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RE: Big Brother Fully Arrives As UK Communications Office Rolls Out "Rapid Response Unit" To Counter Narratives That May Be Damaging To The Government

Great post my friend. This "Rapid Response Unit" is straight out of Orwell's 1984. And this Alex Aiken guy exemplifies the typical operative puppet type the Deep State likes to choose to do their bidding; a heartless individual that has sold himself out along with his soul. Pathetic.

Not sure how all this Orwellian censorship will pan out in Europe. But we certainly see a lot of it spreading around the globe and particularly in the US.

By the way, on another (more positive) note, yesterday I officially launched my Liberty Academy online school where all courses are free and focus on liberty & freedom type contents, and students can even earn crypto for studying.


It's a great alternative to the current educational brainwashing and indoctrination systems we currently have. And I hope I can get many to sign-up and join courses, as it will give them the right tools to see this world with a better lens and also to liver freer and happier.

I'd really like to promote it as far and wide as possible. Thus, if ever you can re-steem/post to your larger following, I'll be forever grateful.

Cheers my friend.


HI Dan, yes it truly is out of 1984 and its all getting worse by the day. Glad to see you doing the Liberty Academy and helping bring some great knowledge to the awakening masses. The layout looks great. Glad to share it. Kind regards.

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