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RE: Demagoguery Masterclass

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Not sure if you are from the USA or not, Trump voters want him to destroy all the policies that are ruining this country.

For example, the census has had the question on it "are you a citizen" for many many decades, Obama removed it in an effort to get more electoral votes for Blue states that let in illegal aliens. The electoral system gives more delegates if there is more of a population. There are roughly 30 to 50 million illegal aliens in the USA, with 1 to 2 million flowing in each year, that means if Blue states continually allow illegal aliens in they get more votes, eventually it will be impossible for Democrats to lose. Taking a census question out is Democrats rigging the system to get more votes, if the question in the census was put back in Democrat states would lose a lot of votes. They will literally replace the American population over time. There are no wars in South America, our country gives free housing/food/phones/internet/college/education/healthcare to illegal aliens is why they come here.

Illegal aliens also harm the minorities and our working class, as the illegal aliens get paid under the table for a cheaper price(and they don't pay taxes on it).

When I was growing up everything in the USA for products/advertisements/books/magazines/everything was in English. Now many parts of our country are strictly in Spanish, with most cities having a second langauge.

Theres nothing wrong with a small amount of immigrants coming into the country each year who want to adapt to OUR culture and live here and integrate to what our norms are. There is nothing wrong with wanting your own country to continue to exist. The western world is going through a sickness right now of "white guilt" where we need to "give all minorities stuff for free because we are white". It doesn't make sense, its unsustainable(USA govt has 200 trillion+ in unfunded liabilities and debt which means each taxpayer owes 1 million USD in taxes over their lifetime, literally impossible to pay).

Theres no money for this free stuff anymore, illegal aliens have to go back. Western countries need to get out of this "white saviour" complex we seem to have where we think just throwing money at minorities makes it all better somehow.

Theres nothing wrong with Brazil being Brazil, or Britain being Britain, or USA being USA, or Japan being Japen. They wouldn't like it if a bunch of westerners showed up asking for free stuff and we shouldn't like it either, Western countries have a disease of thinking we have unlimited money and everyone has the same values as us(they don't).

"Crime rates among immigrants are at the same level as, or a lower level than the indigenous population. These are facts that are easily found by typing in some simple search arguments on your online search-engine of preference."

This is simply untrue. Many states don't allow crime statistics to be taken down for illegal immigrants, they don't track the crimes at all, they can't prosecute illegal immigrants in many cases because since they aren't a citizen they can't be held to the same laws citizens are held to. So they just release them. Illegal immigrants have a 100% crime rate. If you overstay your visa or come in illegally you commited a crime, thats 100% crime rate, do you think a normal citizen has a 100% crime rate?

I strongly suggest you do more truth finding on the subject.

@truthforce writing


Thanks for taking the time and effort to write this response @truthforce, I appreciate that. That said, we'll have to politely disagree on all points here, and to illustrate why, I'm just addressing one: there's no more money for all this free stuff... I understand the words, but then I think about all the stuff the GOP always has billions of dollars for, like perpetual war, tax cuts for the rich, a healthcare system that costs twice as much as anywhere else in the modern world... Let's just say we see things differently... a lot :-)

Thanks for the advice, but I've done enough truth-finding, and it's not buried that deep in Trump's case ;-)

I voted for Trump essentially because I want him to destroy the swamp and stop spending so much. After voting for the first time in my life I decided I am no longer going to vote ever again. The USA continues to spend and there simply isn't any money. Eventually there will be another Great Depression and a lot of people will starve for it, we had one before and we will have one again.

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