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RE: Life Or Profits

So you believe in "climate change"? (The climate is and was always changing - forever - it's a chaotic, dynamic system - there were many warm and cold periods)
And you believe we have "capitalism" at the moment? (the key element of capitalism is free markets - atm we have corporatism, cuz the corporations decide, they got the money - even banks are corporations - everything they do is legal and okay cuz they decide what is legal and okay - that's called lobbyism)



Yes, I believe in climate change; there's no way for me to know for sure, and I do leave open the possibility that it's not real, but Pascal's Wager is applicable here, which is that it's safe to just assume it's real. My opinion on capitalism is a lot stronger because I, and anyone else, know enough about economics to recognize capitalism when I see it, when I live it. What you call corporatism IS capitalism; if you believe in free markets, you should re-read history . There is no such thing as a free market, there never was and there never will be. With that being said, "markets" are not exclusive to capitalism and is not capitalism's main feature. Capitalism is a model of production in which the classes are separated by the ownership of the means of production. Capitalists own the means of production and form the modern day minority that exploits the labor of the working majority; this means that capitalism is simply the continuation of slavery and feudalism, the previous models in which the same minority exploited the labor of the working majority. The government doesn't rule, the capitalists that have always owned the government rule.

So, climate change I choose to believe is real, capitalism I know is real.

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