Free Masons - Charity and Lucifer

Here is the start of my series on the Free Masons. I get into the basics of the group and share my story of when I joined up with them. Please let me know where you guys would like to see the series go and if I can clarify anything in the video.


Have you read Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike.

I have read Albert Pike, he was a monster in my opinion. The type who abused his power and influence and gave the masons a bad name. It's not just the high up free masons that want globalism, he was just one the George Soros' of his time.

I read Ralph Epperson's review of Morals and Dogma 30 years ago. In that it stated that Pike claimed Adonai is the enemy of Free Masons and that Lucifer is the God of Masons. Also that lower Initiates would never know this and that they would only know after and if they become 30th degree masons. You are basically a 3rd degree being a master mason Correct? So many things might be still hidden from you?

That which we must say to a crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.

For that reason I have never thought of Free Masonry as anything more than another Luciferian sect. Purely a religion of "Do what thou Wilt" that claims it is not a religion.

If you think about it now that many things are being exposed many very evil organizations do "Chairty" to hide their other activity and sometimes use that to actually perform/find victims of their evil acts.

With an organization as old as this there are a lot of branches and even more agendas to be true. I would be wary of putting much stock in any person who claims to speak for an entire group, especially if that can't be proven by said person. I certainly do not speak for the Scottish Rite branch, I've barely rubbed elbows with those guys, so I can't say much to what goes on behind their closed doors.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Independent Commentary
Our Purpose

I was asked to join a Free Mason lodge, but couldn't take the oath of secrecy.

Luckily for me I was told upfront that the secrecy rule was relaxed and they basically wanted to make sure I was going to be honest about what they're all about good and bad. There are a few things I won't be sharing in open forum like the handshakes that get people into lodges. That's the kind of thing that can make things less safe for people in my opinion. I'd have to trust someone before I spoke of it just in case.

I am basically just up front and don't bother trying to deceive. At the time I knew and had it stamped into my soul that one must keep there word and one is responsible for their actions. It seemed to me at the time that giving my word not to speak about things you have no clue about is not how I wanted to go.

I agree, it's almost like promising that you won't be offended by someone's next statement. How should I know what I'll do when the time comes? There are definitely tricks from FM in both Scientology and Mormonism, both are off shoots. You don't get to hear about Xenu or the alien home world until you're years into the group and have paid a huge investment,,, I wonder why right?

So as to deny your mind the free choice and provide the logical condition for not facing your self, making the truth painful, thus applying the stick for admitting your world view is wrong. It is the old carrot and stick used (as a spiritual force) to say just continue believing and you wont hurt yourself with the truth.

These groups have a habit of isolating people either by accident or design. They always want to take up more and more of peoples' time until even your source of income is all wrapped up with them. By the time these more extreme points of view come out you may find yourself with no friends or even business associates outside the group, then what do you do? I find it a very fascinating part of the human condition.

It doesn't fascinate me at all. That in general most people are so focused on not knowing themselves doesn't surprise me at all. May hap because they mistakenly think that such knowledge would require the loss of some favored or comforting habit that in most cases merely serves to blind them. One always being controlled by there habits always believes in slavery and doesn't realize that it is to their own emotion that they slave away for.

To be a master one has to have merely one power. To be a master one cannot own or have anything to do with slavery. To be a master one first must know oneself. To be the master one first must be in love with the truth. The truth is to be a master one has to be in love with themselves.

To be a Most Worshipful Master you only need 2/3s consensus of the lodge, It's easy to see why people take shortcuts to power when it's that easy. I don't condone it but I love to study it.

I was always under the impression (from reading, documentaries, etc) that during Freemasons meetings or gatherings, that work and religion were not discussed. I knew members had to believe in an Almighty deity but no religion was criticized or judged for members.

I knew about the levels and degrees of Freemasons but thanks for the refresher.

I'd like to you to possibly do a video or post about the Shriners and Templars' connection to the FM.

Thanks for this informative video!!

Thanks so much for watching, It's a guidline that we avoid talking about work and religion during the meetings where we are supposed to do club business but we sat around alot doing pot luck dinners and paling around so it all comes up. I'll definetly get a video going about the connections between FM and the other groups that's great, thanks again.

@goldendawne The shriners and the Knights of the Templar, are just different paths inside of the Masonic culture. There comes a point in time in every masons life with in the lodge and the society where we are expected to make a choice (obviously once it feels right) on which path or which route you want to go.. once you figure it out you begin learning and being taught the knowledge of that particular path you go.

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Do you know the term "your eyes are wide closed"

I'm not familiar with the term but I can take a bit from the context. I know I had a lot of good things to say about bad people but I feel truth is always this complicated. I feel the best thing in this area is to get everything out into the open so we can debate the merits or lack thereof it all holds.

I agree in the latter, though my asking about the terminology eyes wide closed, is due to a tip off I had from a mason in the UK, Scottish version, and it relates to getting law enforcement to look the other way, was just sort of testing the water, to see if the term applied in the USA also, though it seems to be for top level members in the UK, so may apply the same in the USA, especially as a lot of the founding fathers were Scottish Freemasons, and some lived close to my home town, before moving to the USA all those many years ago. Have you ever noted how Washington DC is set up with Masonry symbols?

oh I see. The term rings true even if we don't use it here. I was in private enforcement for a long while and yes, other Mason's had it just a little easier than most. Not too much would go "unnoticed" but still I won't deny it. We shared the lodge with a Washington branch and they would rub it in when it came to his accomplishments. It's going to take me a few days but I plan on writing a blog to show pictures of the symbols I can confirm, should be fun.

Very informative. I can sense your honesty.

I used to listen to Bill Cooper a few years ago, along with all kinds of other modern anti-Mason podcasts. It has become apparent to me lately that a lot of what I came to believe about Freemasons came by way of Léo Taxil and William Guy Carr.

Anyway man, I'll be sure to check out your videos.

It's great to hear from a neighbor across the bay. Yup no agenda, no narrative just the truth as far as I know it to be. Glad to have the support, thank you.

Interesting post. I put up a couple of videos last week about my masonic journey, though not as in depth as yours.
Basics of Scottish Freemasonry Part 1
Part 2

I've been in freemasonry for over 25 years but took a long break. I'm an office bearer in my local craft lodge and in the chair of my local Royal Arch Chapter. Neither the blues or the reds here have anything to do with religion. I have just submitted my application to join a local preceptory of Knights Templar - that order is a Christian order and I'm not really sure what to expect.

I am aware that there are naysayers and conspiracies out there and I know that there could be truth to them, but I have never seen even the slightest glimpse of any of that and I know some pretty high-up masons here in Scotland and am friends with some of them.

I choose to go about my life trying to be the best that I can be and freemasonry helps me with that in a lot of ways, as does AA (also could be regarded as a cult).

It was really interesting looking at your ritual book and seeing some of the similarities and differences with the ritual that we use here. In Scotland the ritual even varies from lodge to lodge, as does the regalia worn. It's more uniform in England and Wales. I'd never even heard of Euclid!

I'm in New England and it is great to hear every persons' expierence and practices from dofferent places. I wanted to get across the reasons people join and good things in there. My area doesn't worry as much about disclosure so feel free to discuss what you'd like.

Amazing post @gregorypatrick, thanks for
sharing your experiences re: freemasonry!
The part on Luciferianism was especially
interesting to learn about. "A fan of man!"
Some think he is one. I jest.. I do not get
caught up into religious dogma so much.
I've no solid conclusions, only questions.

I love that movie. Thanks very much, this was a tough one to make, thought it may alienate both Christians and anti-authoritarians alike. It is the truth as I have seen it though and that makes it important to me for sure.

It might be a good idea for a series of vids.
I don't know what the smartest way to do
it would be if you'd want to do'em back to
back or space'em out a bit. It's definitely
Something worth thinking about. I think
people would enjoy hearing more about it!

I know I would.

I appreciate your forthright discussion of your experience. I'm sure it will both help folks trying to grasp reality, and unfortunately fuel those determined to cast blame. This latter is the truth of our species: that some rise on the backs of those they trod under.

Have you considered that your ignorance of the purposes of higher, still opaque, levels of FM who may feel your revelations to be a threat might jeapordize your security? I hope my concerns are silly, yet I am not confident that secret societies are entirely benevolent.

Good deeds generally require little secrecy. It is fell deeds that needs must be hidden in the shadows.


I would like to think the only punishment I'd be given would be ostracism, since I'm moving a few thousand miles away from where I live now soon that won't bother me much. I'd say that the really nasty people on high have only used FM as a stepping stone to power, they use anyone and anything to get what they want.

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