A Facebook "Supreme Court" is on the way. Conservatives, patriots and Christians need not apply...I'm sure.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

What a farce this is destined to be. Facebook--which never saw a liberal/socialist/Communist principle they didn't like-- is promising to set up a sort of court of "appeals" for content providers who have ALREADY HAD THEIR FIRST-AMENDMENT RIGHTS VIOLATED by these idiots, to see if, perhaps, they MIGHT get something done about their blatant treason against the people and the Republic.

(Image courtesy of capoliticalreview.com.)

Check out this link:


Here's an excerpt:

"'If someone disagrees with a decision we've made, they can appeal to us first, and soon they will be able to further appeal this to the independent board,' company CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a letter (PDF). 'As an independent organization, we hope it gives people confidence that their views will be heard and that Facebook doesn't have the ultimate power over their expression.'

The board will launch with at least 11 members and should eventually get up to 40. The entity will contract its services to Facebook. Participants will serve a maximum of three three-year terms each and will be paid for their time. Their decisions will 'be made publicly available and archived in a database of case decisions,' with details subject to certain data or privacy restrictions. Facebook can also contact the board for an "automatic and expedited review" in exceptional circumstances, 'when content could result in urgent real world consequences,' such as, for example, if a mass-murderer is livestreaming his crimes."

(Image courtesy of...yes...facebook.com...lol...)

Please hold me down. I am laughing SO hard right now about the prospect of Facebook actually setting up an "independent" organization to oversee their own activities. Do they think all of us are SJW's born yesterday?...lol...

What could possibly go wrong with THIS plan??


All I have to say to the people that keep complaining about how Facefart (and others) is treating them is, Stop trying to "fix" it and...

Just leave already.

You don't need them.

Yes I understand that, "all my contacts, friends, whatever" are on facefart. But you understand how this works, right? "Lots of people use it, because lots of people use it" and on the flip side "if lots of people leave, lots more will leave"

It's kind of a physical reality, "the masses will follow the masses", lemmings.

So stop being a complainer and start being a leader.

DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, instead of whining and begging "the problem" (ThemTube, FaceFart, Twatter, et. al.) to magically fix itself..

Come over to https://steemit.com, https://d.tube, https://3speak.online and experience what free speach is supposed to look, er, sound like.

It's not perfect. Trolls will still troll and dickheads will still be dicky but the "Man" CAN'T shut you down with some stupid arbitrary rule or some "board of appeals".

The biggest thing you need to understand is.. In "the world of freedom" you will need to take care of yourself. There is no "Man" to protect you from "other opinions" or to "reset your password".

It's all up to you. Live your life your way. If you want to be controlled by someone else, that's your right. I'm just trying to tell you, you don't have to.

Yea...I haven't had a Facebook account for about 8-9 years now, and only had it for like a year to begin with.

Yeah these fucking FB idiots just opened a can of worms on their own ass by calling themselves a publisher rather than a platform, now they can be held responsible for everything that happens on their site... Can't wait to see the lawsuits start rolling in soon for defimation of character, loss of wages and million other things they are now responsible for.. Good, I hope they crash and burn!

Oh yeah, and I'd like to see @bloom try to down vote this post into the gray! LMAO

Oh he will. He doesn't even look at the posts.

Totally with ya on FB. Schmuckerberg should have been jail a long time ago.

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Laura Loomer is suing as they said they are a publisher the other day, like this week, they admitted, and yet they were getting black contract money from governments, liability protection, etc.

Thanks, Joey. I do hope she wins!

This is one of the funniest things I've seen for awhile!

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