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RE: What Would You Do If Governments Get Into STEEM? How Tailored Access Operations And Bad Guys With Deep Pockets Could Bury The Truth On STEEM

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I'm not even sure there really is much decentralized media yet. Even Ned said on video recently something along the lines that it is decentralized steem run by centralized steemit Inc. management. He should know controlling 51%. Plus, looking at does 30 or so nodes constitute a securely unhackable distributed system? Minds is the same in management and I honestly don't even see much evidence if they are even running yet on the blockchain at all.

Plus, as much as I hate to say it, it sure looks like they already are shutting us and the entire crypto market down. Just looking at the numbers, Steemit stats seem to be falling steadily the last 6 months, which may be a big part of the massive sell off of somewhere close to 80% from the highs in early January. I see in the latest chart issued Tuesday that Active Users per month hit a peak in Jan. and have been steadily falling ever since.


That seems to be the general state of all things crypto as it continues to drift lifelessly lower and lower, which eats so many of us up inside to see. My guess is they did it by moving assets into the market last year, especially with the onset of the (CME & CBOE) options trading of Bitcoin, in order to create euphoria and then do a massive slow dump of the market to create the illusion of popping the bubble to take out all the excitement. All the while they buy time as they themselves are developing their own version of a centralized cryptocurrency, which they have actually publicly stated several times in the last 6 months of specific central banks. Seeing Ethereum close to where it was a year ago and steem well under water from a year ago is eating me up.

I'm not sure I follow you on what "mute" button there is, but that massive censorship law they are pushing through to pass will require Steemit to install censor bots that will filter all content uploaded and tax anything the bots believe to be copyrighted material. It may in and of itself force steemit to shut down, because of all the massive amounts of copyrighted material already on it, given it's innate inability to be edited out. The whole line of attack in this new law seems focused directly on massive centralized censorship control of all online information. And people don't even realize just how far reaching the EU really is. Did you know, for example, that the EU reaches into South American via French Guiana (a French territory)? The EU has legal tentacles all around the world to various degrees.

So I am extremely concerned of all this. It all ties directly to the New World Currency article I last posted a few months ago, which I've also considered doing a second part of. It's just all such a heavy weight of negative/pragmatic reality that I wonder what's the use. If you can, please go more in depth to all the positive aspects you can think of. I'm running on empty of positivity today...


I'll start with something very simple. How are torrents doing? How much do those people get paid to sustain those P2P sharing?

If governments couldn't take down torrents, they are certainly not going to take down STEEM or other major cryptos. They can attack and suppress. But STEEM won't be taken down.

STEEM stats are falling because the prices are falling and people are being a little less excited and active. The current state of the crypto market is a minor problem. The current marketcap is going to look like a blip in the future.

Are the prices getting suppressed? Hell Yes. Was the housing market was artificially inflated? Yes again. In fact all bubbles were just some people trying to artificially inflate and in the cryptos it is an artificial deflation. Fundamentals always catch up and all those manipulations end up getting blown up in their faces.

Things are going to get really ugly. But I'm considerably positive about the future. Governments and other powers are not sustainable structures. It's going to go Atlas Shrugged + The Camp of The Saints

Lots of people will suffer. Many first world countries would cease to becme who they once were. But seriously, what do you think about Rome 2000 years ago and Rom 2018. Now Think the world 2000 years ago and 2018. Things have gotten better. But Greece and Rome are not doing that well. In the future USSA, EU are going to be fallen empires.

There's no doubt it's going to get ugly and certainly I agree we are in the midst of the fall of Rome 2.0 if you will already. In fact it's already getting fairly ugly, which I'm really feeling from many sides now, and it seems to just be starting. I'm not sure what "Atlas Shrugged + The Camp of The Saints" is, but it sounds like something in gaming and doesn't sound too good. I also agree with you, though, that overall it is positive in the long run.

As far as torrents, I know there are thousands out there supporting the infrastructure, if not even more than that, depending on the specific item. So that to me is a tough sell to compare to steem, given only 30 or so nodes are running last I checked and it seems to be a lot of consolidation between them too, at least from what I can gather. So I do know 100% that it is vulnerable, if they truly decided to take it out. Although, I think the strategy may be more a takeover type, though, much like Bitcoin et al.

Don't get me wrong, though. As many issues I do see with steem from the top down (and I mean there are a lot), I truly do hope a truly decentralized social media site does eventually emerge, but in my view the only way to do it and truly succeed is to start off with a non profit foundation and massive decentralization similar to bitcoin before the conglomerate mining powers who have consolidated so much of the power the last year or so or torrents (i.e. anyone with a pc can do it). As Jed McCabe, who created Ripple and Stellar has put it more or less, imagine how the internet would be today, if it was started by one for profit company. We'd never have what we have today.

Of course, you know I am biased, based on my own experience with the bully whale economy of steemit. But still being as objective as I can, having one guy control 51% of a half billion dollar company (or maybe a quarter billion now), that you can only get rewarded for the first 7 days and can never edit it after that and all sorts of flaws in the algorithm that doesn't really help quality content rise to the top as envisioned and thus bots have to be used to compensate, which creates a total dog-eat-dog mess, all discourage most serious true publishers from the platform. Then add to that the fact that it takes 3-9 months to get all but 5 Steem you ever invest in SP out of, and you can have what I'm experiencing - a nightmare where I've lost 40-50% in and still have to wait nearly 3 months more; and at some point I will have to restart the power down to pick up what was added in SP in the mean time. Excuse my language, but thinking of that and my situation makes me say it's a total cluster-fuck scam. LOL

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