa Crucis)

QBLH (Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor)

O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)

Order of the Illuminati

Bohemian Grove

Skull and Bones


Fraternitas Rosicrucian Antiqua (FRA)

These are some of the more prevalent societies- the ones dealt with in this volume of the trilogy. There are of course others such as the varying orders of Freemasonry that will also be mentioned. It is important to note that the Illuminati exists both within and without of Freemasonry as will become evident. These is another important factor that needs to be addressed before moving on- the Egregore.


Egregore has to do with how people view reality. According to Zagami: "The egregore reveals itself to be an unchallenged force that follows a given primary archetypal [set of] ideas, redemptive and destructive whose manifestations are known as epiphany." For example, a group of  human beings may evolve according to beliefs and then disappear, yet the ideas will live on. Although the ideas have no material form, they still exist. Similarly, a secret society governed by a set of principles may pop up and disappear but their ideas and principles have the power to move other individuals and groups to act. This is particularly important (and useful) when dealing with the occult where it is the ideas or actions rather than those practicing them are of utmost importance.

Black Masses, The Gnostic Influence & Sex Magick

This part deals with the effects that these practices has had on Freemasonry as well as other secret societies that exist within Freemasonry, so a distinction has to be made. Freemasonry, like the other Illuminati and Illuminati influenced secret societies are not singular, monolithic organizations. This is particularly important because of the popularity of Freemasonry in the general population, so we must disassociate Speculative Freemasonry from Occult, or Fringe Freemasonry. According to Mr. Zagami: Speculative Freemasonry has nothing to do with such deviated and dark practices, their sins and wrong doings, if any, are of a very different nature related to pragmatism and the prevalent materialistic ideology of their members. Looking within Freemasonry more than any other non-ecclesiastical  institution are the infamous sects of the Illuminati dedicated to the wicked practices of black magic that range from child abuse to human sacrifice.

This explains some of the behavior we are witnessing by elites recently. Although we typically attribute it to Satanism these practices, designed to accrue power- whether political, spiritual, financial or other- predate the existence of Christianity. It is very easy, according to Zagami, to call something we don't understand Satanism. However, the practice of human sacrifice and the sacrificing of children predates the belief in Satan... "many Illuminati refer to these dark practices simply as a return to paganism." The concept of Satan or a Satanic entity is a reflection of Saturn, known in ancient Egypt as Seth. Moreover, the ancient Phoenicians sacrificed their first-born son to Chronos, but they certainly can't be called satanists. The same is true of other cultures as well.

Rosicrucians- The Gnostic Influence

The Rosicrucians first appear in 1614 and are secretly linked to the Jesuits and their magical esoteric practices such as alchemy. They were instrumental in the birth of Speculative Freemasonry in 1717. It is through the Rosic Fraternity that the manuscript known as the Great Book of Nature, a work on occult philosophy that describes things such as the hieroglyphics, the transmutation of metals (alchemy) and the "communication with extra-dimensional beings" (aliens).

This so-called Masonic Mysticism, which tends to synthesize elements of the Kabbalah with those of Christianity and Gnosticism, resides with the mysterious Rose Cross, who call themselves the Illuminati of Freemasonry. They are not only tied to Jewish mysticism and some key figures in the Jewish community, but also the aristocratic-military wing of the Vatican (the Knights of Malta in particular), that was corrupted by the Jews and the Templar tradition of the Jesuits who helped the reawakening within Freemasonry of the Templar myth...

There is also a fairly unknown legend surrounding the Rosicrucians that the Order was actually created in 46 AD by the Alexandrian Gnostic Ormus when he and six of his followers were converted to Christianity. This evolved into the AMROC whose spiritual leadership moved back to France (from the US) because of aristocratic bloodlines. They were corrupted by demonology and the "dark side." From this comes the Golden Dawn in 1888 and then from this order, Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis.

In the magicians and the sorcerers of nobility, and the untouchables of the system we often find the presence of nudity and the appeal for sexual liberation. It is the Illuminati elite of the aristocracy that will eventually create the foundation of modern Satanism, beginning with the infamous Hell Fire Club founded in England in 1719 by Philip the Duke of Wharton. Once it was established, the Hell Fire Club trend spread around the world in a very short time. It was sort of a forerunner to the franchise of modern Satanism established in the late 1960's by Anton Szandor LaVey... The motto of these clubs was a proverb coined by French renaissance writer Francois Rabelais "Fais ce que to voudras" (Do as thou wilt), a motto that encapsulated a message of perversion and the occult influence that was later adopted by the black magician Aleister Crowley to promote his new pseudo-religious cult of Thelema.

That's a good start. Up next: Part II: The Sex Magick of Silvio Berlusconi and more


The first part is beautiful
Wait for the second part

Excellent article!

Just a couple of comments. You may already know all about it, but one of the best books I've ever read on the practical application of Illuminati machinations IN FULL FRUITION was Nesta Webster's "The French Revolution." Along with her incredibly important descriptions of the ways in which the revolution was used by the Illuminati to forward their globalist agenda, she points out that it was the infiltrated Grand Orient Lodges that were the vehicle for much of what went on with The Terror.

Additionally, it was this same Grand Orient strain that eventually wormed its way into American Masonry, starting with their takeover of the Portsmouth (VA) lodge in the late 1780s. Prior to that time, all American founding fathers who were affiliated with Masonry were members of benevolent lodges that had no inclination toward the evil that gradually came to dominate the hierarchy of American masonry. (The exceptions could be the central bankster types, like Alexander Hamilton.)

It is important for America patriots to know that their founding was NOT mixed up with the evils of the modern lodge, and that we were indeed founded on Biblical principles by Biblical adherents.

I haven't gotten to that yet, I'm still explaining the occult influence. I'll get to more historical parts later. I am though trying to keep the infiltration theme at the forefront of all of the chapters.

Well done, too!

its really very informative....thanks for sharing

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