I wanna know...how does criticizing a lobbying group make you "anti-semitic," & what has Israel ever done for the USA?

in #informationwar6 years ago


I am no fan of Omar Ilhan (or whatever her name is) and her radical leftist politics, but I honestly don't see why you can call someone "anti-Semitic" merely because they challenge the inordinate power of certain lobbyists in Washington D.C.. and the very powerful Israeli lobbying groups that can (and repeatedly do) make or break political careers. IT IS A FACT THAT YOU CAN NOT SUCCESSFULLY RUN FOR CONGRESS IF YOU OPENLY CALL FOR A BALANCED MIDDLE EAST FOREIGN POLICY, OR IF YOU CRITICIZE THE HARD-LINE LIKUD POLICIES OF ISRAEL'S LEADERSHIP. Period. That is not anti-Semitic. It is THEIR POLICY at AIPAC and at the ADL, pure and simple.

(Miss Blue Turban herself...ahem. Image courtesy of Twincities.com.)

Under the reality of what Pat Buchanan once called Israel's "Amen Corner" in Washington, you must bow and scrape before the ADL/AIPAC if you want to run for anything above the level of state representative. THAT IS A FACT. Just ask Rand Paul, who DID do that to get the okay to run for the U.S. Senate despite being occasionally critical of Israeli expansionism since being elected.

THIS IS AMERICA, and we have a right to question ANY authority that can make policies affecting Americans. That includes foreign policies that prefer some nations over others in violation of our founding principles and the advice of our first President (and the father of our Revolution and our country.)

Faux News is interviewing Ari Flesicher as I type this and there is no disclaimer on the screen to let the average listener know that this guy is a dual loyalist, if not and Israel-firster. That is NOT "FAIR & BALANCED" in any way, shape or form.

The American taxpayers have handed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to the modern nation-state since their inception in 1948. I DEMAND TO KNOW what we have gotten in return? And, don't feed me this B.S. about Israel being "the only democracy in the Middle East" and blah, blah, best ally, blah, blah... I WANT FACTS as to how U.S. taxpayers have been repaid for all the largess our Israeli-lobby-approved legislators have shuffled to the Likudists in Israel.

Americans, like citizens of any other country, have the inherent right to stand up for what is in the best interest of OUR country.

Don't you dare throw your bogus labels at me for standing up for MY country and MY people.


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israel has gotten amerika into wars forever and now we cant get out of them cause its snowballed and not only that there is israel agents in govt controlling everything
i guess we are both anti semitic since we have a different opinion from the govt and media
keep it up man you post a lot lol
oh yeah and i upvoted for my two cents lol

You are so right and this is one of the things I cannot wrap my head around. How is it possible that the strongest country in the world acts like the lapdog of such a small country. Either Israel has more power over the US than we can imagine or...I dont have another explanation - anyone?

Jewish lobbies are very, very wealthy...and tied in with the global banking cartel...? Just guessing.

Thanks for the comment. Following, and upvoting you, if you have anything recent to upvote...

nope you are not guessing there is proof everywhere if you know where to look
great article

Old sumarian & babylonian bloodlines hiding behind the Jews,
and anytime you criticize you're "anti-semitic".

Nobody even used the word Jewish or "Jew" at all...(as if that mattered...)

For me, and I can't speak for that Muslim Rep, this has ZERO to do with race and religion, and everything to do with national sovereignty.

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