Presidential Primary 2020 VotingsteemCreated with Sketch.

I voted Donald John Trump today. I scanned my ballot for the record because I want to have this archived, in the public, just in case somebody tries to pretend to vote in my name. I made 3 videos showing this.1 2 3 Also, 5 photos. 1 2 3 4 5 Now, I'm not saying they still cannot take advantage of me. Going public can have consequences.

Voter Fraud

Some people can say that you should not talk about private matters. However, there may be greater consequences for not going public in regards to certain things, in some cases, unfortunately. It depends on many factors, long story, believe me. Keep in mind that governments, corporations, and others, have been violating the 4th amendment of the United States, that is relating to privacy which Facebook and others violated. Voter fraud is a big problem in some countries. George Soros has bought voting machines and/or has done things relating to many different things that you wouldn't believe and I don't have time right now to talk about some of those things. So many different things.

Zombies Are Voting

People have been voting in the names of dead people and other people. Sometimes, people go to vote and they will tell them that they already voted. Sadly, they will even say that their dead parents or relatives voted as well. How is that possible if those people are dead? Easy. The democratic party has been getting people to vote in the names of other people. They bus people in. They even pay people to do things. Follow the money to see what I'm talking about. This has been happening for years. You can find articles about these things on the Internet. You can watch videos relating to these things. All of this is a long story. Look at Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration for example. There is so much to be said. I encourage you to investigate what I'm talking about.


In this post, I'm sharing 5 photos and 3 videos of me, my ballot, my vote for Trump, the envelope, and my oatmeal face haha, today. I encourage you to go public with who you vote for. Yes, who you vote for should be private. But people have been lying about who is voting for who. They are trying to steal it from Trump in 2020 as they did already to an extent in 2016 where so many ballots were shredded, dumped onto the side of highways, thrown in the trash, switched, duplicated, not counted, etc, etc, etc. There are videos that shows some of these things. They even get illegal immigrants in to vote. Even Obama was encouraging aliens to vote and that they would not be arrested, imprisoned, and fined.


Presidential Primary 2020 Voting

2020-02-20 - Thursday - 01:00 PM - Presidential Primary 2020 Voting | 04:48 PM - Published


1985 - Born in Oregon - Homeschooled

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in February of 2020

Voted For Trump

As seen in these photos, I voted for the 45th U.S. President, Donald Trump, today, at 01:00 PM PST. The ballot came in the mail today to where I'm living in Shelton, Mason County, Washington State (WA), near Seattle, near Olympia, near a small airport, near a prison, near a dump, near maybe a military base, near forests, near lakes, in the United States of America (USA). My name is Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Hunter Cunningham Mitchell Pickell Pickett Henderson Hocking WOLBI FGHS Salvation Army Vietnam Original Green Oatmeal, born 1985, February 11, in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR). I'm writing this all down for the record in order to put it out there just in case. You never know what might happen. Perhaps, people have tried, do try, or may try to steal my identity. So, you can either try to hide or you can try to go public in order to counter identity theft, voter fraud, rigged elections, etc. Some people try to keep things private. I talk a lot about the dangers of the Internet, especially. I have been writing about these things for years. Many years. The CIA and others have been spying on people on the world wide web. Bad people are out there trying to look at everything. I don't have time right now to tell you too much about so many different things except to say that this means that hiding only helps the criminals in many cases. Long story, believe me. More on some of these things later. To be continued.


As you can see in the photos, you can write in whatever you want and vote for that. They leave you a blank line and you could write down your own name if you want. So, I encourage you to register to vote if you're not already registered. Get a ballot and vote. If you need help, let me know. Please ask me questions. Please contact me. Please share this. I believe in the value of voting.

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Voter's Declaration

It says that you can be fined up to $10,000 USD and/or imprisoned up to five years for voting illegally, improperly, via fraud, deception, etc. In other words, you could get in trouble for perjury, lying, deception, fraud, etc. So, people could try to steal my identity, take me to court to say that I'm not really Oatmeal Joey Arnold in order to throw me in jail. I'm not sure if something like that has happened or not. But I can say that many people have voted in the names of dead people and were not fined or imprisoned. That is too bad. If you thought voter tampering, voter suppression, voter fraud, ballot box shredding, voting machine hacking, vote switching, rigged elections thanks to Soros and others, etc, etc, and everything was bad in 2016, you've seen nothing yet.

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Good News

Transparency is how we counter the swamp. Bad people are doing bad things. This is an example of some of what they do. The good news is that people are standing up for our rights which comes from God, from nature, and not from governments. You can always be part of history as well. Just pass this on. Tell people about what is happening. That is how you can help. Thank you.

Bev Harris

Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration - Alphabet Google YouTube Video

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My Letter To Trump
Hillary Demands Even More Russia Escalations From Trump Administration
White House To Instead Announce Who Has Not Been Fired From Now On.... joke maybe?
Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself
Prepare For War
Fraction Magic Video

2020-02-20 - Thursday - USA Presidential Ballot Voting 03 normal size.png

2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

Hack Democracy: The solution to voter fraud

How Voting Software is Rigged – Fraction Magic

50,000 Soros-linked voting machines being illegally deployed to 16 states

Soros-Linked Voting Machines Cause Concern Over Rigged Election

Soros-Connected Company Has Provided Voting Technology In 16 States

Black Box Voting

Fraction Magic


Fine choice my man! TRUMP2020

I wish more people would have just supported Bill Weld. We need someone to really challenge Trump on liberty principles on a debate stage. All this Republican unity behind Trump shows to me that the Republican party has thrown away the liberty vote in favor of going all-in on right-wing protectionism, instead of free-market capitalism.

I agree that more people need to confront, protest, debate, and at least attempt to write to Trump, to talk to Trump. I don't understand why Trump is the only Republican candidate in 2020. Yes, Trump will win. Yes, democrats will be trying to steal votes and everything from Trump as they did to Trump and Bernie Sanders in 2016. But at the same time, people should tell Trump about the problems with vaccines, geoengineering, 5G, tech fascism cartels, the Federal Reserve, the Corona Virus thing, Soros, other people other things, etc, etc, etc. Are you against protectionism? If so, then why? What is the opposite of protectionism and does it rhyme with open borders and globalism and 1984 authoritarianism?

Only One Republican Candidate

05:49 PM - Facebook

Screenshot at 2020-02-20 17:50:49.png
Facebook Post

Because they generally don't want to run against the current President who ran in 2016 as a Republican. So, in 2012, some people voted for Obama. So, Obama was probably the only democratic candidate in 2012 as Obama was running for a second term. There were probably different Republicans running in 2012. And then in 2016, many candidates from both parties and possibly other parties too like a green party or libertarian party, etc. In 2004, when Republican Bush Jr was running for a second term, there were probably no other Republicans running against Bush. Normally, a political party will let the President run for a second term, I think, without trying to compete with them, if the President is of that same party. Now, they can if they want and some people might try. I don't know if any Republicans are running in 2020. Well, if they are, they may still lose as many people are voting for Trump. So, it might be a waste of money to try to beat Trump. But you can write in your own candidate on the blank line at the end. You could even write your own name down or any name and vote for that. But it may not matter as not many people may vote for you haha or for a random person. But people can, normally.

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