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If Jeffrey Epstein is dead, then globalists probably killed him in order to stop the patriots from attempting to lock them up. So, I would encourage people to remind Trump that the globalists will continue to try their best to limit the draining of the swamp. It's a complex issue.

Interactive Future

Regardless of how much Americans may hate or love Trump, Americans should always try to tell Trump what they really want Trump to do. In other words, Americans should not just say that Trump has it all under control. Some people are way too lazy. That's too bad. If you want a better future, you got to fight for it. And as they continue to arrest and imprison bad people, they got to up their game as globalists will always try to assassinate the potential leakers, whistle blowers, in jail. I don't know if Trump gets that or not. I will assume he doesn't until he says otherwise. How do we get Trump to stop geoengineering, Big Pharma, Rothschild, China buying up America, CPS, 5G which gives people cancer, Bill Gates' Vaccines which kill people, Agenda 2030, tech cartels, Jihadism in America, etc? This week was good. It is another step in the right direction. But we gotta all up our games each day and keep fighting for our children's future no matter what.

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