
2 years ago I stopped using it and finally February this year I deleted my account. Funny thing, while secure phones are business for me, I want to get rid completely from using phones. Enjoyed 3 posts of you today :) - and not on the phone.

I don't even chat to people on facebook since joining on Steemit lol.. I am proud to say that i have an account since years, maybe even 10 years, and none of my info was ever true that I provided. Im lucky never to have had the name on my passport linked to me on facebook :) What exiting days we are living in to see the outcome of all this data leaking and selling etc ..

Nice to meet you.. Thor?

added.. just followed you and saw your name :) hygellig!

I'm even more bothered by the very probable fact that the so called "social media" is very influenced by government or near organizations. And I have the feeling that the point is to succeed 3 things with it:

  • controlling the slaves/drones
  • making the slaves uncomfortable to say what they really think, and avoid herewith uprising groups
  • making the slaves even more dizzy with more and more information and disinformation

In the year 2004 I stopped reading newspaper, watching tv and listening radio. Since then I was searching more and more information about the world we are living in and questioning also more and more. Sometimes I'm so tired of this fucked up world that I wish for a moment I would be one of the drones - but this is only for few seconds in my mind.
Nice to meet you moving man - couldn't find your name yet, if it is even in your posts. But how I have at the moment to move a lot and I have the issue open more on more tabs on the browser with post I wanted also to read, it will take me some more time to maybe find a hint :) But I look forward to see you one day in real life. Hygellig! (Just learned a new word in Norwegian)

My name is Dan, but im staying anon on here :) That;s really cool to avoid media for so long! Im 8 years at least in being free from reading any mainstrem news and its peaceful!!

I wish for a moment I would be one of the drones - but this is only for few seconds in my mind.

I had this the first few years - and yes like you say it lasts just a second lol. I was waiting one time 3 days at a gas station for a ride in my early days of moving around, and a for the first day i was getting pissed off that i couldn't get a ride.. then that thought came to me and I answered out loud " Still id rather be sat here than sat on a sofa in a house!"

Its amazing how deep the conditioning really is that even like us, we have had that thought "ignorance is bliss" "why did i ever ask questions" but the truth is we would be very sick and find it unbearable to go backwards, because we are awake!
what country are you in? Welcome to Steemit by the way! I hope to be reading some cool stuff from you perspectiv of life!!


Also i have one post with a libary where i managed to collect links for all my posts.. maybe oneday steemit will have a "search" option to type in a title of a post to save people looking through!

Just had the idea to find it for you !

Thank you :)
Normally, at least at the moment I search for the introduction post, what is often very hard because it's buried under all the hundreds of new posts. How you manage this with the link list. I had experienced that I couldn't change my (first) post anymore after 7 days.
But I have maybe an I some minutes busy with the steem-python library :) I wil let you know.

Its true, you can only edit a post for 7 days.. i just copied the links and wrote a new post, and just have it saved on a word file and I add to it and re-save. man you should just be working with programming if you arn't already? i am not tech friendly at all hahahaha i get lost with anything more than firefox!

:D I am ;) Till I got caged I made secure phones - and I think to start over another time with it. But for long term I want to make my living with stuff to bring more freedom and voluntaryism further.

Posted using Partiko Android

You should try find Steemians that are doing the coding or whatever its called, a fantastic idea and looks easy to accomplish! will be very useful indeed :) Im not sure who to show it too on here though?

At the moment I am a little bit busy, but in a free minute (or 3h) I will put up an page to search for the introduction post of the user. Also I dislike the search on steemit through google, so here it would be also nice to make a nice search interface.

Posted using Partiko Android

And the end I did it although I had should done other things. Later, probably more tomorrow, I will write a post about it. But now you can enter a users name in and if there is in the first 15 posts one tagged with introduceyourself it will show this post :)


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