
The P they are trying to add literally stands for Pedo.

Is this in the UK? They want to make those who should be decapitated into a protected class!

From what I understand the movement is everywhere on that, every country and every state has people advocating to add in the Pedophile into the LGBTQAAIYP or whatever. its something like that. Some say it is PanSexual or some other whatever thing, and others say it is Pedophile.

Vox and other main stream garbage news do write pieces that show how there are "Good Pedophiles" who don't act on their instincts and how they need to be included. Those "Good Pedophiles" very likely traffick in tons of you know what porn, and they directly are a demand market for people to supply it. So those "Good Pedophiles" that they are all talking about is a bunch of nonsense.

By putting Pedophiles into any kind of positive light they are directly encouraging the normalization of the bad behaviour, and at the same time indirectly causing more Pedophilia, it is their propaganda saying "we need to be inclusive" that supports these monsters.

What's wild is how the gays and lesbians have allowed themselves to be lumped in with trannies and pedos. You would think they would be up in arms about it.

@funbobby51 I put a screenshot up a few posts ago, of what the result is from searching "eye scans india" into google,and the resluts where horrifying.. Do the same,theres a 6 min video about it .

The P is for PedoSexual

Both of those things are incredibly disturbing! I saw the eye scan thing the other day and couldn't help but to think of this:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

It's exactly according to scripture.

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