Clinton Crime- The DNC & The Deep State Part II: U1- Benghazi- NK and More

in #informationwar7 years ago


Before getting into the meat of this post, I want to say again what a masterful job Brooks Agnew does of presenting a torrent of facts- some even missed by Qanon- as he weaves the fictional characters into the morass of crimes and corruption that exemplify the DNC and Deep State... all before it culminates in the Deep State's final act of desperation.

In July of 2005 Southern Cross Resources Inc. merged with Aflease Uranium Resources Ltd. in what would become known as SXR Uranium One Inc. One of the company's partners, Frank Giustra, soon became friends of Bill Clinton and recruited him to go along to Kazakhstan to bid on uranium interests there. Clinton, being a former president, made Giustras introduction to Kazakh President (dictator) Nursultan Nazarbayev much easier. While they were there, Clinton expressed support for Nazarbayev's being put in charge of an international elections monitoring group. Given Nazarbayev's history of human rights violations, it was like making Colonel Sanders the spokesman for chicken's rights. Of course, Giustra and his new company UrAsia Energy Ltd. got a stake in uranium mining. Nazarbayev got a huge propaganda boost and naturally Clinton and his money laundering foundation got millions. Next stop South Africa.

In 2007 UrAsia Energy merged with Uranium 1, who was incorporated in S. Africa and had holdings in Australia as well. The deal was worth $3.5 Billion and a few months later the humanitarian Giustra donated $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation (what a guy). Mr. Giustra went on to exclaim how proud he was of the opportunity to be part of such a sterling humanitarian effort to "focus on poverty, health care and the real challenges of the world." This tactic became the mainstay of the Clinton Syndicate's blending of political influence peddling and "humanitarian" efforts by his foundation.

When in 2010, Russia needed the Obama administration's approval for the upcoming Uranium 1 deal (the one we all know about) Clinton agreed to a $500,000 payment to do a speech in Russia. Five months later Frank Giustra held a fundraiser for the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative and pledged $100 Million to the CF. The gala was full of the Hollywood braindead including John Travolta, Robin Williams, Tom Cruise and featured performances by Elton John and Shakira. "None of this would have been possible if Frank Giustra didn't have a remarkable combination of caring and modesty, of vision and energy and iron determination (translated: money and greed) I love this guy and you should too," said Clinton. Well we all know how this ended. Russia got 20% of future US uranium output. Giustra sold his company for a fortune and the Clinton Foundation pocketed another $145 Million.

When Ambassador Christopher Stevens got to Libya he got some very disquieting information. The narrative he had been fed about what had happened to President Gaddafi didn't quite fit reality. Gaddafi was very popular with his people. They had free housing, medical care, education and more all paid for out of oil revenues. His "mistake" was wanting to switch from American petrodollars to gold for his oil. True to form, the Deep State flooded his country with an immigrant army (sound familiar- think Trump and "The Wall") who began demanding the same amenities as the native Libyans. These were the "democratic rebels" of the Libyan uprising. The Syndicate wanted Gaddafi's weapons to send to Syria... of yeah, they also wanted his gold. A side note about the "democratic rebels"- America has an army of around 1.5 million with another 1.5 million in reserve. The illegal immigrant army the Democrats (and RINO's) have flooded America with number in excess of 15 million... with more on the way.

We all know how this turned out- Hillary went on national television bragging, "we came, we saw, he died." The Deep State has deposed a democratically elected leader and on Sept. 11, 2012, Ambassador Stevens and several patriotic Americans died. Then the cover-up began. Syrian rebels working for the Deep State got their weapons opening up the way to overtake Syria so that the pipeline from the Golan Heights to Turkey could go through.

There's been a lot in the news lately about peace talks between North and South Korea, some even mentioning a Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump. If people knew the whole truth, the Clintons would already be in prison. On May 11, 1999 under the direction of President Bill Clinton the designs necessary for the microelectronics for a small nuclear detonator were delivered to N. Korea. This was covered up by the NY Times who said it was only the technology for exploding bolts to make the separation of rockets. However, on Oct. 9th of the same year, N. Korea successfully exploded a nuclear device using the same microelectronics. Makes me think of the picture of Clinton in N. Korea in the Q posts. Another important bit of technology necessary to make a small device work is tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. For decades the MSM has pushed the narrative that the N. Koreans don't have a missile that could reach the US... without once thinking that a submarine just off the coast could perform the job splendidly.

After the Clinton DOJ broke up Microsoft and their friends in Silicon Valley along with national security agencies began to monopolize these internet companies, it became much easier for the Syndicate to keep tabs on their "enemies." How many remember Congressman Bob Wexler? He was the one who launched the failed impeachment against G.W. Bush. He was also the one, in 2004, who hired a Pakistani grad of Johns Hopkins to be Director of Information Technology for the DNC- his name was Imran Awan. Finding out how naive the Congress was about their technological devices, he became indispensable to the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Within 2 years, he had the goods on everyone. He then convinced Debbie Wasserman Schultz to hire his entire family.

The Awan's were monitoring every login, keystroke, file, etc. in Congress, including texts and emails. When suspicions arose, they copied everything onto a single server and it disappeared along with Congressman Xavier Becerra to California where he is currently Atty. General. This was all done under the auspices of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. During the election primary, Imran Awan hacked Bernie Sanders database allowing Clinton and Schultz to cut Bernie off from his own donor records. The Awans mined all of the data into the DNC server and cited a "software error" when they were caught. After the Murder of Seth Rich, Awan could see the handwriting on the wall. He wired every dime he could get to Pakistan and sent his wife (along with a server with over 650,000 files as an insurance policy) to Pakistan too. All investigators found were smashed servers along with one laptop belonging to Schultz. She told Capitol Police that it contained "lawyer/client privileged information" and threatened them with "consequences" if it was opened.

Most of this came out when the Podesta emails were discovered. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resigned for the Chair of the DNC after which both she and John Podesta "publicly called for the assassination of anyone who could be linked to the information breach." Two weeks later, Seth Rich was shot to death on a sidewalk near his home.

NEXT: Elizabeth Warren and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and more




Awesome post!

I'll just leave this here:


I just downloaded 280+ pages of emails and am going through them. A lot of them are pretty much nothing, But there's some good stuff too... I'm only about 40 pages in.

But if you're a Fox News viewer, you would know him as something else altogether: a corrupt “deep state” villain who was out to depose President Trump. McCabe,

It's more than just McCabe. Even the VP, Pence is Deep State!

Indictments are out.
The hammer shall fall on these people.
Their crimes are unimaginable to most people. That's part of the problem to get the lefties to start thinking straight.

Most of them never will... They're brainwashed, their frame of reference is so skewed it doesn't matter how damning or incontrovertible the evidence, they'll just see it as lies to take down their icons!

I love QAnon and Haiti hates Clinton. Oh wait, why does Haiti hate Clinton? Because Clinton stole. Many people don't know that. Many don't really care. Many people don't really care about the Clinton body bags. There is a long list of so many Clinton crimes. Also, Soros divides & conquers many countries. Bill Gates vaccines were murdering people in India.

It does help as we talk about this, Richy Rich. My brother's name is Rick. I remember watching the Richy Rich film starring the Home Alone guy in the early 1990's. I love free markets capitalism but not crony state capitalism.

What can we do to stop gun grabs? There was a gun grab in Shelton, WA, USA, my city, last night, it seems. It happens all over America in many cities in the USA for so many years. There are drug grabs and car grabs and gun grabs and house grabs and more. We want to make federal government smaller. I'm Oatmeal.

You sound like me!!! I live in Arkansas, Clinton territory (except they better stay away). The people here hate them- just like everywhere else they've been. They were running kids out of Haiti too. I've been researching them for 25 years!

Clinton has a dinner in NY in May 2018, that is this month, and tickets sell at about 100K USD a piece. I wonder who will come. Comey is running around with a book too. Obama was trying to get boys and girls in school to shower together.

I just read that they start at $2500. For $10,000 you can have cocktails with the "in crowd." For $100,000 you can sit at the adult table!

Highly rEsteemed!


Then the few will fear the many. ;-)

This article triggered the following thoughts:

To wall or not to wall, is it really a question?

After WWII Iron curtain, and Berlin wall.
After Vietnam War A fence between north and south Korea.
Palestine also has a wall fence curtain.

America was proud for Kennedy's Ich bin ein Berliner speech.
And what a party we had when in 1988 the Berlin wall came down.

Now we want North and South Korea to unite again, and that sure would be great!.

But a trump wall (Or Clinton fence) on the Mexican border... Have we not learned anything from all the other walls and fences?

BTW, the dead of Robin Williams how odd was that?

Unlike the other walls you mentioned, the border with Mexico is a conduit for human traffickers, drugs, arms, terrorists. If not for that, you might have a point.

Not sure if a wall will stop any of that. It will make it more difficult for the small trafficers, and thus more lucrative for the big trafficers. And terrorists... The biggest terrorists are already in the USA. And are disguised as 'politicians'.

I realise that the Mexican border has a lot of issues, but this seems to me more a result of a long term political ignorance on both ends of the border.

Let drugs and arms cross the border under the radar, people will fear, and pay more tax for 'protection'. This seems to be the bigger game that gov. mobsters are playing these days.

Let problems present themselves and scared taxpayers will pay for the solution.
Give them a wall, and nothing will be solved as drugs and arms will just find a new route across the border, now with crooks who have better connections in high places.

... this is a theory based on a few facts how this works in other situations.

For instance illegal fireworks smuggled across borders in europe.
They catch a few small ones every year, yet the more organised bigger boys, they never get caught. They grow bigger every year since the demand is ever bigger.

And nobody wants to look at the root of the problem, the people who want to buy the illegal stuff in the first place.


That's also being looked at

nice informative post,
thank you for this post

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Great informational post, thanks...

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