FAKEBOOK launches its Own Crypto Currency, Copying OUR Steemit Economic model to be passed into their CENTRALISED Web of Globalist Tyranny and Control !

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Great Truther Channel Press for TRUTH sounds the alarm on the announcement made today by Suckerberg and Facebook to lance his crypto currency coin linked to his company Facebook, the name of the coin being Libra ! It would seem that the team of Facbook has been watching our beloved Community of Steem Blockchain and he has counted the Steem Dollars he can make by stepping in on this market and selling it through his megaopoloy called Facebook !

I was sure long ago that that it would be just matter of time that Fakebook would come out and do this ! As clearly they are the very system we try to bring down by joining Steemit in the first place ! Of course they will not let Steemit dominate the market but come in when the time is right and prime to throw their big guns and money at it !

Seems they have decided that the time is now as they have managed to get everybody who is anybody already on board with their little venture, visa,mastercard,ebay,spotify,paypal to name just a few !

Thing is this........we all know they cant be trusted with our personal data as that cat is out of the bag long ago..........so..........can we really trust them with our money ???

LIBRA, A Crypto Trojan Horse Is THE Central Bank Of FaceBook Designed To Control You Even More!!!

Press For Truth
Published on 19 Jun 2019

The real risk of Facebook’s Libra coin is crooked developers

They'll steal your money, not just your data

“Essential to the spirit of Libra . . . the Libra Blockchain will be open to everyone: any consumer, developer, or business can use the Libra network, build products on top of it, and add value through their services. Open access ensures low barriers to entry and innovation and encourages healthy competition that benefits consumers,” Facebook explained in its white paper and Libra launch documents. It’s even building a whole coding language called Move for making Libra apps.

Apparently Facebook has already forgotten how allowing anyone to build on the Facebook app platform and its low barriers to “innovation” are exactly what opened the door for Cambridge Analytica to hijack 87 million people’s personal data and use it for political ad targeting.

But in this case, it won’t be users’ interests and birthdays that get grabbed. It could be hundreds or thousands of dollars’ worth of Libra currency that’s stolen. A shady developer could build a wallet that just cleans out a user’s account or funnels their coins to the wrong recipient, mines their purchase history for marketing data or uses them to launder money. Digital risks become a lot less abstract when real-world assets are at stake.



Sad to see one of our Steemit Community Celebrating OUR enemy showing us their fist ! https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@gandhibaba/crypto-video-an-overview-of-libra-s-whitepaper

what does one say to this really ?? Apart go Invest and Enjoy the fruit of your Labours ! It seems to be working for you here, why not there too ?? indeed !!


Very Nice @frot, could not have put it better myself !! did you see this post on libra here today on our platform ?? https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@gandhibaba/crypto-video-an-overview-of-libra-s-whitepaper ........im so pissed really !! to read this shit here on a platform that was built to escape and break the facebook coming and now proven censorship and control !!

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We'll at the face of an insult towards our intelligence. First they collect and profit from our data by selling it to gubernamental institutions without our permission. Then they make billions by selling our data again to marketing enterprises.

On top of that they know go and request you to invest your money in a coin completely controlled by people who has proved over and over again as an untrustworthy information pirate.

yeah makes total sense i guess @joelsegovia, if you were in there little club of socipoathic abusers of the human race ! Personally i will not buy one of their shitcoins and any body who does just needs there head looking at as some people clearly love to be abused and dominated to the point that they have a right to nothing, not privacy ,money or freedom !!

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