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RE: Shadow Commander

in #informationwar4 years ago

This is yet another reason why the only life-long independent, who has fought against the establishment elite of both parties, Bernie Sanders is the only sane choice for my American brothers and sisters come the next elections.

Bernie is a career politician. A controlled opposition. What he did in 2016 after getting fucked by the DNC? He went on to support HRC. So much about his principles and character.

Bernie's getting rich selling socialism to millennials.

Let's say he get elected. Do you believe he would deliver on his promises? If so, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Even if he's honest about it, congress and senate would oppose him and block all his efforts. Bernie can't change a damn thing.


Let's say he get elected. Do you believe he would deliver on his promises?

I believe he would try for all he's worth. Will he succeed? That depends on the amount of ground support he'll be able to organize. It's far from impossible, as you seem to believe. You're forgetting one simple and obvious truth: there's more of us, a whole lot more.

As for your remark on Bernie's principles: his principle while campaigning for HRC was preventing a Trump presidency. If you think that's wrong, even today, I have several bridges to sell you...

As for your remark on Bernie's principles: his principle while campaigning for HRC was preventing a Trump presidency. If you think that's wrong, even today, I have several bridges to sell you...

He got fucked by the DNC and HRC in 2016 and still toed the party line. You can't be fighting against the corrupt establishment and once it fuck you over, go on and support it because orange man bad. You are either against it or you're one of them. He showed his true colors then. Just another career politician.

He lost a lot of credibility right there and then.

I believe he would try for all he's worth. Will he succeed?

He won't succeed. He can't get all the Democrats in the Congress and the Senate on his side, let alone the Republicans. He would be a one term president that failed.

You're buying all my bridges, and paying handsomely for them; thank you!

He got fucked by the DNC and HRC in 2016 and still toed the party line.

No, he toed the party line that one time, if he did at all. This man has 40 years of history in politics and has been on the right side of that history 99% of the time. Him campaigning for the person that screwed him over exactly shows how principled he is and even more what his priorities are. Your argument here is making the case FOR him; thanks for buying bridge no. 1 :-)

You are either against it or you're one of them.

I know many people who wish life and reality were that simple. Fortunately most of us know it's not. In that black/white vision Bernie would have run as an independent; I'm so glad, and you should be so glad, that Bernie clearly sees the shades of gray and is able to navigate them so skillfully. Bridge number two for the gentleman in the back of the room, going once... Going twice... Sold!

Just another career politician.

Do I really need to address this? Thought not. Do you want that bridge gift-wrapped?

He won't succeed.

Here I'll refer back to the bridge you just acquired in our previous exchange.

Him campaigning for the person that screwed him over exactly shows how principled he is and even more what his priorities are.

His priorities being sucking up to the party.

Your argument here is making the case FOR him; thanks for buying bridge no. 1 :-)

I guess some people like little bitches such as Bernie.

This man has 40 years of history in politics and has been on the right side of that history 99% of the time.

You said it well - 40 years of history. In that 40 years he was the primary sponsor of 7 bills that were enacted. Do you know what are those bills? Most of them are naming public buildings!

Sanders is a little bitch that took it like a champ in 2016. I will not be surprised if he takes it again in 2020.

"Bernie's getting rich selling socialism to millennials."

Indeed he does, and his supporters are simply too naive to see that fact.

His message is seductive - vote for me and get free stuff.

No more student debt, free healthcare... A lot of people are hoping that they can get free stuff by voting for him, even thou it's clear that he wouldn't be able to deliver on his promises to anyone that looks realistically at the situation.

Unfortunately this is the downfall of virtually every socialist on the planet. They all offer "free stuff" without ever fully realizing that it would be financially impossible to comply with such massive expenditures. Sure, some of them are ignorant enough to claim that they will easily get the money by taxing the super rich, such as with Elizabeth Warren's view. What those people however fail to realize is that any extra taxes imposed on the super rich will simply be passed on to the rest of us through price increases of the goods and services that we purchase from them. Socialism might be a great idea if money grew on trees, but unfortunately it does not, and that is why Socialism will never work. It never has and never will.

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