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RE: A short analysis of Elizabeth Warren's education plan for free college, Sander's plan is similar but smaller!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

some shootings are not based on the hate towards people, but based on current emotional states, like kids being bullied and going to a school shooting, or being rejected by their lover... ofcourse you can have an inefficient killing such as that time when there was a psychological unstable axemurderer on a german train, but since they are slow and inefficient there is more time to stop them...

germany has a successfull ban on carrying guns... guns need to be locked in volts and you need to have a licence to even own a gun (not any gun)... and im not being killed...

trump was first in bombing syria (first to attack syria directly instead of "only" funding terrorists in syria to destabilize syria)... his bombing was against international law, and he justified it based on false american media reports about the chemical attack in Douma. German and Russian media have though found evidence that there never was a chemical attack, and the OPCW report was faulty as well...

OPCW only found clorine, which is not a nerve gas that Syria is accused of, and clorine is available to be bought by anyone... while OPCW claims it took 10 days to get to the site, and hence they believe the evidence might be doctored, reporters got there instantly, discrediting their claims...

Trump and Bush is an Ass as well, but if i had to choose between Biden, Bloomberg or Trump i would rather have trump.... Bernie, Warren and Yang i would prefer...


The "justification" for someone deciding to end the life of another is a side issue that I lump into Hate as a short hand because hate is always a part, unless they are serial killers.The root problem is the decision to kill someone else, not the device used to achieve that end. There was a mass killing in China, where over 50 school kids were killed...he used a knife! We had a mass killing down south here, where he killed six people, because people didn't know he was killing; because he used a knife!

It is a heart issue!

I hate to tell you this, but Chlorine gas (AKA Mustard Gas) is listed as a WMD, first used by Germany in WWI. So use of Mustard Gas is a WMD attack. Nerve gas or Chemical gas, both kill, just in different ways. According to General Asad, who helped arrange the move, Syria is where WMD's were moved to, when we took too long as a coalition, to move on Iraq.

I am in favor of the US leaving the rest of the World to take care of their own defense, but with all the defense agreements in place, today we are still being tasked with Police actions. By these same agreements, use of a WMD can be responded to by use of a WMD (which is damn stupid) to stop it. So Syria could have been hit a lot harder. I WANT US OUT of all of this, we have lost too many good Men defending those who hate us anyway.

Bernie is a Communist, and if he got in, this Republic would fail quickly. A crash here would be reflected across the entire World. Warren has Zero chance, her health care 'coverage' would bankrupt this country.

At least with President Trump, our economy is good, but the liberals are still spending us into oblivion, with record deficit spending! They spend four times what we take in, and she wants to spend can NOT continue.

ALL Politicians are Asses, or they wouldn't be there. What we have to watch out for is those that do Not understand, that all things MUST be paid for!

I also believe that politicians found on the take, should be hung upon conviction! They should be held to a higher standard, not given a pass....

Our most violent places in our country, are the places with the most stringent anti gun laws. They have so many killings in LA, Chicago, and NYC; that they make the numbers for this entire country look bad! I have a 9mm in my pocket right now, not to hurt someone, but I will NOT be harmed in turn.


china uses the stabbings to justify the concentration camps in china, while it pays supporters to do stabbings during the hong kong protest (there have been so many)... a chinese whistleblower spy turned him self over in australia and confessed on tv how he got people without knowing to spy for china in hk and else where and got people attacked in hk...

owning weapons there is illegal and people are constanty surpressed... ofcourse there will be some people who get violent... this has more to do with respecting basic human dignity and rights and the evil doing of an oppressive regime and less with hate...

chlorine is still not a nerve gas and there are different types of chemical weapons and how they work... chemical weapons in ww1 for example often burned your lungs or eyes... the videos released by the white helmets showed supposed nerve gas symptoms which was not true... chlorine is accessible by terrorists, while nerve gas needs a proper production facility... the time at which the chlorine was released also incidented the time government forces took over the terrorist controlled douma... white helmets is one of the terroristic organizations that gets big funding from trump... they release a great amount of videos of them "saving people" from bombing attacks that are supposedly from assad, and the bodies of the people they saved are later found without organs no matter how minor the injury was of the people they saved...

I agree that trump should pull out militarily from the world... US has been so far creating its own enemies in a perpetual cycle of war... afghanistan: taliban was created because of US funding terrorists to make soviets pull out of afghanistan... Osama was funded in the beginning by US, so was ISIS, which formed due to the uneven powerdistribution after hussein...

about gun laws: what is wrong with many democrats aspiring for US to become more like a european like country? europe is not a bad place you know. shootings are rare, we have more immigrants and are more diverse, free education, free healthcare... why so pessimistic about europe?

False Flag attacks, to justify suppression is a common tactic used by all governments to take rights away from Citizens. They are using them here too. US based liberals are trying to follow the National Socialists game plan here today.

They are being stopped by the US Constitution as planned by our Founding Fathers. They intended that if our government became oppressive (like yours has) we will have the hardware to tell them no, and to make it stick.

I would like to see us pull out of the World, defund the UN, pull out of NATO. Other countries can pay for their own defense and provide their own blood. The money and deaths is not appreciated anyway; and the UN is a bad joke. I am tired of paying their bill only to have them spit on us!

Well, I like to be free to say what I believe, instead of being arrested for speaking my mind like in Europe. Europe is dead from the cancer that is socialism. Freedom is a thing of the past when the government can bring in those who rape your women, and make it prison time to speak up against these evil people! The torture of regulations will not allow you to breathe free, and the liberals only support them to gain more control over honest people.

The problem with liberals attacking the Right to bear arms is that it is Illegal here, because it is against our Constitution. It is actually treason to do so....

The ACA (Obamacare) here DESTROYED medical R&D in the USA in 2008. I worked in Medical R&D for three decades, and I have dozens of patents on new designs, and there is ZERO work in R&D here because the return on Investment (ROI) is gone. Better not need any cutting edge medical procedure, it will be fatal.

The project I was working on when this shut down occurred, would have saved over 750,000 people if they had not passed this debacle! We led the entire World in new medical equipment, but now Israel is the only source for real Medical R&D.

false flag attacks are only deceiving voters and allied countries... they are an attack on us aswell...

europe is not an oppressive regime. i can say whatever i want, and people can get a gun licence and go to a shooting range if they wanna practice shooting, or even own a gun at home... if people have a gun at home and not running around in public with it, it could still prevent a "democide"...

I saw USA today on the news blockading WTO appoint new judges, which might destroy world trade as we know it... Europe needs to become more agile in politics to keep up with US putting everything in disarray and replace all US "world" institution with relyable ones...

We agree on False Flag attacks.

Europe IS limiting free speech. Just try to say something not Politically incorrect.

I posted this yesterday:

I posted about six months ago, on a US Citizen in the UK; who THOUGHT she had free speech there, until she was jailed. DO AS YOU ARE TOLD, and you are fine; step over the line, and get stepped on. Empirically, Europe is NOT free...only deceived. If they know where Every firearm is , they only need to collect them up, before they kill you....

Europe is welcome to the UN Police force spot. Of course if the USA begins support for the UN that Equals everyone else, the UN may go away. Enjoy it....

We disagree on Europe replacing the US in Police work. It is no more YOUR business than it is OUR Business. Let them take care of their own problems, it is after all, THEIR business. Providing the elected government with wepaons to defend themselves is okay with me, but keep our troops home in case they try to go more socialists here!


its strange to hear that europe limits free speech from a country that sentences journalistic methods like used by assage with 175 years prison time... its dangerous to be a whistleblower there...
check the freedom of press index. A lot of european countries rank first and Germany 13th...
i can say whatever i want anywhere in europe... germany might give issues since it is illegal to deny the holocaust (for obvious historic reasons), and an employer can fire you if they dont align with you politically... but otherwise you are free to say what u want... in UK u might get your career ruined if you say anything against israel, but the same problem is in the US, and UK is soon outside europe...

UN is not equal. its a fighting ground between the 5 "winner" nations, hence UN is unable to make decisions and becomes useless...

Europe has much more business there, as we are connected by land to the countries US is waging wars at. Europe is not oil hungry, gets a steady supply from russia and aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, yet we get all refugees from US their wars. peace is in Europes interest, not the US interest. still US forces european companies to participate in the Iran sanctions, and uses nato to force european countries to participate in the illegal bombing of syria. compared to russia, US hunger for war has become a much greater threat to the peace on our continent.

and US is not providing weapons to elected government, but terrorists and cruel dictators (yemen and FSA terrorists in syria)... provide weapons to countries attacking other nations (saudi, turkey and israel attacking syria and yemen)... US funds the war against russian separists, despite the electrion from the ukrainian peace agreement minsk2 turning out in favor of them wanting to join russia.

I don't like what they did to him, but he published classified materials. We have had liberals in charge for too long, so they are ignoring our Constitution, and need some retraining by way of prison. Working on that right now, then we can get him out by pardon.

You can be arrested in Germany for voicing an opinion against Islam. Give them time to affect your government, and they will erase the Holocaust too....
The firing over Politics is disturbing, since it has no effect on job performance.

The UN is not functional, and is expensive for no results. All the UN seems to do is censure Israel for being hit by Hamas rockets....

NO ONE has business there, unless they are Living there. Proximity gives no special rights, and the ability to drive there does not mean you have the right to run their affairs. The USA is exporting oil, so I can NOT understand why they keep messing over there! You guys are the oil hungry bunch....

NATO is the reason you are not speaking Russian, I am just tired of carrying the load. Europe has recovered, and Russia has been dismembered; so you guys should be able to handle your own problems. I do NOT understand why anyone would buy from those who want you dead. You buy from Russia, we buy from China; both ideas are insane!

The providing weapons to elected governments is on MY want list. I also want us out of the Middle East, with the exception of assisting Israel, IF WE had not limited them in wars they have fought; there wouldn't be as many neighboring countries, and Israel would be a lot larger.


they dont accuse him of publishing classified data, as some big news pages did publish it aswell... if they did they would have to imprison them reporters which would look really bad on freedom of press...

you can voice your opinion against islam in germany, but you cannot do hate speech against any group of people asking for violence to be done against them (due to obvious historic reasons with the jews)... also the dignity of the human is protected by german constitution, so even insulting someone over the internet can have legal repercussion. insults are not contributing to a constructive free exchange of opinion, so i would not see that as a limitation of freedom of speech.

also they are not erasing the holocaust, as it is even illegal to deny the existance of the holocaust. you cannot downplay the holocaust either.

I agree current european troops need to pull out since they are not in line with local governments or public opinion in syria... also the afghanistan seems pretty useless as currently they are only doing their best in keeping their military base alife while unable to make a change... i can support the mali mission but i dont support that they bribe the government to keep refugees from escaping... but i admire how russia resolves the turkey syria (being allied to both) conflict, and i wouldnt mind if europe was there under consent and collaboration of the local government and russia to establish peace in syria (almost how anti-rape laws are not against sex them self). thats my opinion about european military intervention. US has a history of funding local terrorists and destabilizing countries, including in syria and afghanistan (taliban and isis are US creation), thats the difference here.

so u are also against the annexation of westbank and syrian golan heights and further expansion of israel, as it is currently planned by netanyahu and ganz? i would hope that who ever the next president is, he/she will use the military aid as pressure to make israel treat palestinians with dignity. gaza as it is now is just a prison without propper access to jobs or water.

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