
Impeachment proceedings are supposed to be in the full House. It is also supposed to be public record.

NEVER in the History of the United States, has one party tried to impeach another in a closed door meeting, with sealed transcripts! That kind of abuse of power happens in a Fascist or Communist totalitarian state, but not in a Constitutional Republic....

It is interesting that you admit they know there is no crime, but they intend to "Impeach" anyway. You do understand that the Senate will require an actual crime...after all that is their function, to verify the legalities.

You can NOT impeach a President simply because you do not like his politics, sorry! Not a high crime, nor is it a misdemeanor. So you guys go on with your echo chamber of idiots, and the Senate will slap you down with the reality of legal precedent!

YOU may think that they can "write their own impeachment" outside the Constitution, but they do NOT have that authority!


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