President Trump has been impeached for Nothing; by domestic enemies of our Republic!

in #informationwar5 years ago

No one is surprise that the Democrats carried out their three year long threat to overthrow President Trump, by any means! They have fabricated a mock crime, to displace a duly elected President; and have used it to Impeach him! They do this knowing that when the Senate checks it for legality, it will be easily overturned!

This did NOT stop them, in their hate, from this ill advised political attack

Image from article:
Trup Impeached.jpg

Article on the Article of Impeachment passed in the house:

This has occurred now occurred, SMH!

The House is holding a historic day of debate that is expected to end with votes to impeach President Trump for his conduct toward Ukraine, making him only the third president in U.S. history to receive that sanction.

All this money and time wasted, because the house liberals KNOW that the Senate will check the legalities; and refuse these articles for lack of legal merit!

Based on public announcements, Democrats have enough votes to approve articles of impeachment against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Wednesday’s action will lead to a trial in the Republican-led Senate, where a two-thirds vote would be required to remove the president from office.

This statement is a falsehood. There is sufficient evidence to support the crime of Democratic intervention in the 2016 election. It needs to be prosecuted, quickly; to the fullest extent of the Law!

At the heart of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

This is the portion that is a bald faced lie:

as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

This interference is already documented enough to prosecute; with more evidence surfacing daily! Here is yesterday's example:

Article on the Article of Impeachment passed along party lines today:

This one is interesting, in that the only person that is Constitutionally required to make this specific decision, is the POTUS himself! Now, they impeach him for doing his Job? It is also ironic, since this "coercion" is a Total Fabrication; that actually didn't occur!

So we have one of two things to consider:
First, his is authorized to use HIS judgement on foreign policies, including withholding funds; for whatever reason he decides! It is called 'Foreign Policy', and it is based entirely upon the POTUS!
Second, Since we have all heard or read the contents of the phone call in question. It is clear that the Ukrainian President brought this up first, and asked for US Help; any claim to coercion would have to be placed upon the Ukrainian President.

So, with a hundred willing to vote impeachment, BEFORE any "infraction" was made up; the rest of the Democrats have climbed on board, and voted to impeach President Trump today! This ensure President Trump another term, as voters are disgusted by this entire sham process!

The politically charged House vote came on the first article of impeachment leveled against President Trump — abuse of power. Democrats accused the president of using the authority of his office to coerce a foreign leader to investigate a domestic political rival.

Here is an attempt by the liberals to usurp power from, and damage; the Constitutional separation of powers, between the Executive and Legislative Branches of government!

This second one is actually a violation of the oath of office by everyone who votes in favor of this article of they do NOT have the Constitutional authority.

The House was poised to vote on a second article of impeachment — obstruction of Congress — as Trump has instructed senior administration officials not to cooperate with congressional investigations.

To further state, President Trump does NOT answer to the Legislative Branch of government! HE does have this Constitutional authority!

Here is a list of those violating their Constitutional Oath of office:

REMEMBER this list in Novenber!


They're doing everything they can to make sure that Trump wins in 2020.

Posted using Partiko Android

It would make interesting history, though.

Trump would be the first POTUS to get reelected after being impeached if that happens.

They still have their followers that drink the koolaid. I have one posting on this thread....

They are handing it to President Trump for certain!


If the Dems and the media showed some restraint and got on Trump's good side, they'd be shocked with what he'd be willing to give. All they had to do is be quiet and not attack... but instead they do everything they can to provoke him. The result? They get nothing.

America is being made much greater by them getting nothing.

It does show the corruption that is the MSM these days. They stopped being professionals decades ago, and became Hacks! We have needed a MAN that would call them liars and cowards. for a LONG time!


If the Dems and the media showed some restraint and got on Trump's good side, they'd be shocked with what he'd be willing to give. All they had to do is be quiet and not attack... but instead they do everything they can to provoke him. The result? They get nothing.

America is being made much greater by them getting nothing.

They are jokes, and have not been "professional" for decades! We have needed a MAN that would call them Liars, and cowards. I am glad he does...

Their corruption is on display for everyone to see!


Very entertaining comments.

It did get pretty busy here. Interesting views for sure on some of it!


I just read this on MSN...How do you think it'll play out in a month?

Since the democratic and republican parties are the same thing you have to wonder what big thing they are covering up by these theatrics. Maybe it's the 425billion dollars they are printing next month out of thin air but I think it has to be something larger for them to pull off a stunt like this. Nothing in US politics happens by accident this was long-planned out or a contingency plan of some sort. The media had already implanted the idea impeachment for Obama and bush as well as if it was being put I to the people's mind if they ever needed a smokescreen.

Obviously I'm not as well-versed in the state of the political situation in America, and as such shouldn't have much of an opinion however I think you're right...These things rarely occur without an agenda behind it. Maybe over time we'll know?

425billion dollars they are printing next month out of thin air

WTF! Serious?

Yeah, I guess. (Thanks for the link, will look tonight.)

I wouldn't imagine a result either way would affect you much in Germany?

Well I still pay takes and 60% of our income is from the US Army but usually, those aren't effected unless something major happens...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hopefully it doesn't affect you at all, and if it does not too badly. You should be ok I guess. I never knew your Army pension would be that significant to be honest. That's a good thing! They should be taking better care of vets.

In a month we are likely to be back to Left and Right fighting over our President.

Glad the @talkingpoint tribe is active, just waiting for the frothing back and forth. Lol. No better timing than now. #point

Yes, I tend to agree...But as an Aussie (in Australia) it's not really my place to comment I guess. It's all messed up - The world. We have problems here too, maybe not as gargantuan as Stateside but big enough for the 25 million of us who reside here. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

There is no legal infraction here, so the Senate will overturn the house. Since there is no crime on President Trump's part, this is as it should be.

The real question, is what will be done about the actual crimes of collusion, and the money laundering? Like this:

It should be interesting to say the least....


I think there's interesting times ahead, but as usual the media will twist it the way they prefer. I don't watch the news anymore. It cannot be trusted.

I gave up on the network news a long time ago!

They are a malignancy to our Republic! They were supposed to be attack dogs, finding the truth, and keeping us safe; not liberal lap dogs....

But I was told I beat MSN by an hour, with this post, they should be ashamed!


I actually saw it on there whilst walking past someone's computer at my office...they were looking at MSN for some reason..I saw it then went to mine to check it out. News services are terrible wastes of time and brain power.

They are criminals who hide attacks upon our Republic! They need to be sued EVERY time they print a falsehood; or slander honest people.

They are minions of liberals; who in turn, are minions of Satan...that explains a lot!


I agree as does my brother sitting beside me here who I just read your comments to. You and he would get along incredibly well. Alas, he keeps an anonymous presence here on steem. He particularly enjoyed your minions of Satan remark and read between those lines...

Tell him I said HI, LOL! He is welcome to post here, or if he worries about them looking over his shoulder, he can sign in to a free account on Protonmail. They give free 64 bit encryption, so big brother can't crack into those E-mails....
I use my sign in there for an address.


Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

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Thanks, this ones me disgusted with the DNC! They always choose the nuclear option, and it is beginning to hurt them; as voters are not as stupid as they seem to think....


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