Repost, Part 3, The Israelis Support Isis, Just Like Syria Supports Hezbollah, PLO and Hammas

Second most important National Socialist movement in the area is the Baathist Party. In Iraq this National Socialism expressed itself in the classic Ethnic Supremacy in this case Sunni Arab Supremacy. All Jews were driven out in 1948 in a brutal ethnic cleansing campaigm called the Farhud.
I have a Kurdish friend who lived under Saddam Hussien's rule and he has told me of his treatment by that regime.Conscripted and forced to fight the Iranians, his close ethnic cousins. Treated like second class citizens. The Shia Iraqis were also oppressed by this Arab Supremacist National Socialist Ba'ath Party

Flag of the Ba'ath Party Notice the exact same pattern and colours as the PLO Crest, The Flag of the Pan-Arab Movement, a National Socialist, Arab Supremacist movement funded and armed by the German National Socialists in it's beginnings and later staffed with escaped Nazis in it's murderous attack on Jews and dissenting Muslims throughout the Middle East.

In Syria the Baathist party is touted by defenders of the Assad Dynasty as a tolerant government that protects minorities. Compared to it's predecessors this is true of course the previous regimes had already persecuted the Jews out of the country and seized all their assets .

Other repressive measures against Jews included barring them from government service, not allowing them to own telephones or driver’s licenses, and forbidding them to buy property. The anti-Semitic attitude of Syria’s government was displayed to the world when it provided shelter for Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner, an aide to Adolf Eichmann. Initially, Lebanon allowed Syrian Jews escaping to Israel free passage through its territory. This ended when the Syrian government began confiscating the passports of Jews, and Lebanon announced that it could not allow persons through its borders without travel documents.[49] Between 1948 and 1961, about 5,000 Syrian Jews managed to reach Israel. Many Syrian Jews also immigrated to Lebanon, but a few were deported back to Syria upon the Syrian government's request.[48] The Syrian Jews in Lebanon, along with the rest of the Lebanese Jewish community, would largely leave that country for Israel, Europe, and the Americas in later years.
The Syrian government passed a number of restrictive laws against the Jewish minority. In 1948, the government banned the sale of Jewish property. In 1953, all Jewish bank accounts were frozen. Jewish property was confiscated, and Jewish homes which had been taken from their owners were used to house Palestinian refugees.
In March 1964, a new decree banned Jews from traveling more than 5 kilometres (3 mi) from their hometowns. Jews were not allowed to work for the government or banks, could not acquire drivers' licenses, and were banned from purchasing property. Although Jews were prohibited from leaving the country, they were sometimes allowed to travel abroad for commercial or medical reasons. Any Jew granted clearance to leave the country had to leave behind a bond of $300–$1,000 and family members to be used as hostages to ensure they returned. An airport road was paved over the Jewish cemetery in Damascus, and Jewish schools were closed and handed over to Muslims. The Jewish Quarter of Damascus was under constant surveillance by the secret police, who were present at synagogue services, weddings, bar mitzvahs, and other Jewish gatherings. The secret police closely monitored contact between Syrian Jews and foreigners and kept a file on every member of the Jewish community. Jews also had their phones tapped and their mail read by the secret police.

The party is called the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party the army is called the Syrian Arab Army they are still Arab Supremacists, no matter how well they treat their dhimmis.

Much has been made of Israel's support of Islamic Jihadis during the Syrian destabization campaign, do I deny this fact?

Fuck No!!!

It's about time that Israel smartened up and used the tactics her enemies have been using against them since it's recent formation as a nation state.

Syria has used Islamic Jihadis to terrorize and destabilize it's neighbors for the past seventy years.

They supported the PLO/Fatah inside Israel when they declared war in 1948 up to the present.

They supported the PLO in Lebanon, there was no tolerance for Lebanese Jews or Christians. To learn about the death squads, kidnapping and checkpoints that stopped and killed minorities look at Gaad Saad and Brigitte Gabrielle and their personal stories growing up in war torn Lebanon.
Syria's support of Jihadis in Lebanon has destroyed the country turning it from the "Jewel of the Middle East" and the only Christian country in the Middle East into an Islamist Shithole.
A third country Jordan a former ally was a victim of Syria's use of violent Jihadis. Syria tried to install the PLO as the government in Jordan. Luckily for Palestinian Arabs of Jordan the corrupt PLO was soundly defeated by the Jordanian King who knew how to deal with these scumbags.
The only successful defence against these National Socialist terrorists was Black September where the Jordanian King killed thousands of the insurrectionists and drove them into Lebanon.

Jordan feared foreign intervention in the events in support of the fedayeen; this soon materialized on 18 September after a force from Syria with Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) markings marched towards Irbid, which the fedayeen had declared a "liberated" city.[3] The 40th Armoured Brigade managed to block the Syrian forces' advance after heavy fighting.[3] A second, much larger, Syrian incursion occurred on the same day: it consisted of two armored and one mechanized infantry brigades of the 5th Infantry Division, and around 300 tanks.[3] Although the Syrian tanks had PLA markings, the troops were Syrian Army regulars. Syria issued no statement regarding the situation, but it is believed that the purpose of its intervention was to help the fedayeen overthrow the monarchy.[3] Another tentative explanation is that the Syrians wanted to create a haven for the fedayeen in northern Jordan, from where they could negotiate with Hussein.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah leader of Hezbollah

But I’ll tell you. Among the signs […] and signals which guide us, in the Islamic prophecies and not only in the Jewish prophecies, is that this State [of Israel] will be established, and that the Jews will gather from all parts of the world into occupied Palestine, not in order to bring about the anti-Christ and the end of the world, but rather that Allah the Glorified and Most High wants to save you from having to go to the ends of the world, for they have gathered in one place–they have gathered in one place–and there the final and decisive battle will take place.

"There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel."

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah

Notice the Salute...

Now we come to Syria's closest ally Hezbollah. Islamic Jihadis funded and armed by Syria.
Hezbollah is not satisfied with it's takeover of Lebanon it calls for the destruction of Israel and if wasn't for the Syrian war Hezbollah would have been preparing or engaged in war with Israel.
Showing their true Nazi colours Hezbollah partnered with Argentine Neo-Nazis and blew up a Jewish community center completely destroying their claim to only hate Israel and not all Jews.

What is always left out of conversation about Israelis vs Arabs is the Islamic doctrines concerning Jews and their absolute hatred, reflected in the Quran, Hadiths and in popular media.

Instead of believing Palestinian press releases listen to the speeches the leaders give to their own people and to other Islamic countries.

The crime Israel is guilty of is breaking out of the bonds of servitude that the Islamic Conquest had placed on them for the past fourteen hundred years.

The Arab's concept of honour cannot accept a former Islamic land liberated from the oppression of Sharia law especially by former helots known in the Middle East as Dhimmis.

This is just another front of the Islamic Jihad against Unbelievers

Further Reading And Sources

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