A Tale of Two Cities: The UN & Urbanization

in #informationwar6 years ago

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Before I get into dissecting UN-Habitat, the United Nations urbanization strategy as part of Agenda 21's smart cities program, I want to take a couple of minutes to look at some of their terminology... It's an integral part of understanding their agenda. The UN makes no secret as to their overall agenda, it's all laid out in black and white for anyone to see- if you understand the language... UNspeak if you will. They employ innocuous sounding language- noble in many cases unless you understand the meaning behind the words- Sustainable Development is a splendid example.

Unfortunately, most people seldom read past skimming the headlines, so when they see words like Sustainable Development they tend to frame it from within a literal context. Development is a necessary and desirable aspect of societal growth- and sustainable would, at least on the surface, appear to be a mechanism to ensure it occurs... however, those of us that have been paying attention, know better.

"Partnerships" is another benign sounding term the UN likes to bandy about. Among the vast majority of humanity, partnerships are invariably voluntary phenomena. Not so in UNspeak. When the UN speaks about establishing partnerships, it's usually the product of prior coercion. If the UN should wish to impose a partnership on a nation, they use economic development as leverage. Many African nations are indebted to the World Bank and/or the IMF... the World Bank will either extend or cut credit as a means of coercion- economic terrorism, for lack of a better word... this is how it works. Using "family planning," a UN code word for implementing radical sexual education and pushing contraception and abortion on nations whose religious and/or social mores may discourage it, they force countries to accept their agenda to avoid financial destitution...

In a conference at the UN Commission of the Status of Women it was "decided" that "the answer is that they need abortion, 'comprehensive sexuality education,' and reduced parental rights." The UN, who has no governmental or legal authority over sovereign nations , uses the power of the purse to control these developing nations. According to an article in the Daily Signal: "This commission brings together national representatives with the goal of discussing and agreeing on policies within a certain issue area. The final document the commission produces will land on the desks of government officials around the world who will be expected to implement its provisions—especially if they want to benefit from U.N. financial assistance." The key words here, of course, are, "discussing" and "agreeing."

The same tactic is used to force their UN-Habitat agenda on developing nations. Habitat is the shortened version of United Nations Human Settlements Program... as a part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of Agenda 21. According to their new Executive Director, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, "she will be guided by the principles of the new urban agenda and the UN’s universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in tackling urbanization challenges." And that, Sharif added "that the UN housing agency has innovative solutions that have been tried elsewhere with success." So what are these "urbanization challenges"?

In an article for Technocracy News, UN-Habitat intends to reduce water and power usage by half (see link). This along with their stated goal of reducing world poverty, which seems difficult at best taking into consideration the rapidity of population increase in third world countries... unless the rhetoric doesn't mean what it pretends to. By forcing abortions and contraception of emerging nations the population can be culled somewhat, but nowhere near enough to meet the aggressive goals of UN-Habitat. The solution, according to Ms. Sharif, is...

“It is time to strengthen UN-Habitat and ensure we can effectively support countries to implement the new urban agenda in collaboration with all the United Nations system, all levels of government and stakeholders.” Now I'm no expert in these matters, but just how would strengthening the UN help developing nations? And- just who are the "stakeholders"? This is a term I'm beginning to see popping up more and more in UN literature. Deciphering the UNspeak, what I'm reading here is using the entire UN system to force the new UN urban agenda by economic means without ruling out any military options.

I think it's time to call a spade a spade... this is a depopulation plan, beginning in the third world- likely Africa. The plan to reduce power and water usage by half in 20 years (this is a 20 year plan) is only possible by reducing population growth down to zero and reducing the existing population by half. The only really smart city is an empty city. Foundations associated with the UN have already been introducing bogus vaccines into third world populations. Many of these cause paralysis, sterility and death (thank you Bill & Melinda). The UN, under the guise of "peacekeeping" has kept much of Africa in a constant state of war since the 60's- another means of population reduction. The plan, most likely, is to keep enough of the population to extract Africa's wealth of natural resources to keep the multinational corporations in industrialized nations supplied... while denying the nations of Africa any value added (manufacturing necessary for development) as they have for centuries.

"Urbanization" is just UNspeak for depopulation... that's the goal of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. And it won't stop with the emerging nations of the developing world. The advent of 5G in western nations will ensure that populations can be controlled and if not controlled- eradicated en-mass. Food and potable water will be controlled as well, in effect weaponized. This is the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley along with Orwell's dystopia... Be prepared or be left behind.





What a parasite the UN is. Like the creation of a league of nations will be altruistic on a world scale. What a joke. Wherever you have large concentrations of humans you have corruption.

I've written a lot about institutional flaws... one is that every movement, organization or institution is inevitable taken over by its worst element- no matter how noble its intentions were.

My sentiments exactly.

I tried posting earlier today and it did not take. I think the depopulation plan by the UN is a men to make the population manageable so the people can be more accessibly controlled. Large numbers of people scattered are harder to control or manipulate. Also I find it fascinating the United Nation is the UN as this is Ironic and telling. UN as in unAmerican, unHuman etc. Thanks @richq11

Steemit was down for a while... They want to put people into cities (large prisons) where they can be more easily controlled.

They are really good at using word play to make evil seem righteous. They appear to have most of the youth in the first world under their spells of words, and frankly I am pessimistic that there will be any push back large enough to stop their evil agenda.

As citizens (subjects/slaves) we have no voice by national and international law, and at the first sign of disturbance they will send the police (to serve and protect...the masters plans and wealth) to kidnap and jail you. If the resistance is a group of people, they will send their soldiers in under the guise of maintaining the peace for the betterment and safety of the citizens.

I used to be foolish when I was a young man, before the technology and surveillance state existed as it does now. I used to believe that police and soldiers would refuse to act on their own brothers and sisters. I no longer believe that now. False flags, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundys in Nevada.

I'm with you my friend! Where are these Oathkeepers we keep hearing about? I think we've been sold down the river... I keep writing to wake people up, but I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's doing any good!

I keep writing to wake people up, but I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's doing any good!

For whatever it may be worth, it helps others who see to remain strong and not give in out of despair to see others see it as well. The truth is censored out not by just the media, but often by those we love the most. They insist that we conform to the dark spell and not act or say things that will upset their illusion. It can be quite lonely walking in a world of ghosts.

Ain't that the truth! I talk to people I run into at the store and say something like the Fed is fake- not part of the govt and they look at me like I'm from Mars!

Two city looking full uncommon.One city looking nice and beautiful other city looking very bad and older.

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