Is Oatmeal going to jail?

I want to tell you about what's happening in my life. For over twenty years, I've been filming since 1996 in Oregon and writing online since like 1998. I've been publishing my autobiography, my blog, writings, videos, etc, on websites, on social networks, etc, all over the Internet, for so many years. I've been posting a variety of articles, memes, pictures, videos, GIFs, links, quotes, ideas, questions, concerns, feedback, commentary, all over the world wide web, and what I do has been protected by Fair Use in a variety of ways. What I reference is in the public domain and is not private stuff. How so? Well, my content has been informative, transformative, educational, supplemental, and these are the requirements (criteria), the prerequisites of Fair Use that I've been meeting. However, some people have said that they are trying to get my stuff taken down via DMCA. So, that means that I may be taken to prison, falsely. If they can go after Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Donald Trump, why wouldn't they go after me as well?

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@timcliff - Steemit News: DMCA Claim for Copyright Infringement

Banning Oatmeal

I've been writing about Banning Oatmeal which references some of the problems I run into in my life. People accuse me, allegedly, falsely, inaccurately, of stealing. Nope. Not stealing. I'm quoting. I'm linking. I'm giving credit where credit is due. I tell you who said it. I give you a link. If there is a picture or a video, I include a link to them. You can click on the link and go to the source. Stealing would be when you post something and say that you made it. But I don't do that. So, what I do is protected under Fair Use and probably under other laws as well. The problem I have is that I don't have enough money for lawyers who can help defend my case, my cases. So, if people go after me, I may have to pay. Why? For a variety of reasons. I'm innocent for a variety of reasons, in a few different ways. You need to fully understand how Fair Use works to get what I'm saying. Sadly, some people will continue to say that I'm stealing when I'm not. That's the sad part. Some people may be smart, but they miss the bigger picture. I can show them one hundred times what I'm doing and what I'm not doing. But they may not see it. That's the sad part, again. You need to know that this a long story. Some people might be going after me. I have no idea if this is a serious or not. All I know is what I hear and read. I'm trying to explain how the Internet works, and some people seem not to care about how the globalists are destroying the fourth amendment. People seem not to get how Google Images work. That's a big example.

Google Images

So, you are saying that Google can do it but I cannot do it? Good question. However, people may be against such a question. There is irony there as Google provides links to the pictures they share. When I post things, I'm doing the same thing. Bing does it. Yahoo does it. Facebook does it. Many websites do it. Weird Al does it. Did you know that when Weird Al sings a song, and uses other people's tunes, he does not have to ask for permission? Yes, he does but he doesn't have to, legally speaking. I'm no lawyer, but I understand some of this. Again, I'm not a lawyer, but I get law. I need to study more and more history. I try my best to learn and to share it with others for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. But sadly, my content may be taken down. Some people might be successful at taking me down. I'm a good guy. If they can take me down, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, then you might be next. They took down Alex Jones. Now, they want to take me down as well. Yeah, they're trying to take down Ben Shapiro off YouTube. They've been going after so many different people. We must stick together before it is too late.

Expendables Social Media Heads.png

2019-03-25 - Monday - 10:02 PM -11:31 PM - Is Oatmeal going to jail?
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Sharing Not Stealing

Some people are claiming that I'm stealing content. They sent complaints to DMCA and emailed Steemit. I'm not stealing. I've been quoting, referencing, linking back to, some comments on and from and by users of a public message board. I've included links just like Google Images includes links to their pictures. Same structure, same form, same philosophy. What I do is protected under Fair Use. However, they seem to be disagreeing with me on that. I may not have enough money for a good enough lawyer that can defend me. That's the problem, @ned, @timcliff, is that I'm being falsely accused of things I'm not doing. They're claiming that I'm doing things I'm not really doing. I'm quoting people, not stealing. I shared a drawing and linked it back to the person that drew it. I wrote that it was her art and not mine. I didn't say it was my art. I was encouraging people to visit the message board. I was promoting the website by linking to the website. What I do is educational, supplemental, transformative. I quote and I comment on what I quoted on. I cite what I quote. I link it. I reference it. Weird Al does that. Weird Al doesn't have to ask for permission, legally, to parody songs. He does ask for permission as courtesy but isn't required to. So, some of my Steemit content might be taken down, falsely, because of the allegations, the fake claims. I may even end up in jail or forced to pay a bunch of money. I'm thinking worse case scenario. I have no idea what's going to happen. I'm scared to death. Two of my YouTube channels were terminated for false copyright claims in 2017 and 2018. So, this is scary. I don't know what to do. It's a long story.

DMCA Takedown

@timcliff - Steemit News: DMCA Claim for Copyright Infringement - Tim wrote a good article about this. By the way, this is an example of something that I've been accused of stealing, plagiarizing, taking. But I didn't write that article. Tim wrote it. I'm referencing, quoting, linking, citing, talking about, what Time wrote. I didn't say Oatmeal wrote. That is one example of what I'm talking about. Go check Tim out. Go read his article. But I'm being accused of things I'm not doing. So, again, it's a long story. I'm trying to let people know, for the record, what I'm doing and not doing. I want to clear the record, clear my name, and let people know that people are lying about me. People are legally going after me with false allegations to get me shutdown and they may win. That's sad, but it may happen. Some of my stuff may be taken down. I want you to know that you could be next. That is very scary and very sad. Can Alex Jones get fake stories taken down? They lie about Alex Jones concerning Sandy Hook. Alex is saying that Sandy Hook is real, that people did die. He didn't send people to victim's houses. That's fake news like the fake Trump Russia Collusion Delusion of Robert Mueller. So, can Alex Jones use the DMCA to take down articles that uses his face? It's his picture. Does Alex not own his own face, his own pictures? So, why wouldn't those articles and videos NOT be taken down? These are good questions. Plus, am I not allowed to be a journalist?

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