Clinton Crime- The DNC & The Deep State Syndicate Part I

in #informationwar6 years ago

Mika Waltari

I've been reading Charm of Favor, Brooks Agnew's analysis of the Clinton Crime Family, an unusual book- part fiction about a family of patriots, intertwined with a plethora of facts surrounding the corruption of the Clintons, the DNC and other players in the Deep State swamp. Before getting into the facts, however, I want to add a couple of quotes, the first by Mika Waltari shown in the photo, and an observation or two.

Max Weber, in his seminal work, Essays in Sociology, wrote: "Politics naturally engenders a class of men whose sole purpose is the doing of politics." [I paraphrase] The observations, keeping the quotes in mind, has to do with what types of people are drawn to power- something I explored in detail in The Asshole Quotient. If I had to make a guess, I'd estimate that at least 60% of those who seek power are driven by myopic selfishness- the lust for power and greed. Another 20-25% end up co opted, regardless of their original intent... it's the nature of the game. For example, a US senator has to raise a minimum of $5000 a day for his/her entire 6 year term to mount a successful re-election campaign- you can easily imagine how much it would be for a president. That leaves 15-20% altruists- crusaders who stay the course.

Bearing this in mind, let's look at the DNC and the Syndicate in control (and it is a criminal syndicate in every sense of the word). The DNC (Democratic National Committee) has been around since 1848 and has controlled Democratic Party politics ever since. In 1968 when Hubert Humphrey was "selected" after not winning a single primary the Syndicate almost lost control of the party when the Chicago riots broke out at the National Convention. To ensure it never happened again they had to reorganize.

The oligarchs that run the Party machine got together and the Superdelegate was born. There are three ways to become a Superdelegate: 1) To be elected to public office (Gov., Senator, or Rep) 2) Be a member of the DNC elite (a powerbroker, bundler, etc.) 3) The most difficult- to have been President, VP, or DNC Chairman or Democratic Leader in the Senate or House. The new Democratic Primary system of 1980 was specifically designed to cut elected officials and voters out of the selection process. After 1984 all Superdelegates along with every candidate chosen had to swear an oath to the Syndicate.

The Clintons arrived on the scene in the early 1980's. Bill had one partial term of Governor under his belt and another full term beginning in 1983. However, Bill (and presumably Hillary) had his sights set on bigger game... but that required money- lots of it. One thing that worked in their favor is that unlike most people, minor issues such as ethics and morality were never an obstacle to anything they wanted. Neither have anything even remotely resembling a moral compass- both are completely corrupt malignant narcissists.

Most everyone in the Truth Movement is aware of the Mena airport cocaine business so it isn't really necessary to dwell on it- except for three things. First, it obviously provided a lot of money Second, there was a purpose other than financing CIA black ops... G H W Bush wanted the White House so he tried to use Iran/Contra to set Reagan up. After all he was the former head of the CIA and behind the deal. He didn't count on Ollie North being the fly in the ointment, cashing in his immunity card and putting the responsibility on himself. The third and also obvious is the birth of the unholy Clinton/Bush Crime Family.

Because of Bill's lack of ethical boundaries, while Governor of Arkansas he developed a real genius for money laundering- one that has sustained huge profits for the Clinton Foundation. As Governor he started the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA), a brilliant scheme to channel taxpayer funds to his political cronies, who naturally returned the favor. By the early 90's he was prepared for "the Big Show." According to Agnew's book:

"The Syndicate (Mostly DNC that the Clintons eventually came to almost fully control) provided more and more funding for these candidates through a sophisticated system of money laundering that has allowed the Clinton campaign to funnel enormous donations to State parties in return for their participation in a massive money-laundering payback system to also funnel money to the Clinton campaign itself. It became the lifeblood of Democratic campaigns on the national and state levels. Although the records show the Democrats averaged about the same amount of donations as Republicans, over time, the actual ground game delivered by Democrats was on a scale never before seen in politics."

It was also Bill Clinton that was responsible for bringing Silicon Valley into the Democratic camp. By prosecuting Microsoft, Atty. Gen. Janet Reno- Clinton's hatchet woman- the tech bubble burst allowing venture capitalists FOB's (friends of Bill) along with the NSA, CIA and other security agencies to scoop up tech companies for pennies on the dollar. Facebook, Google, etc. were born. Agnew calls this: "the strategy to apply massive government forces to virtually wipe out competition in the technology field (the same thing he accused Microsoft of) was the purest application of fascism attempted since Roosevelt created the Agency Government."

The Clinton Administration was also instrumental in merging all facets of the communication industry into six Democrat/CIA Mockingbird media conglomerates. Any programming that supported the Democratic agenda was given airtime... and naturally, any that opposed were denied. This still goes on today and is now infiltrating the internet through censoring conservatives or alternative sites presenting other viewpoints.

In 2008 Hillary had her sights set on the White House, but that didn't fit into the DNC/Syndicate plan. They needed someone less controversial, someone with a squeaky clean image. This way they could perpetuate G W Bush's wars. Hillary, whose reputation wasn't that good, didn't fit the bill... people still remembered her disastrous health care fiasco (that Obama got passed) and her campaign finance problems from her Senate run. During Watergate- in which she worked for the prosecution- Hillary was fired for lying and falsifying evidence. Her boss described her as a liar and the most unethical person he had ever met... The perfect candidate to run Obama's State Dept.. The Syndicate wanted someone unethical and ruthless so Obama could remain above the fray. A deal was struck that Hillary would become Sec of State and Obama would turn a blind eye toward her pay for play. There would be 8 years of Obama followed by 8 years of Hillary and then the takedown of America would be complete.

NEXT: Uranium 1, Benghazi, NK and the Imwans


Hmmm 🤔 interesting. I'd heard of some of that, however I'd like to know more, so thanks for the snippets from "Charm of favour", plus more. Shall keep on looking in for more.

You should get the book. I picked up a copy at for about $6-7 (I forget, maybe it was more lol I spend a lot on books they're my weakness) It's a really great place to buy books and this one needs to be read in its entirety. It's a story but in the process he puts all of the facts in and I'm telling you, Qanon has nothing on this guy!

I shall certainly look into ordering it. Thanks for letting me know the website.
I have loved books since I first learned to read and am always looking to expand my library.
I have learned so much from various sources...terrible things, and seen some too. It kinda leaves one somewhat jaded. Once known, one cannot unknow. However it is important to find the truth.

Yeah, like the saying goes, "you can't unring a bell." I don't know if you read The Kid That Became A Guy, my life story I wrote a long time ago, but from when I was 5-10 I was passed around a bunch of pedophiles... my only escape was reading- it still is. I read anything I can get my hands on. I've become addicted to research and knowledge (I think I'm still way behind the curve on both lol)

I did read some..must go back to it. I got sidetracked with a whole lot of family stuff and somehow forgot to go back to it. Thanks for reminding me. I do remember thinking how brilliantly it was written.

I guess books also later saved my sanity when I was brutally raped, and so badly beaten I was left for dead. They helped me escape to other worlds.

But hey, I came out tougher at the other side, trust being the only real issue. And I gained a much better perspective on life. Plus my hermitic life suits me down to the ground. Standing on the outside looking in gives me clearer insight.

I got very involved in Humanitarian work etc. Searching for the truth becomes addictive, but the deeper you go the darker it gets. Not everyone can deal with it.

Can you send me the link for your life-story.

The Clinton Dynasty has ruled long enough. They didn't expect the Wild Card of trump and in a way they have been trumped. I'm glad the body count as diminished under Trump's reign

You should really read this book... I got mine at (cheaper is better) This guy knows stuff that Q doesn't even seem to know. Also he writes it like a story so it's a really interesting read!

Good post, the Clinton crime family has been going strong for several decades.

Some of us still remember that 2008 election cycle; Clinton was going up against Obama. Then there was the Bilderburg meeting (many still think this is fiction or conspiracy theory), during that meeting Obama and Clinton had both disappeared. The media following Obama were led onto a plane that left without them, Clinton similarly disappeared at the same time.

It was a few days later that Clinton had conceded the competition, in exchange she would receive a position as Secretary of State and in 2016 she would be given the presidency. That's why with Trump there's been such a panic, they were so certain that she would win and then have the ability to cover up all the crimes committed to get her there.

Aside from that detail, the rest of your article is on point as far as I know.

I was hoping to do the whole thing in one post and it started getting pretty long. Most people on here don't seem to like to read long pieces- that's why I'm breaking it up. In fact I don't think either of them even showed up at the Bilderburg meeting. I remember Obama sending the press off on one plane and he went somewhere else. I'm trying to just hit the highlights on these posts- there's a lot more I would like to add, I've been researching the Clintons for 25 years.

Good idea @richq11 to break up these posts in 2 or 3 parts. So much to tell and I know you are only hitting the highlights. I am amazed the liberals aren't more ruthless. You know the end justifies the means. They haven't reached Putin's level of eliminating opposition.

Oh they are. For example when Clinton was running coke out of Mena about 1-2 people a week were committing suicide. He had the medical examiner on call (and a very nice salary) Fahmy Malek running interference. One kid about 15 stabbed himself in the chest and back about 4-5 times and threw himself on the railroad tracks where he was decapitated... Yup- suicide all the way!

You should read this book, it goes into a lot more detail I'm just scratching the surface.

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Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Glad Trump disrupted those plans. They have boatload of money and fighting them in the future will require someone like Trump or for Reps and Libertarians to truly get their act together

If Trump doesn't throw a HUGE monkey wrench in the works- It will be all over in 2020.

They don't just have money. They have corruption. They make lots of laws and regulations that they expect the Republicans to follow but they never follow them. Then, they have enough control of government that they never get prosecuted for not following the law. It is selective prosecution.

Example: Hillary taking over the DNC and breaking campaign finance laws. There is lots of evidence but FEC is unwilling to investigate. The campaign finance laws were made by the Democrats.

its very informative...thanks for sharing

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