Big Brother Fully Arrives As UK Communications Office Rolls Out "Rapid Response Unit" To Counter Narratives That May Be Damaging To The Government

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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On July 19, 2018, Alex Aiken, the former Communications Director for the Tory Party and current Executive Director of the UK Government Communication's Office announced that his Senior Civil Service Office has fully implemented their "Rapid Response Unit" to counter information that the UK government deems unacceptable for fact-based public debate. The following links and screenshots reveal planning and implementation techniques of this new UK government approach to countering information that the government communications office believes is unacceptable for public consumption.

Collusion between the UK government and search engine/social media giants is indirectly proven via the statements made by Director Alex Aiken within the press release. This collusion between government and mega-corporations that control over 90% of Internet traffic, and thus control public perceptions, should be of serious concern to discerning citizens that truly believe in the concept of freedom of speech and the ability to have access to all information that is publicly available in a fair and reliable manner.

Reading through what UK Communications Director Aiken has posted reveals that the UK government has already utilized the newly formed "Rapid Response Unit" since April 2018 in regards to events that have been taking place in Syria, a country that the UK government has played a lead role in destabilizing through proxy groups such as the FSA and the White Helmets who have been filmed on numerous occasions operating alongside terrorist groups, and participating in /conducting terrorist atrocities. Videos and images proving that the White Helmets are affiliated and working directly with al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria and ISIS) are included at the conclusion of this post.

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Note the following paragraphs where the UK government representative Alex Aiken admits to 'improving' (read manipulating) search engine results in order to present official government information in front of information the government designates as misleading.

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The following paragraph includes an admission by Alex Aiken, the Executive Director of the UK Communications Office of government collusion, whether direct or indirect, with search engine providers and social media giants by providing information that fits official government narratives in preference over other information, whether truthful or not, that may portray the actions of the UK government in a negative light. Note that Director Aiken uses the words "Improved the ranking" yet does not directly describe how this high search ranking was accomplished. It is notable that the method employed to achieve this result is left out of the government press release, thus allowing for plausible deniability on the part of the government as to the method of manipulation of search engine results, how such high rankings were achieved and the governments role in presenting propaganda. However, methods to achieve such high rankings over a short period of time (from 200 to 1 within a matter of hours) are highly likely via employing operational collusion or payment, with either way resulting in the tax payer footing the bill to be fed propaganda by their own government.

The question that needs to be asked is "Is the UK government, in any way, directly working with search engines/social media giants and/or providing payment to spread government approved propaganda to the public in order to cover up (hide) information that may portray the government in a negative light?"

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Alex Aiken's Bio -

Screenshots from link:

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Link to Alex Aiken's GCS initiatives....

Screenshots from link:

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Linked below are posts revealing what the UK government would prefer was not seen by the public, for they fully reveal that the UK government has been directly aiding terrorists posing as humanitarian rescuers of little kids.

Huge Cache of White Helmets Exposed Links All In One Massive Volume For Sharing and Red Pilling - Over 400 Images in 22 Files

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria

Highly Graphic Video’s – White Helmets Film Themselves Participating in Beheading’s of Syrian Soldiers

Revealing the White Helmets Terrorist Networks Main Operatives and Facebook Links


The tories are criminals as far as I'm concerned and should not be in government; I for one will ignore them and spread peace as far as I can; and, JC for PM...

Great post my friend. This "Rapid Response Unit" is straight out of Orwell's 1984. And this Alex Aiken guy exemplifies the typical operative puppet type the Deep State likes to choose to do their bidding; a heartless individual that has sold himself out along with his soul. Pathetic.

Not sure how all this Orwellian censorship will pan out in Europe. But we certainly see a lot of it spreading around the globe and particularly in the US.

By the way, on another (more positive) note, yesterday I officially launched my Liberty Academy online school where all courses are free and focus on liberty & freedom type contents, and students can even earn crypto for studying.


It's a great alternative to the current educational brainwashing and indoctrination systems we currently have. And I hope I can get many to sign-up and join courses, as it will give them the right tools to see this world with a better lens and also to liver freer and happier.

I'd really like to promote it as far and wide as possible. Thus, if ever you can re-steem/post to your larger following, I'll be forever grateful.

Cheers my friend.

HI Dan, yes it truly is out of 1984 and its all getting worse by the day. Glad to see you doing the Liberty Academy and helping bring some great knowledge to the awakening masses. The layout looks great. Glad to share it. Kind regards.

Scary, ten times beyond Tommy Robinson. Each one of us is Tommy. What they did and do to Tommy, they do to many people. This is a global problem. Today it is this person, or that person, but tomorrow, you and me, your family, friends, others. Upvoted.

Wow, really scary stuff, straight out of 1984. Thanks for the post & nice research @clarityofsignal. Keep up the great work. The people need to put a stop to this Orwellian madness before it's too late!

Cheers Jason. So true that people need to wake up now before its too late.

@clarityofsignal You have received a 100% upvote from @liquidsteem because this post did not use any bidbots and you have not used bidbots in the last 30 days!

Upvoting this comment will help keep this service running.

"due to the way search algorithms work..."

LOL So, offering up information directly responsive to search requests, in other words.

Hard to imagine many people supportive of this agencies ambit. Still, there will be some so blue-pilled as to desire fake rather than real news, because it soothes their guilty consciences and helps them to sleep at night more than Ambien.

Most people will prefer non-propaganda, particularly folks in business that requre facts to base their business decisions on, so they don't lose money because they don't know the reality on the ground.

Wish the English would rein their government in. Hell, I more wish Americans would do so.

Guess the best we can do is make them obsolete, and ignore them until they go away.


So if the words 'false flag' appear in a new story it is automatically fake. I see. sounds legit.

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