GMO babies given green light by the "Ethics Council" at the twisted E.U. : YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

IMHO, if anything finally brings down the wrath of an Almighty God, this will be it! Mankind, in their technocratic hubris has decided it can do better than God and "make man in their own (twisted) image." Here is an article with all the gory details in yesterday's "Technocracy News:"

Here is the key excerpt:

"The Nuffield Council on Bioethics said that changing the DNA of a human embryo could be 'morally permissible' if it was in the future child’s interests and did not add to the kinds of inequalities that already divide society. The report does not call for a change in UK law to permit genetically altered babies, but instead urges research into the safety and effectiveness of the approach, its societal impact, and a widespread debate of its implications. 'It is our view that genome editing is not morally unacceptable in itself,' said Karen Yeung, chair of the Nuffield working group and professor of law, ethics and informatics at the University of Birmingham. 'There is no reason to rule it out in principle.'"

Did you catch the bit about "if it did not add to the kinds of inequalities that already divide society?" That's the whole problem right there in a nutshell. We have E.U. bureauRATS now grasping for the power to "fix" inequalities in society. Maybe they can make boys intO girls, in utero. ..or those nasty "whites" to something else..or "too intelligent" babies into more pliable worker bees for the global police state. Get my drift? Nobody should be making decisions about the entire futures of specific human INDIVIDUALS except their Creator...NO ONE-- Not parents, grandparents, "ethics" or religious ministers, or bureauRATS with a massive ego rush.

Technocrats rule the governments of the West (and probably soon the entire world) and now, they literally are seeking to rule the entire future of humanity. Despite this report calling for lots of discussion and public input before any final "rules" are laid down by the bogus, disintegrating "European Union" to tell parents what they can and can't do with their own offspring, we need to realize how absolutely slick this particular slippery slope really is.

No one can tell me-- despite the best intentions of the most deceived among us who think they can safely play God-- that this "well-intended" program to "fix inequality" and "prevent diseases" won't eventually be used (if it isn't already being used surreptitiously) to create "super humans" for the world's best armies, cosmetic changes to make babies beautiful and bright, and so forth and so on. These idiots actually admit that they really have no idea if what they are discussing is even really safe (if you read the whole article). And yet, they are ready to open up the possibility of GMO babies to public discussion?

These people are insane. Every mother's child of them needs to be edited out of the gene pool ASAP before they literally destroy the human race.


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they probably have those underground researches on-going.
Media can't see all.

Right...and they certainly wouldn't tell all, even if they could.

howdy again @mepatriot! yes sir, I read years ago about the experimenting at the underground facilities where they are doing alot of demonic research trying among other things to develop super soldiers.
it's this area here that makes one wonder how long God will allow it to go on, us playing God?

Agreed. Can't be long now, brother.... Keep that double-edged sword polished....

hahaha! good advice.

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