
No restrictions, but this area is called green country, so long 600 plus yard shots are rare. It is also the Osage hills, but they seldom change the elevation over a hundred feet.

I have a wind and temperature guage coming. I have read how to estimate wind speed, but I plan to verify that by direct measurement.

The level is here, but I have too much ordered in the shop, to mount the level right now.

Christmas is here, and we feed the homeless in 9 days! So it will get worse before it begins to ease off!


Ah yeah ok, forest is not good for long guns. I practice wind calling all the time. Walk around the place with my Kestrel wind meter and call it then verify. Different trees, feassws, dust etc. All behaves differently in the wind. I also call wind off the mirage I see through my scope. Wind calling is critical to accurately sending long range shots down range.

You feed the homeless, like in a shelter?

On a parking lot downtown, we fed just under 400 last time. We Served out 22 turkeys and all the fixings for Thanksgiving. We do that the last Sunday of each month.

This month I will cook about 20 gallons of beef stew. I usually buy twenty + pounds of beef, and cook to pieces. Then shred it....

We also feed weekly at a local shelter, I posted pictures if the Denver House end of last month.

Good people, in a bad spot!


You're a good man. We need more like you.


Just do what I can, GOD does all the hard work!

Be blessed, gotta get up in 5 hours, SMH!


Have a good weekend. 🙂

Working on it, LOL! Lots of milling to do, so we'll see.


Milling...Milling...Seems like it will be productive weekend, if nothing else. 😊

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