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RE: A Tale of Two Cities: The UN & Urbanization

They are really good at using word play to make evil seem righteous. They appear to have most of the youth in the first world under their spells of words, and frankly I am pessimistic that there will be any push back large enough to stop their evil agenda.

As citizens (subjects/slaves) we have no voice by national and international law, and at the first sign of disturbance they will send the police (to serve and protect...the masters plans and wealth) to kidnap and jail you. If the resistance is a group of people, they will send their soldiers in under the guise of maintaining the peace for the betterment and safety of the citizens.

I used to be foolish when I was a young man, before the technology and surveillance state existed as it does now. I used to believe that police and soldiers would refuse to act on their own brothers and sisters. I no longer believe that now. False flags, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundys in Nevada.


I'm with you my friend! Where are these Oathkeepers we keep hearing about? I think we've been sold down the river... I keep writing to wake people up, but I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's doing any good!

I keep writing to wake people up, but I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's doing any good!

For whatever it may be worth, it helps others who see to remain strong and not give in out of despair to see others see it as well. The truth is censored out not by just the media, but often by those we love the most. They insist that we conform to the dark spell and not act or say things that will upset their illusion. It can be quite lonely walking in a world of ghosts.

Ain't that the truth! I talk to people I run into at the store and say something like the Fed is fake- not part of the govt and they look at me like I'm from Mars!

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