More proof FDR sold out to the Cabal and betrayed millions of Americans. Can they finally be defeated?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

There was a very interesting recent guest on SGTReport called Wayne Jett, author of The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now. In the interview he goes over a whole bunch of interesting facts and revelations about the International Banking Cabal (see my prior 4 part series entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed for a background on this very secretive group that essentially runs our world) one of which is the extent to which Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the 32nd President of the United States who was in office during the turbulent years between 1933 to 1945) betrayed his country’s people by obligingly serving the interests of said Cabal.

Such a betrayal by FDR doesn’t surprise me one bit as historical record shows that he let the attacks at Pearl Harbor happen despite having advanced knowledge which dragged the US into WWII (which very richly profited the Cabal needless to say).


Quotes/Highlights from the interview:


  • 9:40 “…its end game [of the Fed] is to crash the currency and leave the rest of us penniless.

  • 12:18 “In 1901 there was a little book written by H.G. Wells who at that time was obscure…But he wrote this little book [on behalf of the Cartel]…the next two-thirds of the book is the plan and the viewpoint written on behalf of the ruling elite: this is the mess we’re in. The middle class is growing too fast and is gaining political power. If we don’t destroy it completely now, we’ll lose our ability to do so and therefore we’re undertaking this plan. And here’s how we’re going to do it. By the year 2000 we’ll [inaudible] to poison all the people we don’t want to survive…We will leave only two classes. We have to smash the middle class entirely. Destroy it completely. Then we’ll have the stable 2-class system we’ve had for centuries before. That is, ourselves as the rulers and the only ones left will be our slave and servants.

  • 13:51 “They [the Cabal] spelled out in detail how they were going to do it. The Shadow Government. The network of central banks, a graduated income tax, tax-exempt foundations to be able to shelter their own wealth from taxation…They spelled out how they would need to poison the people they didn’t want…Those were the yellows, the blacks, the red-skinned, the dirty skin whites, the Jews.”

  • 14:40 “All of these are spelled out in detail. Their whole plan for the century to get to the point of the two class system they wanted and what happened to the author [H.G. Wells]? He was brought to the palaces of Europe. He was brought to the Whitehouse of Teddy Roosevelt as the honored guest on the arm of US American intellectuals…Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor invite him for extended stays to their Whitehouse at least three times. He was invited to visit with Stalin. He was honored all over the world. This was the result of this little book that put him on the map.”

  • 15:47 “If you look at this little [H.G. Wells] book today called Anticipations...the very terminology that it used is so absolutely outrageous in terms of today’s politics that the man would have been hanged on the spot…yet this man was celebrated his entire life. Invited back again and again for consultations with leaders because I believe he was carrying the messages from the Cabal the leaders could talk directly with…It turns out there was confirmation that FDR [Franklin Delano Roosevelt] was a very very highly trusted operative. So much so that he was practically given his head in terms of a way to advance the agenda. And he did so his entire presidency…to make certain that the [Great] Depression was as long as deep as he wanted it to be so that the ruling elite could buy those assets with without fear that prices were gonna go back up…they [the Cabal] could wait out any seller and buy up any assets – whether you are talking about mining assets or whatever. That was the plan. ”

Jett then outlines how Roosevelt confiscated Americans citizens' gold, then valued at around $20.67 an ounce, before revaluing it at $35 an ounce pointing out a 71% gain on that for “somebody”. He also astutely points out that Roosevelt used the proceeds from the gold confiscation to fund the ESF (upon its inception in 1934). Pure theft.

  • 19:57 “And of course, you and I know, now we know, that all of that gain on that was transferred from the [US] Treasury to the Exchange Stabilization Fund, secret fund which has operated ever since without any review by the [US] Congress at all, any government oversight. And in fact we learned that the ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) is not even subject to federal law. It’s as if it were the City of London or the Vatican. It operates as its own entity subject to no US laws.

I think it is no secret to many of us how the Cabal and its American arm in the Fed (and most likely in cahoots with the IMF and BIS) has been using the ESF for a very long time to suppress the Gold & Silver markets, prop up the stock markets through their New York trading desk, and covertly continue their “stealth QE” (read money printing) way past the official QE programs post-2007-08 Financial Crisis. I mean how the hell else could they have kept interest rates so damn low in the past decade? No choice, they have undoubtedly used ESF dark money to buy up all those Treasury Bonds (the Japanese and Chinese certainly have not been buying them over the past few years). Who really knows how many trillions of additional dollars have been created and used by the ESF over the span of its existence? And what will be the additional damage once the real money supply is accounted for? OMG.

When pressed by Sean from SGTReport as to who exactly is the “Ruling Elite”; was it the Rothschilds?, he replies:

  • 24:42 “Well of course they were a part behind it. I think it was a network. You can call it the Cabal. But there are power centers…all extremely powerful…The Vatican. The City of London. The Rothschilds. Enterprises the world over and so forth. They use the network as they need to in the particular circumstances.

And after mentioning a high level operative in relation to the 1917 Bolshevik invasion/revolution brought upon against Russia whom was subsequently interrogated as to how the ruling Elite operate he continues:

  • 27:58 “He [the operative] was questioned at great length about how the ruling elite work. How do you get your instructions? How do you get your orders? And so forth…Among the things that he [the operative] revealed…he described Franklin D. Roosevelt, The U.S. President, as a highly trusted operative of the ruling elite.”

After stating that Trump would really need to get the US’s financial house in order (by normalizing the current account, or trade imbalance) with a new currency system (possibly gold-backed – although he doubts Fort Knox has any gold, as I also do) he goes on to say that it would be imperative for the President to do so before the Cabal orders the Fed to “crash the system”:

  • 44:13 “We need to make the move before the Fed crashes the dollar…That’s gotta be their [the Cabal’s] game plan in order to make the chaos as brief as possible when this change is made…Part of the plan [the would be Trump replacement plan], as complex as it is, is taking down these financial aspects of the Cabal and replacing them with a system that is ready to go in the meantime so they don’t have the power to cause us as much chaos as they’ve been capable of in the past.”

I strongly agree that should Trump fail to do something of this bold nature before the Cabal orders a real meltdown (and monumental wealth transfer which would nearly fully wipe out the middle class), he will be rendered pretty much powerless and would certainly lose any chance at a second term. For the moment however, it is a “controlled demolition” (I would presume because the new alternate monetary system –probably a digital one– is not yet ready to be rolled out at this particular juncture).

And now that Trump has taken “ownership” of the economy and especially the stock market, it would be so easy for them to pin it on him, despite his recent squabbles with the Fed.

Despite my own personal doubts about Trump (and Q for that matter for which I disagree with both Sean and Mr. Jett as to its legitimacy and trustworthiness), he has certainly been disruptive enough to the establishment and Cabal (not to mention how he’s been pulverized by mainstream media which is highly indicative in itself) for us to grant him some credit on possibly taking out these evil and sick people who only wish to enslave us further.

Although highly skeptical, I do remain hopeful that there could be a team of so called “White Hats” that actually do want to do something about this plague on humanity. If not them, then who? I have proposed a few options before (see Restoring the Lost Republic (6 PART SERIES): Part 5 – 3-POINT ACTION PLAN and Mass Passive Resistance (Gandhi style) to OUST the BANKERS: the time has come!) but it seems that there isn’t enough of an awakened critical mass to make it happen (although the ballsy French certainly appear to be trying). The Cabal have spread their tentacles across all aspects of society around the globe for centuries. So the least we can do, I reckon, is to offer our support in this fight for justice over evil.

Continuing with the interview, Mr. Jett points out something quite obvious to most people who are at least half-awake:

  • 47:41 “There is only one Establishment. There’s only one really ruling Cabal. Yes, there are different members of it, but in terms of the ruling Cabal, that Cabal controls both [the Democratic and Republican] parties…There’s just so much money there, that they have the ability to control politics in whatever ways seem to challenge them.”


Author Wayne Jett interviewed on SGTReport on December 18, 2018.

Near the end of the interview, Mr. Jett sums up the task that we have upon us:

  • 49:09 “The evil is just too great. Either we’re going to fight it and defeat it or we’re going to get rid of it.

You can watch the full interview here below:

I am certainly hopeful that this will come true. But the clock is ticking and the window is closing. The so called “White Hats” better step it up or the Cabal will unleash chaos via a financial meltdown that will make look previous crashes look like walks in the park.

God Bless.

In Truth and Liberty,



FDR and Churchill,
most unrecognized war criminals of the recent century. excellent writeup.

Don't forget Truman (the 33rd president and 33 degree Freemason) who dropped two nuclear bombs on innocent civilians just to show Russia that they could do it. The war was over and they didn't need to drop these bombs but he decided to do it anyway, starting a multi-decade Cold War and expansion of nuclear arsenals. Pure evil.

libertyacademy -

There is no disputing the evil Roosevelt and his ilk implemented and which survives malignant today. Your question "Can the Cabal finally be defeated?", does not survive the false underlying assumption that statism exists to establish or maintain freedom.

Statism is a cult and all statist positions are cowardice. Statists are by definition defeated. Wayne Jett is an example of a Trump cultist, socialist senior undoubtedly petitioning the US Federal Gov't to steal himself a socialism security check from the working poor's paycheck while entertaining zero intent to ever pay the national debt he voted for to give himself decades of free stuff. His entire paradigm is characterized as attempt to shelter himself from guilt manifest from his faithful worship of gov't despite decades of incontrovertible evidence that every vote supports torture and murder around the globe. Wayne Jett is not unique in fact he's poster boy for both the "Great Society" and "Shitboomer" generations that were willing conquered and remain so per the simple price of entitlement checks they demanded. They are finished, not worth the time or calories required to convert themselves into compost. They posture as "religious" and yet they reject the moral reality that taxation is theft, they are self-committed to die unrepentant thieves. Until their death they serve only as highly visible textbook cases of Stockholm syndrome, enemies of freedom, not victims at all. They are the enemy and are shield of the Cabal.

I'm posting a youtube video from Nov 30th which includes Mike Harris Editor from "Veterans Today" who explicitly stated the connection of Trump to Jewish Oligarchs revealed from facts compiled from Robert Mueller's investigation. Harris explicitly states that the connection was not with the Russian Gov't despite the Jewish Oligarchs geographical location in Russia. Harris states he still supports Trump but demands Trump be held to truth and justice if found guilty of criminal activity. Of course Harris' debate opponent immediately played the Zionist "anti-semite" race card for Harris' identification and criticism of Israel. Harris has been openly critical of Israel Terrorist Racist Apartheid State in several debates for war crimes continuing. Any defeat or even resistance of the Cabal can only be achieved by condemning Israel for its evil behavior. First step toward truth is to reveal the Trump cultist's willing ignorance and complicity in Trump's primary allegiance to Israel who have owned him since his central banker bailout.

Thank you for your post.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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Have a nice day.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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