Bill Browder...the name you need to remember. The reason the Putin-Trump Summit really happened.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Putin may not be a great guy. He was (and may still be) a diehard communist. As head of the KGB, I am SURE many innocent people were tortured, sent to The Gulag, or worse. But, Putin, like Trump seems (at least publicly) to have had a conversion. Despite all the propaganda and lies of the deep state (which has always included its allies in Moscow) I can't help but still give people, even politicians, the benefit of the doubt--especially when their actions and public statements match a fair amount of the time.

That having been said...I want to start this piece with the caveat that, YES, I am also aware of the Rockefeller Communist/Globalist plan to merge the "Soviet Union" (now Russia) with the U.S.A., and have written about that extensively in these pages. However, with that possibility still lurking, what I DO KNOW, is that it has been Putin (not so much Trump) who has been standing up for morality, against the blatant anti-Christian agendas, etc., the past many years. AND, it appears, from his statements at Helsinki about Bill Browder, that he is trying to let the American people know that HE KNOWS who foisted Communism and 70+ years of repression on his people.

I encourage you to Google "Bill Browder" and see how all the establishment sources are rallying around one of their threatened billionaire fellow travelers. The unanimty of opinion is breathtaking. As always, the reality is something quite different.

Once you've read a couple of the MSM reports about this "poor, persecuted little Putin foe" read the truth:

"Putin, using harsh tactics and forces, has twisted free (at least temporarily) Russia being under complete Illuminati control. The Deep State is in the process of a Coup D Etat in the USA, Russia and Britain that voted to get free from the EU trap for World Government. Paul Ryan is part of that operation and unknown to most is very closely related to skull & bones David Boran (OK U) who trains people for Justice Department, Interpol, FBI, CIA Etc.

Communist and Cashist agent Earl Browder help to create the Communist militant wing of Marxism organizing as head of the Communist Party in the USA. The Communists were used "take-out" those in the way of the Cashist controlled Fabian operation under various names including Industrial League for Democracy and the Americans for Democratic Action (includes Ronald Reagan).

Just as Dr. Armand Hammer, son of founder of the Communist Party USA was instrumental in supporting Reagan's rise in the political arena ... Hammer paid to organize "crowds" for Reagan's campaign for California Governor. General Electric G.E. picked up where Cord Meyer left off … G.E. was key in the coordination of remolding Reagan (See America's Secret Establishment). Dr. Anthony Sutton expose of G.E.'s and the important address of 120 Broadway in constructing World Government will give anyone a leap in understanding. And later Hammer sponsored a $1,000 a plate dinner for Reagan in Century City ... Find ... expose by Gary Richard Arnold / Anthony J. Hilder see historic tabloid distributed at event ...

The grand son of 1930's Communist Party USA boss, Earl Browder is Bill Browder. Like Illuminati apparatchik William F. Browder is used by the shadow government to cripple both Putin and Trump. We see ... swimming in the same swamp ... those attacking U.S. sovereignty ... Earl Browder, along with the Clintons, Panetta and others.

(Bill) Browder working with the U.S. Deep State was the driving force behind the "Magnitsky Act" which placed sanctions on certain Russian officials for the alleged "murder" of some traitor lawyer in Russia. Those controlled in the Senate by the Deep State are voting to prevent Russians from interrogating Americans ... "who have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia". Business associates of his (Bill Browder) have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia,” Mr. Putin said. “They never paid any taxes. Neither in Russia nor in the United States. Yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States.

They sent huge amounts of money, $400 million, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.“we have solid reason to believe that some (Deep State) intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions.”"


So, now you know the real reason for the Helsinki Summit. In my opinion, Putin has been dying for the opportunity to get this information on the record, and to force Trump to respond to it. So far, it seems Trump hasn't said a word. That billionaire's code of honor never to rat out or persecute a fellow billionaire seems to be iron clad. If anyone reading this article has other information, please do share it.

Putin could have gone deeper...much deeper. He could have discussed the Rockefellers and the Wall Street financiers connections to the very founding of the Soviet Union. He could have exposed the entire Comintern plan for a globalist world government. He could have mentioned the fact that Lenin was somehow shuffled by train with billions in counterfeit rubles DURING THE HEIGHT OF WW I...across Germany...against which Russia was then at war...all the way to Moscow to be in position for the 1917 revolutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

(Bill Browder, photo courtesy of

That he didn't...yet...means there may be many more "boots to drop" from Comrade Putin. We shall see.

But for now, be aware that Putin knows we need to know, and that Trump is at a crossroads with the whole "global swamp" thing. We'll keep watching. You do that too.


THANK YOU very much @mepatriot....
Now I see the things much, much clearer...
I can read faces pretty good and I was always wondering why Trump was looking so compunctious on the summit... But now I know...
Thank you very much and best regards

Thanks for the comment, Tom. I'm not SURE of anything anymore, but it is certainly worth considering.

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