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RE: The full court press for gun control in Texas has unintended consequences; and people there are safer, as a direct result!

Ok, that seems to make sense, if you believe that all the dangerous people already have guns.

Do you believe any measures (non-federal) should be implemented to mitigate potential harm?

Perhaps mandatory firearms education in schools?

Now that you mention it, we do seem eager to throw a gun into the hands of every able-bodied 18 year old we can find when it suits our "national interests"...


Perhaps mandatory firearms education in schools?

While it wasn't mandatory, there was a time when many schools had gun clubs. It wasn't uncommon to see a rifle in some of the back windows of the trucks at high school, and we didn't have the terror of school shootings that have grown in frequency in recent years.

True, that was common, and safe. This is a heart problem, not a firearm problem.


Since any competent machinist can make a basic firearm in a few hours, yes they can get what they want. I can build one that looks factory in a day. Banning would make the price so high that some machinists would be tempted.

Laws are currently in place for misuse. You shoot, they arrest today already. The biggest problems we have are related to not enforcing what is on the books currently.

When those who are not allowed to have a firearm are found with a firearm, it should be prison. If they use one in a robbery, they should not get out. I carry insurance (USCCA) for legal fees if I ever need to use mine.

I had training in school, and I am fine with that. we teach swimming to avoid a life threatening situation (drowning) in school....

True, but when they come back, one of the targeted groups to disarm is the veterans; who have very good training, SMH!


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