Some Animals Call Trump Savage in Rant

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Headline: Trump Calls Some Unauthorized Immigrants ‘Animals’ in Rant

From: The New Speak Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump lashed out at undocumented immigrants during a White House meeting on Wednesday, warning in front of news cameras that dangerous people were clamoring to breach the country’s borders and branding such people “animals.”

Specifically he was referring to MS-13 gang members, not "undocumented immigrants" or "unauthorized immigrants" in general or any other misleading newspeak euphemism that the NYT wants to come up with for "illegal aliens". The President is "lashing out" at "undocumented immigrants" when he criticizes MS-13 gang members!

Mr. Trump’s incendiary comments came during a round-table discussion with state and local leaders on California’s so-called sanctuary laws, which strictly limit communication between local law enforcement and federal immigration officers, and which the Trump administration is suing to invalidate. It was hardly the first time the president has spoken in ugly and racially fraught terms about immigrants, but it underscored his lingering rage about immigration — the animating issue of his campaign and his tenure so far — and his frustration that he has not been able to do more to seal the nation’s borders.

Is that what the sanctuary laws do "strictly limit communication" or are they intended to obstruct federal officials from enforcing federal laws? We will have to see what the courts decide.
So here they go lying, Trump talking about MS-13 gang members is somehow "ugly and racially fraught terms about immigrants" because in addition to being violent criminals they happen to also be illegal aliens! Clearly they are being misleading again, trying to imply that his comments are somehow applicable to all "immigrants". Note that they have dropped the "undocumented" and "unauthorized" adjectives they were using earlier in the article, now they are just calling them "immigrants". Trump has never said one bad thing about "immigrants" in fact during this press conference he reiterated his support for legal immigration. "lingering rage" wow, I didn't pick up on that, sounds like projection. The lingering rage seems to be lingering in the hearts of the president's critics.

As he has in numerous private meetings with his advisers at the White House, Mr. Trump used the session to vent his anger at the nation’s immigration laws, calling them “the dumbest laws on immigration in the world.” He exhorted his administration to “do much better” in keeping out undesirable people, including members of transnational gangs like MS-13.

And those undesirables and gang members are animals and there is nothing wrong or racist about calling them that. What is wrong and a little racist is claiming that Trump's statements apply to all illegal aliens, do all illegal aliens look the same to the NYT?

“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — we’re stopping a lot of them,” Mr. Trump said in the Cabinet Room during an hourlong meeting that reporters had been allowed in to document. “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.”

Watching the conference it is clear he is not referring to any race of people, he is talking about criminal illegal gang member aliens, that is not a race. So why is the NYT implying otherwise? Because this is part of their "the president is a White Supremacist!" false narrative.

Mr. Trump’s remarks came as the local officials invited for the event took turns praising his immigration policies and lamenting California’s law, arguing that it was making it more difficult for their communities to find and deport dangerous criminals.

I bet they were arguing that because the law is specifically intended to make it illegal for their communities to find and deport dangerous criminals.

© Doug Mills/The New York Times During a round-table discussion on California’s so-called sanctuary laws at the White House on Wednesday, President Trump warned of dangerous people clamoring to breach the nation’s borders: “These aren’t people, these are animals.”

That is a photo caption, look how now they have taken the president even further out of context, now just 6 words. And when he said that he was talking about illegal aliens who were in jail in California who ICE could not access or be informed about because of the California law that protects criminal illegal aliens not about "people clamoring to breach the nation’s borders" he was talking about those who were in jails in America already who California was shielding from federal authorities and deportation.

Sheriff Margaret Mims of Fresno County said the statute barred Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities from using her databases “to find the bad guys,” or from entering prisons to locate people who might be in the country illegally.
“It’s really put us in a very bad position,” Sheriff Mims said.
“It’s a disgrace,” Mr. Trump answered, “and we’re suing on that.”

And those "bad guys" were who the president then called "animals".

The president’s language and his focus on California drew a sharp rebuke from Jerry Brown, the state’s Democratic governor.
“Trump is lying on immigration, lying about crime and lying about the laws of California,” Mr. Brown said in a statement. “Flying in a dozen Republican politicians to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing. We, the citizens of the fifth-largest economy in the world, are not impressed.”

LOL, "not impressed", whoa Jerry, that's totally harsh dude, way to stick it to him, what a sharp rebuke. We know what Democrats in California think, it is reflected in the law, sounds like Jerry does not appreciate giving the other side a voice on this issue, he objects to them getting a public forum for their ideas.

During the session, Mr. Trump suggested that the mayor of Oakland, Calif., should be charged with obstruction of justice for warning her constituents in February of an impending large-scale immigration raid and arrests.
“You talk about obstruction of justice,” said the president, who is himself the subject of a special counsel’s investigation into whether he sought to thwart a federal examination of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 elections. “I would recommend that you look into obstruction of justice for the mayor of Oakland.”
Looking at Jeff Sessions, his attorney general, who sat at the other end of the large wooden conference table, Mr. Trump said: “Perhaps the Department of Justice can look into that.”

That part was hilarious, lock her up!

The round table took place exactly one week after Mr. Trump used a closed-door cabinet meeting to castigate Kirstjen Nielsen, the secretary of homeland security, for failing to do enough to crack down at the border. On Wednesday, Ms. Nielsen said little when called upon for her turn to speak, other than to thank Mr. Trump for his leadership on the issue.

I am starting to wonder why Trump even bothers closing the doors to these meetings since they are all extensively reported in the press. I guess we are supposed to just accept their characterization of whatever the president said in private off the record as a "castigation".

“You’re doing a good job, and it’s not an easy job,” Mr. Trump told Ms. Nielsen.
He alluded to a recent push by his administration that parents be separated from their children when families cross illegally into the United States, but blamed Democrats — many of whom have vehemently opposed the practice — for the new policy.

There never was a such a "push" by the administration, that's what the NYT is calling a former officials comment that they were looking into it, looking into it a year ago, and not ever doing it or trying to do it, is not a push. Moreover when children are separated from whatever adult they are there with it is only in cases when they cannot determine if those children actually are the children of those adults and/or they believe the kids are in danger. Without such a policy anyone could traffic any child into the country for any reason. In these cases they try to either find some documentation that the kids actually are with their parents or a relative in the US they can stay with.

“I know what you’re going through right now with families is very tough, but those are the bad laws that the Democrats gave us,” Mr. Trump said. “We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law.”

It's true, the president does not make the laws. The democrats had both houses and the presidency not long ago.

The president also took aim at Mexico, savaging the United States’ ally and southern neighbor as unhelpful on immigration.

"Savaging"! I see, calling people who came here illegally and then got arrested for committing a crime and MS-13 gang members "animals" is terribly racist and abhorrent but it is ok to call the president of the United States a "savage".

“Mexico does nothing for us,” Mr. Trump said. “Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border. Certainly don’t help us much on trade, but especially at the border, they do nothing for us.”

Wow, so savage, how dare he state the obvious!

His harsh criticism came as American and Mexican officials were at a critical stage in their efforts to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

So harsh.

Mr. Trump’s frequent outbursts on immigration, both private and public, appear to have resonated with his advisers, who have been moving to put in place ever-stricter policies in line with the president’s vision. Mr. Sessions said the Department of Justice would be adding immigration judges and prosecuting twice as many immigration cases this year.
“The president has made clear to all of us that we have to do better,” he said. “We are going to do better.”
The attorney general, a former senator who helped to derail previous attempts at revamping immigration laws, also expressed hope that a legislative overhaul could be enacted this year, although Republicans on Capitol Hill have shown little appetite for undertaking one.
“This is the year that we have to move Congress,” Mr. Sessions said.

Trumps outbursts on immigration? When President Trump makes a comment it is an "outburst".

I dare anyone to find the MSM playing this clip, this is what Trump's real outbursts on immigration look like:

go to 3:56

Somehow putting enough judges on the bench to clear the backlog of cases is being "stricter". If they really gave a shit about illegal alien families being separated they would want as many judges as possible so the cases can be quickly processed and so we don't have to detain them for long periods. There was no link or explanation for their claim that Sessions "derailed previous attempts at revamping immigration laws" as a Senator for decades he doubtless voted for and against many measures on immigration. I guess we will never know what the heck they were talking about there.

Well here is the actual unedited conference video:

So do you think the NYT accurately reported on that? What was your favorite part?

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This has been the case since MSM went rogue - half truths, partial truths and outright lies! It's actually no surprise, that's the kind of info we're stuck with in main stream reporting today

Its right out of the Operation Mockingbird playbook.

As he has in numerous private meetings
what part of privacy do they not understand?

it's mind numbing, just imagine if they did that fly-on-the-wall-shit to any other president. They are the animals.

actually they're not.
they're just saying that they are.
the truth is that there is NO truth in them.
they make it all up...they lie.

the sad part is how many people fall for it, tomorrow they will be walking around with the belief that the president called all immigrants "animals"

Quite didn't work that way when they tried this before the election labeling him racist...doubt it will work this time around. People have pretty much figured out the media's game plan on Trump.

One would think that anyone reading that NYT bullshit would see that it is obvious bullshit but a lot of people are not that smart, especially NYT readers.

I've pretty much lost all patience with the stoopids.
I don't really care what they think.
they have a history of whining..
but NOT voting (it's too hard)
thank gawd.

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Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
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The media is protected by the First Amendment; but ONLY if they are reporting FACTS! When they lie, and these guys can NOT do anything else; they need to be sued injto bankruptcy! Enough of that, and the media outlets will fall into conservative hands, to pay the judgements! :)

Trump could spend the next 20 years filing such suits.

If every conservative that can find cause, will sue, we could bring them down in a few years, perfectly legally. Destruction of a few would force the others to be more careful, and maybe actually begin to do their jobs again.

maybe after Trump's army of immigration judges finishes deporting all the illegals they can set to the task of deciding slander and libel cases.

Now THAT sounds like a party! :)

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