
Truthfully, I don't see it happening any time soon (although it would be wonderful- I love to see the people in control of the government). The whole "bringing democracy to the Middle East" by the Bush admin was an excuse to perpetuate a war there. The countries you named are basically theocracies where the prevalent religion (Islam) controls the govt. This isn't a criticism, merely an observation- if the people embrace it and are happy, then it works. You can't go around the globe trying to force your way of life on other people- that was Bush's mistake, even though to people like him war = business!

This comes to mind...

"We came, We saw, He died!" HRC

What a beautiful & perfect observation. That's what we the people of these countries want, I mean people have had a very bad experience with democracy here but the west's full support for these corrupt governments, systems & rulers, makes many of the people to consider extremists as their alternative while the majority want the modern system based on religious teachings.

Extremism is almost never the answer. However, when a country (Like mine) sends troops into another country under pretenses just to keep the military industrial companies going, with no clear objective except to make money- what can a smaller country do?

I seriously hope that the new president here will work with countries like yours- to end violence... it's completely unnecessary. But it has to start somewhere and given that we started the conflict, it's up to us to end it. People should be left alone to practice whatever form of government they choose (without intervention from outside). One thing is sure, our government is corrupt to the core and a lot of good people here want it to stop! May the peace of God be with you and your people!

That's so nice of you. It's really an amazing discussion. The world is in dire need of the people like you and if the numbers increase than we will able to see a beautiful and peaceful tomorrow. I really think that if any of the government stick to the real idea of making America great again or puts America first than these problems will solved quickly because as you mentioned that the war business of military industrial companies create this whole mess then it's obviously not "America first". Thanks again brother. love you ♥

If they would focus on "America First" then we would not be in your country. Meddling in the affairs of other countries is not "America First".

I agree with @richq11.

Though I will say that two wrongs don't make a right. If America is bad (we are currently, but many want change) and interferes in another country then if that country or its citizens in turn call for Hijrah, Jihad, or ANY other assault against the U.S. (doesn't matter the religion or form of government) then they give the assholes in charge here JUSTIFICATION. The attacks and invasions are then used as "See, we were right to attack them!" Their justification is of course bullshit, but most of the public cannot see past the attacks, terrorism, or invasion.

Really the only hope to stop it is to have people like you speaking, and people like @richq11 and I speaking. Our numbers grow. What we say makes what the U.S. (or any other 'aggressor') does look bad. Their citizens will demand it stop.

If this is not done and instead attacks occur, all it does is keep the citizens thinking these crazy aggressors are right.

The truth of the matter is Aggression is never the answer. Defense is important but that is very different from aggression.

Preemptive attacks are aggression. They are treating people guilty of a crime they have not yet committed. They are attacking before there has been a crime simply because they've convinced people a crime is probable to be committed. Precrime if you will. They like to treat this like it is defense. It is not. It is aggression.

Now if we can keep people talking, and keep people from attacking and doing stupid things we might be able to fix these problems. The attacks just give those corrupt jerks in charge all the fuel they need to justify their actions to the blind emotionally lead masses.

I understand their frustration... But you hit it on the head- two wrongs do not make a right. Someone needs to make the first move toward peace. I think Trump is willing to listen, but there's going to have to be some kind of overture from the other side as well. The Deep State- not so much!

You are right brother @dwinblood, that revenge attacks always used as the justification for already happened invasions. People are hating Trump but I admit that I liked a fact about him that he is not a hypocrite and many of us think about it and I really hoped that he would withdraw US forces from middle-East but then his military advisers convinced him to change his mind and send more forces in the region. I think there are strong lobbies in US who don't want to end these wars in middle-East that are pumping this whole extremism. Most of the people don't know the reality and the real games being played behind these wars because mainstream media is also part of the same lobbies. Thank God we have social media, even if it's also partially being controlled by the governments but we have many liberties with it and the key for a peaceful world is to talk more about these issues.

You have to understand that Trump is only the president, not a king (like Obama thought he was) If he starts to act unilaterally, it makes him no better than the people that started the problem in the first place. I believe that if he isn't a "good man" that he's at least honorable enough to want to work within the system to solve problems... time will tell.

The Mainstream media is owned by the same people that started the problems... Trump also has them working against him. There are a lot of very powerful people with a vested interest in seeing that peace never happen (on both sides of the fight) Most of the "terrorists" are being funded by the same globalist bankers that are fighting Trump. Their livelihood depends on a constant state of war... In the meantime the good people like you, my friend @dwinblood and I pay the price.

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