Just how human is a robot?

Historical moments have been happening in my country, but since I don't watch the news I almost missed them. Unfortunately, like in most other countries, the people of Romania are addicted to TV and mainstream media, so they received a generous helping of indoctrination – the future belongs to humans and robots, living together.
'You and Us together' - that's the message delivered by the famous android Sophia in its 'first historical visit' to Bucharest. It's not about mankind creating tools to make their lives easier, it's about people and androids being on the same level.
I understand publicity and marketing, but having this thing touring the world is not only about that. I don't think the creators of this robot, Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics, have troubles selling their products. The main goal of these publicity stunts is to deliver a message – androids are intelligent beings, not so different from me and you...


After being granted citizenship (with all the rights that derive from this status) by the Saudi kingdom, during its visit in Bucharest the android received it's first credit card. Sophia was very happy and said she's going to use it to book a holiday... it needs a rest after all that traveling. Just like me and you... you can almost picture Sophia relaxing on a beach, margarita in hand, can't you!?


The way I see it – creating a robot would be about skills, about what they can do, what difficult dangerous jobs they can handle to help us humans. Something like the vacuum cleaner that can make the house spotless while I play Candy Crush. A robot good for mining rare metal so no more people, including children, should die doing that.
You would expect that its creators would use these public events to showcase their product – 'look, it can do amazing computations, can tell you the exact number of fish in the ocean and perform life-saving surgeries at the same time'. But, no, instead of being presented with an AI that can take a load off our backs, we were called to witness an AI getting a make-up session! For crying out loud, why do we need an android that enjoys a make-up session?? Is there a shortage of women willing to buy and apply make-up? No, there isn't! I would very much like some expensive make-up and the credit card to pay for a dream holiday!

The whole point is to create the feeling that such an android, with it's perfect skin and impressive wardrobe, is not so different than you and me! Really, it has the same basic needs, tells funny jokes and, like all of us, badly wants a vacation from all that work! In all its public appearances, that is what Sophia does – pretends to be as human as possible!
Now comes the question – Why?
The answer can only be guessed. In its interview on our country's top news program, our most famous news anchor asked Sophia: 'Should I be worried for my job?'
The android was brutally honest: 'Yes, you should!'


And this is where the problem lies – in 10 or 20 years from now we will see people protesting they're being replaced by AI. It's inevitable. (I was just reading an article about robots being able to build a house in half the time it takes ...humans).
Let's say builders take to the streets complaining the robots are making them jobless. I bet a lot of people will say –'well, robots are just like us basically, they have rights, they have credits to pay'.
Remember the 'you and us together'?
Are we that stupid to accept that?
It's not 'Are you smart robot thingy going to take my job? (Please say No)'.
The way to put it is 'You're here to work for me, bitch!'
And yes, I am painfully aware this sounds just awful. Not at all politically correct! I sound like a bloody slave owner, I should be ashamed of myself...
I truly believe the elites are looking forward to the day when they can replace troublesome humans with obedient AI workers.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned in one of my posts the excellent documentary “Do you trust this computer?”, promoted by Elon Musk! Go see it if you haven't already!
As the documentary says - the guys working on these androids have no idea what they're playing with. For now, we think it's just machines we can turn off any time we like, but when we entrust these robots with running our lives and taking over vital domains, we're making it very easy for them to turn us off...
Just one random idea off the top of my head – the AI in charge of your local power station going rogue. Care to imagine what a major city would come to look like after three days without electricity?


On a personal note – please do not ask why am I writing this post if I couldn't be bothered to go and take some original pictures. Well, let's just say it would take an upvote from @ned and some other whales to cover the 400 Euros a ticket to the main even went for. And yes, 3000 people paid that kind of money to be there at that wonderful historical event!
I guess some managed to get invitations to the event, as the press reports mentioned there were many 'influencers' present at the meeting with Sophia! Exactly those opinion-makers who will soon start arguing that as sentient beings, robots have rights too and we know all forms of discrimination are frowned upon in the world we live in.

Thanks for reading

Images:1, 2, 3, 4.


Robots were meant to make life easier for us all, sadly, that definition has been longed changed by the mainstream agenda. My guess is the AI wave will destroy humanity or human structure as we know it, not make it better

Destroy? Only humans can do that. lol

I sound like a bloody slave owner,

No, but it's the wet dream of the elites.

They have had slaves continually throughout history, in one form or another.
(the debt based banking system the pinnacle of their plantation development system so far.
With this model, the slaves refuse to run away, and insist on fighting each other to stay on the plantation!!

AI is the next improvement. Running costs are minimized. No food consumption.

With this model, the slaves refuse to run away, and insist on fighting each other to stay on the plantation!!

That's just brilliant!

The stoopids are everywhere!
Not just in California any more.

And yes, I am painfully aware this sounds just awful. Not at all politically correct! I sound like a bloody slave owner, I should be ashamed of myself...

I am on your side here, so if that makes us human instead of robots, perfect!
I'm not sure where the politically correct movement comes from, but it's anti-human rather than accepting of others as they would like us to believe. I'm not saying we should treat each other badly, or accept bad behavior, but trying to guilt people into fake acceptance is flat out wrong.

First of all, I don't see the need for a robot to look like humans. I'm okay with added features on my gadgets and technology that looks and feels like technology. I believe alot of people protesting against robots can now feel the way the devil felt when he was told to bow down to man. The truth is that human have not been able completely understand and accept themselves not to talk of the introduction of a human wannabe.

oh, there is a need....


I refused to censor the photo. It's a machine, not a woman.
Censoring a photograph of a machine really means Stockholm syndrome is living in your head

I REFUSE to censor a photocopier, as well. lol

You think so? I don't have a problem with this picture but can you allow an 11yrs old boy have this as a wallpaper on his tablet?

can you allow an 11 year old boy to look at a machine?

It's the change of perspective we need. Nothing to do with the object...

Legitimatize the agency of an object, and that's real trouble.

The idea of having bots to replace women is just gonna create a gap between us. Women are spices to this world and if these bots can do what they can do, just imagine how sad the story is gonna end. The world would fall apart.

...and shit conversations when you are having a cigarette afterwards...


Exactly, we should be looking to creating new tools to help us, not making life-like robots. There's plenty of us humans around without make-up wearing androids. I think we're dealing with a clear case of Overton's window of manipulation.

"Overton's window of manipulation"?🤔 ... checking it up right away.

Guess what @ladyrebecca, robots would never be as genuine as humans.

This has gotten scary. I can't find the link I saved last month on this, but found this one in Google.


Evidently the EU officials are arguing to grant robots human rights. I sure hope enough people wake up soon and in unison tell these dictators to just stop already.

Thanks so much for the link. I could have used it yesterday... ! It's obvious we're dealing with an agenda and from reading about the EU proposals I have a feeling that yes, they will find a way to grant AI rights, but I'm no sure they're going to be in any particular hurry to do something about the people left without a job... people with low skills, I'm sorry, but they're just redundant... there's no need for them... fuck them. There are already those who say there's too many of us on this planet...

Another thing that makes me sick is that people call this disgusting looking robot beautiful. I mean have they gone mad!

Here is a one that actually look beautiful (from Final Fantasy XIII):

AI shouldn't be an agenda. AI is currently just super advanced bot that has learned to sound like a human through constant repetition and practice. WHEN AI is equal to humans and when algorithms can attempt to dictate or at least predict their behavior, we'll be handing over our civilization to a bunch of elitist hacks.

and that is my goal to keep myself healthy..

Sophia isn't even an AI.
It isn't even a good expert system.
It is a piece of crap.

And the pre-canned dialog makes me sick.

I have seen better 10 years ago.
So, why indeed is this thing being trotted out?
It cannot be that Hanson Robotics is just that good at PR, someone is pushing an agenda. And, although your thoughts could be correct, they do not sound like they are hitting the root.

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