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RE: The facts on why we MUST oppose gun Confiscation; to preserve what freedom we have left!

in #informationwar5 years ago

I agree, it is a top priority to keep the immigrants pouring in to have as voters. That's the real reason behind being against the wall and border security. Even though they try to portray it as humanitarian reasons!


They are being Paid hard cash by the drug cartels to keep the borders open for flow of drugs! Plus the future voter gains....


How come no one breaks that story? That should be the biggest story in the country.

It has been on steemit and weku. The leaders are owned by the cartels!


There needs to be a good search function on here to find articles. Has Richq done one on that?

Weku doesn't have a search function either? What amateurs!
thanks for these articles, I'm emailing them to myself.

Enjoy them! I have found several viruses included in the search results for conservative searches, so be careful (none of these of course) and keep your anti-virus current!


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