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RE: Repost; Latvians were heavily over-represented in the Bolshevik Party, So Communism is a Latvian Conspiracy.

This is the main problem of the West, Compassion as a Vice, totally the fault of Jewish ideologies, LOL, Christianity and the Talmud, LOL( of course Compassion as a virtue is probably their fault and a day off from work,etc).

It's also the reason why so many left leaning and far-left Jews are now so suspicious...

In my opinion the reason the left has turned against Israel is because at first the socialist Zionists sold Israel as the new Socialist Utopia and socialists around the world held their bated breath in quivering ecstasy, gloating over the success of the kibbutz movement.

Socialists jews especially but when things didn't go full socialist(how dare you Israelis betray the revolution and not starve yourself) they turned against you and once again the Soviet Union allied itself with the National Socialists (PLO/Fatah) putting the weight of their massive propaganda machine against Israel.

Just like they convinced the world that Walt Disney was a Nazi they convinced the world that Jews in the middle east were oppressors and that the pogroming, supremacist, conquering, intolerant, racist, slaver Arabs Dindunuffin'.

When the Soviet Union allied itself with the Nazis American Socialists overnight stopped being anti-nazi, so too with Israel even socialist Jews turned upon her, giving us lying scum like Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein who poisoned generations of our youth.

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