Sodomite: Love Sounds Like Hate: Michael Heath Blog #102

in #informationwar5 years ago

Michael Heath is a friend and Christian brother who USED TO BE the head of Maine's most important Christian organization--The Christian Civic League of Maine. That is until it was undermined by sodomite sympathizers within the churches in Maine who forced his removal about 10 year ago now. Since then, Maine, like the rest of the nation, has been on a downward spiral of continued coddling of evil, and the results of that are everywhere, from the push to normalize pedophilia, bestiality, polygamous marriages, etc., to other backpedaling betrayals of Christian principles in matters of the family, the protection of innocent life, mandatory vaccination, etc.

Mike and his wife Paulie remain avid and active Christian Warriors, and their ministry "Helping Hands" deserves the support of all people who care about life, family, and social issues. Here is an example of Mike's good work, and how the state's second largest newspaper, The Bolshevik Dorogoy Novosti--sometimes known by it's English equivalent "The Bangor Daily News" and the Southern Poverty Law Center described him recently:

Mike has asked me to re-post articles from his blog here on, and I told him I would be glad to do so, as they are witty, well-written, and most importantly poignantly charged with Christian principles and issues surrounding the need for the return of the militant church.


"People who know you love them will be drawn to your lifestyle quicker than if all they hear is your condemnation." — A Pastor

Sodomite: Love Sounds Like Hate

Christian pastors are always the first to publicly and privately resist the use of the word “sodomite.” I used it a bunch of times in my columns this week. A pastor texted a friend. He said, “As for LBGTQ+, here is my basic question: do you love the people for whom Christ died? How do you treat people you love? Call them names... etc?”

It is always less important to agree to disagree than it is to disagree to agree. I will enter into my response to this pastor’s question with this in mind. My prayer will be that in God’s time we will agree. In the meantime I will ferociously disagree with this pastor … especially his supporting arguments in the text.

In his short text of no more than one hundred and fifty words he uses the word “love” three times, the acronym “LGBTQ+” once and the decidedly accurate word “sodomite” exactly zero times. His “love” argument is vacuous — meaningless.

There was not a shred of hate or personal animus in the columns where I used the designation “sodomite” in my discussion about the effects of the so-called “gay” agenda on Western Civilization. My COLUMNs often lean polemical, but there is not any hate in my heart or mind for sodomites and their ideological allies in culture and religion.

My use of the word sodomite in the context of this debate is precise. It is accurate in a biblical, cultural and political sense. It is also psychologically helpful because it appeals to our instincts. It cuts to the heart. It cuts between bone and marrow, just like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of course it is personal. What could be more personal than the use of political and religious chaos to destroy the simple and beautiful idea of marriage in an entire civilization?

And what are we really talking about when the debate involving all things gay emerges? Aren’t we talking about supremely personal matters. What could be more personal than mutilating your genitals? That’s the latest cause celebre to lock arms under the rainbow in solidarity with this post-modernist, cultural marxist agenda.

There was a time … thousands of years actually … when much of the world thought of the rainbow as the symbol of God’s promise never to flood the world again.

No more. Now the rainbow is all about having great love. In this happy new world order all sex is GOOD sex as long as it’s consensual. Animals, and supposedly children, cannot give consent but why diddle about non-essentials when it comes to sex … right? We’ve more pleasurable diddling to think about.

Obviously “gays” don’t really mean sex when they are pushing their agenda. Like a demon they have possessed an idealized definition of the word “love.” What’s indicated here as a remedy is a polemical exorcism of their linguistic philandering. The “gay” demon must be personally cast out of the definition of the word “love.”

This fact is what Christian pastors and priests are intentionally and willfully avoiding. The truth in this debate has NOTHING to do with love. This debate is about a supremely materialistic force coming up against a supremely spiritual force.

Love is not the opposite of hate. It’s like light and dark. You can’t create enough darkness to overcome even a spark or candle. Darkness is not a thing. It is simply the absence of light. Light is the reality. Darkness is the absence of light.

Hate is what fills space and time when there is no love.

It is supremely UNLOVING — and dishonest — to avoid using the word sodomite in order to prove “love.” This represents such a diabolical use of reason that it comes close to being hate itself.

I realize that I’m doubling and tripling down. How can I not?

God sends sodomites to an eternal hell. I’m supposed to play linguistic games with the word “love” to try to “save” them? Not me. I’m fine with having my sincere heartfelt love SOUND LIKE HATE if it helps just one person awaken from this nightmare.


We have lost the invaluable faculty of being shocked—a faculty which has hitherto almost distinguished the Man or Woman from the beast or the child. -- C.S. Lewis


Helping Hands Ministries * 237 Byerly Street * Mt. Airy, NC * 27030


Hey Steve, This is my first post to Steemit in months. Thanks so much for your kind words above, and for reposting some of my weekly output. I appreciate it a lot! Also, thanks for helping me earlier in the year to wrap my mind around the Steemit platform. You even gave me some of your meager "earnings" from the blogging you do here! I love the idea behind Steemit, but still find the whole thing mind boggling. Maybe time will permit more dabbling here as the end of the year approaches. We shall see. In the meantime, keep up your great work here. I'm glad to see the platform appears to be living up to it's free speech commitment. You are still here!!!

Still here...but BARELY, brother. I did get the first decent support TODAY, I'v had in several

I've asked the Lord to intervene against my antagonizer, but His will be done...

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