Citizens For Free Speech... A New Censorship-free Social Media Platform

in #informationwar6 years ago

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I'll keep this short and sweet... Everyone in the truth movement by now knows about the censorship on social media where the tech giants, Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are trying to silence dissent by demonetizing, shadow-banning and even removing content. This is all part of the Deep State's attempt at social engineering by forcing the population to fit their prescribed agenda. Hiring left-wing whacko groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and algorithms to detect politically incorrect speech they seek to erase conservative voices calling it "hate speech."
Facebook has employed censors to decide which sources of news are "suitable for viewing," using predominately Snopes, a Soros backed organization. Remember, all social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering and the best way to perpetuate a lie is to prohibit people from challenging it. If they win, we will lose a lot more than freedom of speech.
The main reason the First Amendment contained free speech and freedom of the press clauses was so that journalists could openly criticize government without fear of retribution... now the press IS the government. Like Pravda in Russia, the MSM receives its scripts from the government, to the point where the narratives provided the people are virtually disseminated verbatim. But you already know all of this...

Sites such as Steemit and are striving to keep the truth narrative alive and with it the unencumbered flow of information. But we need more- there can never be too many sources of the truth. One reason we have #informationwar here on Steemit and Discord is to consolidate sources of information that counter the deceptive MSM narrative. Now author, lecturer and founder of Technocracy News, Patrick Wood, is offering up another alternative social media platform... Citizens for Free Speech is resurrecting the website- and they need out help. I'll post a link to the site so you can read for yourself and see how you can help, whether monetarily, volunteering, or whatever. There are only two sides in this fight- there is no neutral ground. If you don't take a proactive stand for free speech, don't complain when they take yours away.




Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation and other false narratives. We currently have over 7,000 Steem Power and 20+ people following the curation trail to support our mission.

  • Join our discord and chat with 150+ fellow Informationwar Activists.

Ways you can help the @informationwar

Sounds pretty neat! Thank for posting!!

I agree there's a war on for your mind and a war on for speech that's what political correctness is all about to shut her mouth and prevent us from telling the truth. Thanks for the good info and update we're in this fight together and Truth must prevail. @richq11

These guys are dedicated to seeing that happen. Patrick Wood is pretty well known for his book, Technocracy Rising, where he exposes the Trilateral Commission. He also part of the Red Pill Expo.

Only this week in the UK, Alison Chabloz was found guilty in court after being prosecuted for writing and singing songs that some people found offensive. It's getting worse by the day and a lot of the younger generation seem to agree with it. We see Universities refusing to hold debates on certain topics and 'Free Speech Zones' being introduced and ACCEPTED by some.

Crazy times !!!

I'll check out the website. Keep up the fight.


Thanks Jim... Pat Wood is an amazing guy. I read his book on Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission- that's where this is all going, a technocratic tyranny like China. We've been emailing back and forth, he's also one of the people behind the Red Pill Expo along with G. Edward Griffin.

Awesome! As one of the original "truthers" (and that is not a pejorative, snowflakes) I have personally dealt with this type of persecution and censorship for over 16 years now. Nice to know we will soon have another option to get the word out, because (take my word for it) Steemit is not always the safest place for the truth either.....

It's important we get behind this effort... It ain't a done deal yet, as they say!

Agreed, Rich! Thanks for everything.

Say, can you recommend the 60-70+ folks who are with us. I need to follow more of those members. TIA....

P.S. I will then spread the word down here in 30-40s

I'm 72... @mistermercury, I think is. I'll look some more and get back with more.

That's awesome, Rich. Thanks!

Slaves nowadays love to be ruled...............

Thank God for Trump.

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