
Our mind is workingshop for all accomplishments and strategies. But, often times, we clog that pathway to a productive mindset with our retrospective attitude.

Sometimes, many brood on their past glory or even defeat. Eventually, what they say and conclude will be like this. What if have taken that turn, what if have applied that tactics, that one maneuver could have changed everything.

But, the problem, though isn't that you think of the way forward too late. The problem is that we have this intuition that we lack the residual knowledge. Meanwhile, it is a wrong approach.
What is responsible for the defeat, failure we had in the past is the fact that we shut our mind from the present moment and we were not sensitive to the circumstances.

The mind is a potential battlefield for war. It is a point where you harness your strategy and a starting point for all war.

“... this statement is incredibly true and a fact but when the mind is constantly backwardly focused. That is, the mind is on a track that is set on repeat” (it will be very difficult for it to receive or conserve new approach to developing circumstances of the present.)

NB: It should be noted that this content and every other related contents on this subject are not aimed to stir up any individual, association or communities to rebel. But just a logical reasoning for building the subconscious minds.
Also, if you didn't watch that video immediately you click this post. Your mind is not here (lol)


Napoleon Hill was asked a great question that what principles of war did he follow? His replied shocked me cos I was expecting a grandeur formula or formation from this genius but he said “NONE”. While his strategy was basically to follow the trends and respond to the circumstances.
Don't ever think you're an island of all knowledge, don't be an “ITK” , don't be full of yourself not to learn from others and circumstances.
Your challenge should not be that you're faced with a new situation, but often times let your challenge be that you know nothing about the present situation. And you are ready to start learning all over again.

Let me cite this as a exsample;
Like thousand years ago, the means of communication between humans was really absurd & crude. And sometimes, it can take forever before the recipient get the message.
Imagine someone from 21st century age employed that means of communication as a strategy to communicate.

What do you have to say to the person/individual?

I can guess your reply, what happened to Fax machine, Email, telegraph and so on.

That is what happened when you fix your mind on the past. The greatest generals ain't the one with the best physique or accurate knowledge. But they're always ready to drop their pre-conceived ideas and fix their gaze on the present moment.


Strat III

Don't Fight a Lost Battle
Some of our generals failed cos they worked out everything by rule. They knew what Frederick did at one place, and Napoleon at another. They were always thinking about what Napoleon would do... I don't underrate the value of military knowledge, but if men make war in slavish observance to rules, they will fail. - Ulysses S. Grant

Note that, nothing is constant. Nothing will ever stay the same way forever. And keeping up with situations as they unfold requires a wealth of mental fluidity. Let your mind stay pure and neutral to circumstances, and revolve around it like the mind of a little child. It never stopped absorbing new experiences day after day.

Sometimes, we need to do what we got to do. Force yourself to strike out in a different dimension, even if it involves taking risks.


I'm not a motivational speaker but an individual that posses a true mind

You can check my previous series below;

How To Master Your Warfare Series I
How To Master Your Warfare Series II
How To Master Your Warfare Series III



Me I dinnor watch the video o, we are managing data, can't you see that market is red?
I wee have to sell 2 sbd to do subscription.

Nice Rotting Wulf avatar do you like their knives?

Sure, a great avatar. 👊

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