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RE: The American Choice

in #informationwar5 years ago

Do you hate capitalism?

How many times do I have to tell you that I do not “love” or “hate” anything.

It sounds like you believe that every human should have the same amount of money as every other person on the planet. In other words, it seems like you are against competition which means some people win more and more and some people lose more and more.

That is absolutely a construction inside your own head, @joeyarnoldvn. Never said or thought something like this. That’s a capitalist propaganda implanted in you.

We have seen gaps between the richest people on earth and the poorest for thousands of years.

Of course you always had differences. But the difference is HOW is this ‘richness’ acquired. You can’t be a billionaire doing a decent job. It’s a fact. Billionaires are always a product of corruption and crimes.

How do we help the poor?

FDR has shown the way. If you can’t see it, I can’t help you.


Do you want to talk about fascism of FDR? I'm reading a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam which talks about the marriage between governments and corporatism which is also a child of authoritarianism as it was birthed from certain legislation, laws that came about in 1871, 1913, and especially 1933. For example, outside of how they manufactured the great depression, we could talk about how (thanks to Executive Order 6102) the United States banned gold from 1933 to 1974. That is only just one thing we could talk about. There are so many different things we can talk about. We can look at the patterns found in history. It is all a long story.

I am aware that FDR was a member of an elite, from the very rich family, and that he did it because he had to, so he could evade the revolution in the USA. But he was the only President who was breaking the marriage between governments and corporatism known as fascism. And that was the best period in American history by any measure. His idea was saving the capitalism through social-democracy. Since his mandate (longest in U.S. history), plutocracy has taken over the State, and now we have the most lethal incarnation of fascist capitalism — Corporativism. You can’t blame him for that. And one more little thing: Executive Order 6102 that you have linked, did not banned use of gold, but hoarding of gold. You could buy gold for your paper dollars all until August 15th 1971, when Richard Nixon done the last step in the devious fiat scam and revoke gold backing to the dollar. On that day U.S. de facto defaulted.

Now, @joeyarnoldvn, your generation will have to decide: Capitalism or Survival. Can’t have both.

How is survival not capitalism? Either you have authoritarianism or you do not. Make globalism smaller. Make tyranny decline. It is that simple. Reduce regulations, taxes, red tape, etc. I love the tenth amendment. FDR accelerated the marriage between governments and the corporations which they created or helped in many ways especially in the 1930's. I hate the Federal Reserve which is part of the scheme that created the great depression. They banned gold. Now, they may say they didn't but people were arrested for hoarding like you said which is then therefore by effect the same and equal to banning. Plus, they wouldn't let people redeem their gold. Money was supposed to be gold backed. But he took us off the gold standard. America went bankrupt in 1933.

How is survival not capitalism?

You have the whole book here explaining the ecocidal nature of capitalism, @joeyarnoldvn. Why do you repeat the same questions all over again? Why don’t you want to read? You also have the same awareness of capitalism as the ultimate destructive force with Chris Hedges in his book “America — The Farewell Tour”. And you can find it with Anand Giridharadas in his book “Winners Takes All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World”, and you can hear it from him in the first video in my post Billionaires — A Social Metastasis — try [5:40] — “The myth says that whats good for them [billionaires] is god for everybody else. Win-win ideology.” — “Anybody believe that any more?” — “I think people are starting not to believe it in droves!”

Either you have authoritarianism or you do not.

Capitalism is authoritarianism. Capitalism is exploitative social order. It cannot be sustained without state force.

They banned gold. Now, they may say they didn't but people were arrested for hoarding like you said which is then therefore by effect the same and equal to banning. Plus, they wouldn't let people redeem their gold. Money was supposed to be gold backed. But he took us off the gold standard. America went bankrupt in 1933.

You have to fact-check your sources. That simply is not truth. Banning hoarding of gold is not banning gold. It is a simple fact that you could buy gold for dollars, as an individual or as a state, until 1971. This is FED history page That is the true date when Bretton Woods system ended. The last one who used the chance to take gold out of U.S. was Charles De Gaulle, and after that Nixon announced bankruptcy. Here is a list that shows how FDR has established a relation gold-dollar which was holding up until Nixon has taken office:

Whoever feeds you is lying to you. Learn history from documents, not from the sites and authors you prefer. Then think with your own head.

I hate cronyism.

I love the ability for humans to trade with or without money. People can choose to help each other out in tribalism, in local communities, tribes, families. You are right that I shouldn't be asking questions if they land on deaf ears.


We should study Rothschild for example. Real capitalism is not authoritarianism. Fake versions of capitalism is authoritarianism and that is what FDR was doing. FDR was enforcing a curfew law in the 1930's in the United States.

Defining Capitalism

That is not free markets. Different people have different definitions to capitalism. So, there are specific and more generic definitions to capitalism. It is possible that when I say capitalism, that I'm saying trading, free markets, what we are doing right now in this exchange, and yet when you say capitalism, you really mean crony capitalism through the filters of the corrupt governments which regulates the markets excessively.

Regulating Markets

Plus, central bankers, Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, etc, have been centralizing, enforcing, manipulating, and regulating markets way too much. That is bad. We do not have free markets. Therefore, you cannot blame certain problems on an imaginary thing like free markets. Well, it is real but only to the extent that we have it. But governments and other things are way too big and do in fact interfere with our personal lives and everything.

Banning Gold

They banned gold. You live in denial. It even happened to foreign banks who tried to get their money back and were denied. So, you are denying reality. You are denying what happened to these foreign banks. It doesn't matter if Nixon allegedly claimed bankruptcy if America went bankrupt in 1933 and don't get me started on what might have happened in 1871 to introduce corporate USA INC at that time and the other things that kept on happening as things progressed according to the books globalists have been writing since at least the 1800's.

Verified Patterns

History will be seen through patterns and verified by different people. You listen to people who lie to you. So, you either know that and are guilty or you are unaware of what Abraham Lincoln did and what he is guilty of for example.

You are too well brainwashed. But in the end, that is your choice. Good luck to you, @joeyarnoldvn, you’ll need it very soon.

They brain washed me into loving people and especially Steemit. I love Steemit. I hope you get off Evil Steemit very soon. Because Steemit has to be bad if it utilizes free markets, capitalism, the ability to trade, to exchange. I am brain washed to fight against authoritarianism. For example, Google came out of the government. Same thing with Facebook and others. I'm happy that you do not know about 1871. That is why your avatar is of a muppet. Because you are a puppet. You don't know about 1695. What happened in that year does not matter to you.

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