The Naked Truth about Swamp Creature Robert Mueller (from Congressman Louis Gohmert)

The Naked Truth about Swamp Creature Robert Mueller (from Congressman Louis Gohmert)


In a highly revealing May 2nd, 2018 article entitled MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller by Louis Gohmert (alternate link via ZeroHedge), the Congressional Representative from Texas lays it all bare for all to see how extremely corrupt, unethical, and immoral Special Counsel Robert Mueller really is. Although a bit lengthy, I strongly recommend you read through it, as it will give you a more complete picture of the true nature of this Deep State Swamp Creature Robert Mueller.

I have also written a post entitled Mueller enabled the Deep State Overtake of the Agency – Former FBI Agent which nicely corroborates some of Rep. Gohmert’s assertions with much of those from a former FBI agent regarding the treasonous acts performed by Mueller, particularly with his ‘5-Year-Up-or-Out’ policy which firmly anchored the claws of the Deep State into the FBI’s upper-management level.

It is simply mind-boggling how such a treasonous and corrupt individual could have been chosen in the first place to lead this fruitless Russian-Meddling-in-US-Election investigation which, after more than a year, has yielded absolutely nothing of significance and has cost US taxpayers millions of dollars, I might add. The mere fact that this farce of an investigation is still ongoing suggests that it has been a political tool all along to help enable a coup to remove a sitting president who is obviously not willing to submit to these Deep State operatives.

We all know that it is not merely Swamp Creatures Robert Mueller from the FBI and the witch Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, but also hundreds (if not thousands) of other traitors and sellouts as so thoroughly documented by former CIA agent whistleblower Kevin Shipp – for which I have summarized his lengthy video presentation on the subject in my 3-Part Series ex-CIA Agent Exposes entire Shadow Gov't & Deep State Apparatus. Links to the three parts are as follows:

I also invite you to watch how Rep. Gohmert attemps attempts to hold another extremely treasonous and corrupt Deep State Swam Creature, namely former US Attorney General Eric Holder, to account in the following Congressional testimonies (the second of which Holder actually defies Gohmert by arrogantly saying: You don’t want to go there, buddy!)

One has to wonder whether these traitors – who are always above the law and never seem to get arrested, prosecuted, or imprisoned – will ever have an encounter with Lady Justice or be subjects of investigations for their own wrongdoings. Until then, the Deep State & Shadow Government Swamp Creatures continue to run unabated and unquestioned by the Mockingbird Mainstream Media and nearly half of the US population.


I'm fairly certain that Mueller is actually on our side. If you can remember Donald Trump picked Mueller personally, and while this all seems like one big plot to impeach Donald Trump, the Mueller Probe has now has nothing to do with that, and never was intended to.

While the Democrats in congress believe that Mueller's intention is to impeach Donald Trump, in every single way possible Donald Trump has come out on top. Not just that, but the deep state is repeatedly outing themselves to the American people. The only reason that it looks even mildly different is because the deep state owns owns the media which they believe to be acting in their favor by skewing things but that is actually contributing to their demise just as it contributed to their shocking loss of the 2016 election. This isn't some accident as the deep state seems to believe, It's because the special investigation is actually building a case against the deep state while outing them to the American people.

One has to wonder whether these traitors – who are always above the law and never seem to get arrested, prosecuted, or imprisoned – will ever have an encounter with Lady Justice or be subjects of investigations for their own wrongdoings.

Up until recently the Deep State had infiltrated the top levels of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Congress, mainstream media, social media, 4 out of 5 of the top major tech firms, every major civil rights advocacy group, and i'm sure there are many other powerful institutions that I cant think of at the moment. But until we have takent back control, of at least our own criminal justice system there is nothing we can do outside of flat out killing crooked politicians. Even then that runs a huge risk because until the mainstream of thought has changed taking out key players whether it be through murder or the existing systems will not change anything. Just as in the middle eastern conflict zones, unless the people understand that they are being duped and have the will to take control on their own, any solution is only temporary

This is why people continuously use the 24/D chess analogy because in order for anything to actually change the president and those he is working with must be 24 fucking steps ahead to accomplish anything. And then when heads finally start to roll it has to all be in one fell swoop.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Drain That Swamp
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