Conclusions: The Road to Transhumanism

in #informationwar6 years ago

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When I did this last series in vaccines and their possible/probable repercussions, I took kind of a shotgun approach in presenting the material- after rereading it, it was all over the place. I don't think in the last post I actually made the point that I was attempting to get across- that all vaccines produced in the last 75 or so years have been cross-contaminated. Some of the material was fairly complex so I wanted to try to pull the information together and put it in a more coherent, easier to understand context... not because of any deficit in the audience, but primarily because of my own inability to explain it properly. Perhaps an historical perspective would have better suited the purpose- I just went with the information as I got it. Hopefully, this may fill in some of the blanks.

Beginning in the 1950's, with the nearly universal acceptance of the Salk Polio vaccine antibodies- contaminants- were introduced into vaccines in general use. In the case of the Salk vaccine the SV-40 virus, a polyomavirus was found present in monkey tissue. This is a DNA virus that causes brain, bone and  mesothelioma among others. Although the virus was discovered as early as 1960 by Dr. Bernice Eddy, the evidence was buried, a practice that has become commonplace as this seems to be the case with all vaccines because they contain the cells of other living organisms (animals). At first these viruses were overlooked because they didn't harm the host animal whose autoimmune system seems to have evolved over generations to make the viruses present but "silent." Thus mutated DNA was introduced into the human genome where they lie dormant, often for many years waiting for the immune system to weaken before becoming virulent. 

Dr. Mikovits research into retroviruses showed the same pattern, only in the brain cells of mice being used to lessen the traumatic effect of vaccines on the human body. However, as yesterday's post showed it opened the door to an entirely different panel of diseases.  Once activated, they create diseases such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Chronic Lyme disease, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), numerous cancers, and a wide range of other autoimmune, neuroimmune, and central nervous system diseases. Please see reference number 2 at the end of this article for a comprehensive list of diseases. These are but a few... these retroviruses are also responsible for HIV, autism and non-HIV Aids. They are also introduced by means other than vaccines...

 These viruses were most likely introduced into humans through contaminated vaccines and biological products including GMOs, human blood products, the milk of cows, and human breast milk. These retroviruses can be passed between family members through body fluids.It is not unusual to find a family where everyone tests positive for a retrovirus, but only one person is experiencing a retrovirus-related illness. Symptom free carriers are common in human retroviral infections. Moreover, these retroviruses can lay dormant for years and by the time the disease is diagnosed, it's entirely possible it may be attributed to some other cause making the actual impact impossible to gauge.

There is also the problem of the possible impact of heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, etc.,  on a genetically altered human genome. As Dr. Haley pointed out in the post on mercury, the heavy metals seem to have a multiplier effect... these additional elements appear to increase the overall toxicity of vaccines.

Then there are the vaccines being created now where the patients DNA is being purposely manipulated in an attempt to bolster an autoimmune system that was most likely damaged (or at least severely weakened) by vaccines in the first place... Which seems the perfect place to bring the impact of Big Pharma into the mix. Because of the 1986 act that took the onus of vaccine litigation off Big Pharma (and put it squarely onto the shoulders of the taxpayer) they can no longer be sued for injuries attributed to vaccines. But there was another benefit as well. Because of the hysteria created in the complicit lapdog media over communicable diseases- Big Pharma was allowed to sidestep the usual FDA testing requirements that most drugs are subjected to... vaccines were placed in a category separate from drugs.


When I began the series on vaccines it was with this end in mind... to open up questions about the impact on the human body/human genome of introducing DNA from other species- in other words transhumanism. What I learned was that existing in the tissue of other species are pathogens- viruses and retroviruses that, although "silent" within the donor species, have egregious effects on the human host... some after lying dormant for years making the impact impossible to detect for many years- sometimes for generations. Also, the effects of these pathogens are often exacerbated by the presence of heavy metals.

If we go back to the SV-40 virus in polio vaccine, which proved carcinogenic, the results of tests were covered up making it impossible to discern the impact on the public... I wonder how many cases of mesothelioma caused by SV-40 were successfully blamed on asbestos? The mouse tissue contamination that cost Dr. Mikovits her career (and freedom for a short time) also covered-up showed the potential for retroviruses to lie dormant and although they have no negative effect on the donor, are sometimes fatal to the host. We probably will never know the full impact on society.

When we consider using genetic "enhancement," creating chimeras (mixed species) we are opening the door to a lethal cocktail of silent viruses and retroviruses. This is being considered to prevent organ rejection during organ transplant surgery... and this doesn't even factor into the equation the introduction of AI- nanotechnology, injected or ingested into the human genome. But, that's a topic for another day.

I urge everyone to watch this video by Dr. Tom Horn... he takes a dispassionate look at transhumanism from an ethical, practical and technical perspective. It's a bit long (55 min) but well worth it.


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listening to the video I sense we may be going where we should not. There are some things we should not know. If we hybrid humans with animals, though we may have a superhuman, we may have created the DNA person of the Devil. If you are not made in God's image and DNA, then what are you? We may create a Frankenstein of hell for Satan benefits. Thanks @richq11. We may b sacrificing our soul for the illusion of eternal life on earth. Talk about opening a box of worms. Perhaps that was why the great flood occurred.

I don't know how familiar you are with Dr. Horn... he's a Christian pastor with over 25 years in the pulpit. He makes the same assessment. God tells us in Genesis "and everything after its kind." I listened to the Book of Jasher yesterday, like Enoch it didn't make the cut. It's basically like Genesis, but goes into more detail about the flood and Sodom & Gomorrah. 200 renegade angels went on a rampage and bred with 200 of every species producing abominations. I don't know if it was sexual or genetic manipulation through some other means, but God wanted it destroyed.

Irresponsable technocratic sciencism people are now creating a hybrid of human and chicken. Literal monsters. In their godless view, it is justified as they are looking for eternal life - marrying machine and human. The mosnsters they create in the process will eventually destroy them -and that is Satan’s plan all along. Yet, those in Christ must stand firm and not take the mark of the beast, which will tranform humans into demon possessed monsters.

I cry for humanity. I cry for our children. I cry for the church, with is complicit. Woe to you spinless people who are too lazy to seek the truth.

I really believe that's the mark- taking either the nanotechnology or mutated manipulated genome. (the chimeras)

@richq11 Rich, dear friend,
I would like to feature your post on The CHAOS Show tonight on

It would be in the second segment, at around 7:30 pm Central - for any amount of time.

Would you be able to come on?

It would be my honor! We might have to do a sound check to make sure everything is up and running. I'm researching GMO's now that ties in with the genetic manipulation.

We can do a SC later this pm. I think Skype would be best for quality.

Great, you still have my phone # right?

Yes, just come online on Skype.

We should be good to go... I did the sound test and it was fine so just call me when you're ready, I'll be listening on Discord.

howdy @richq11! great educational and informative post as usual sir and thank you for all your time and research. All this makes one wonder how long will God tolerate the hideous creations which seem demonic? I think it's a good indicator of the End Times.
thank you sir!

I think you're right my friend... and there isn't going to be a flood this time!

exactly. well if there's a Rapture I want to be in that thing!

All I can think about as I watch this is the fallen ones and their creation of chimeras and human hybrids. I have a theory about the "End Times" and how we literally bring it upon ourselves. Both in action and frequency (energy). The Bible says the the giants and other creatures from back then will be coming back. If folks want to know how, I think now we know.

Tampering with our DNA will have generational consequences mostly unforeseen. That's just logical.

That's the problem with all of this... the consequences take time to manifest. I'm researching a post on GMO's. The WHO tests for 90 days and then it's all good. The earliest that tumors pop up is 4 months (120 days) and often don't manifest until middle age! We haven't been eating them long enough to see any results (the tests were done on rats who live 2-3 years) It generally took 18 months which for a rat is middle age!!!

I look forward to the results of your research. I appreciate all that you do! Take your time and take care of yourself, the wait for your post is worth it.

Thanks my friend... I actually feel pretty good today, so I'm taking advantage of it!

This is nicely written, (not to mention terrifying). Do you have any citations for this information?

Look on my blog page there's about 3-4 articles all with citations... also one at the bottom here under the vid!

Awesome. I love what you’re doing man, I just always like to be able to easily see where information is coming from. For transparency, but also it’s cool too pool resources so we can all share the work more easily if we are so inspired.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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