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RE: President Trump stops a war, permanently; with the stroke of a pen, and common interests!

in #informationwar5 years ago

well if u can make the electorial college protect you from democratic voters its not anymore democratic is it? thats the problem with the electorial college, you can make jerry mander (making state boundaries in a way to ensure to have a majority in both sides of the boundary) to ensure winning and you can make voter registration more difficult to decrease young, black and hispanic votes (which are mostly democratic). just because it works out in your favor does not make the system more democratic.


It was never intended to be a Democracy. You can't control a democracy, it steam rolls individual rights!

Jerrymandering is a liberal construct, and is of limited use. Voter registration is actually too easy. We have people voting ten or more times, by their own admission!

We need government provided voters ID cards, to be used for NOTHING else! They should be properly verified so EVERYONE can vote, ONE time!

Why would anyone want a democracy? It does Not work. I have no interest in turning over my freedom to a central power! I will keep my freedoms ensured by my Constitutional Republic....


thats then hypocritical to expect other countries to be a democracy and under this pretense invade them?

check out this clip rules for rulers:

democracy is a system where the means to stay in power just happen to align with the interest of the people. its the reason why dictatorships are often more ruthless. there are only a few dictatorships that i approve of as they have lifted many people out of poverty due to economic stability. but you dont have that economic stability benifit of a dictator either as you have presidential terms. as a result the rich get richer and the poor have no free access to health care and education and acutlaly have to pay a fortune to get such. only rich can afford to get rich. people are hence stuck in the poverty cycle (actual economic term).

This is not true. When I was a kid we harvested plants to aid in our food supply. I ran around in the summer barefoot, because we didn't have the money for summer shoes.

But I worked at it, and now I can afford shoes for my children, and their college. So they will do better than I did. My Children own their own homes and my Son has one rental already.

So here you can start with Nothing, and work hard and end up with a good nest egg.


that is very lucky of you... not everyone can achieve that especially with the US education fee...

but realize that some especially in US are not as lucky of not having to fear racial discrimination, live in poor neighborhoods where everyone around u is poor (due to after effects of segregation and slavery), are refused loans due to their color or loose a job or life since they get randomly arrested or shot at by overly aggressive police and are refused a bail (also more likely for white) that would allow them to continue work...

No luck involved, success is a matter of work. Education is dying in the USA. The cost is stunning, and education quality with liberals in control is very poor!

I have suffered racial discrimination my Entire life. I have been refused education loans, Jobs, and was forced to repay a "free" grant because of my race! I have clawed my way out in spite of constant racial discrimination; only to be called a Racist! The big difference is I refuse to allow them to make me a victim. I was forced to work full time, while I went to school full time, because I could not get loans due to my Race! My Daughter's school loans are higher than her house loan, due to her Race! She could get zero breaks either.

My ancestors came here as indentured servants (AKA Slaves), My great Grand Father fought with the Union (with Sherman) to free the slaves. NOW I am being told I should pay reparations...simply because of my race.

I have treated everyone, my entire life, as equals; and I will be damned before GOD himself, if I accept a second Class Citizenship because of my own race!

you have quite an interesting family history. was ur family part of the first indentured servants that worked for a fixed number of years before being free?

agree about education. people try to play it down saying "if you dont like communism then deal with this capitalism" but actually no in social democracy you have controlled capitalism not on tthe cost of the consumer... bernie sanders or warren would be possible candidates that might get that fixed...

there was somethin similar as reparations tax in germany (other than our actual world war reparations). when east and west joined, the western government took over the east and instantly brought the east german economy from protective to free market, with businesses being taken over by the west and massive unemployment suddenly. so they put an extra 7% tax on everyone to rebuild the east (and due to segregation you aswell have very poor neighborhoods)... and so people paid for many decades 7% extra tax.. the only thing they forgot to include tho in the law was something that was binding for the government to actually use that money to rebuild the east XDDD so actually very little was used to rebuild the east...
now they want to lower that tax and concentrate funding on economically underdeveloped sections of germany (mostly the east)

I like the idea that they put a tax to help poor parts of america, but they got to put the tax on everyone... there are many (perhaps 50) shades of black too (or colored)... if u do a DNA test maybe u have a shade of black aswell... so im not sure how they will do that law in the first place, but the only way i can imagine is everyone pays that tax and the public sector of poor neighborhoods get improved?

They had to work for 7 or 10 years (not sure which) to pay whatever they were in trouble for.

Socialism (AKA Communism) is 100% fatal. Read Atlas Shrugged....

I have bee hypertaxed my entire life, as punishment for working hard, only to have liberal policies destroy my chosen work. I have dozens of patents, yet I can't get a job in my chosen profession, because they destroyed the entire industry.

Reparations as they call it here, is a simple monthly check based on race. The other side of the coin, is that I am expected to write them a monthly check to pay for it, again because of my race! It is not intended to rebuild anything, only to buy votes, and to punish me for my skin color.

If you look up "The Great Society" we already did this under welfare, and it did not work.... We transferred Billions of dollars into the poor community, and NOTHING has changed there, in over half a century! Socialism has never worked, as the bottom line is that everything must be paid for, and socialism generates no surplus, by punishing those who produce.

My DNA tests are more boring than that, but My Wife shows a lot of American Indian blood (Navaho, she is a Beautiful Woman). The government is never a solution to anything, they destroy everything they touch. They also have killed more of their own citizens than war has in the last Century. The government is the disease, and Freedom is the cure.

i think some even chose to be indentured servants for a fixed periods cuz things were not gong too well in europe either....

social democracy is not socialism... to put it into perspective... socialism is whats happening in venezuela or cuba.... social democracy is whats happening in denmark norway or sweden... social democracy does provide free healthcare and education but is not socialism.... its regulated capitalism...

what i dont like about the US is the system is, it is so bad, and people try to fix it with another bad system... like it has a system that discriminates against black minorities, but to fix it they add more racism to do for example affirmative action in universities... you dont fix racism with racism... those laws would go against european laws as equality is big in europe... a tax for all and support for economically weak neighborhoods and free education and non of that affirmative action race tax crap... it would still mostly benefit minorities in america but without all that enforcing of racism... since a good system doesnt need to be racist to be fair...

Cycle of poverty
In economics, the cycle of poverty is the "set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention".Families trapped in the cycle of poverty, have either limited or no resources. There are many disadvantages that collectively work in a circular process making it virtually impossible for individuals to break the cycle. This occurs when poor people do not have the resources necessary to get out of poverty, such as financial capital, education, or connections. In other words, impoverished individuals do not have access to economic and social resources as a result of their poverty.

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