
Then why do you and he and others keep attacking the LGBT people over and over ad nauseum? You're either delusional or dishonest to make that claim, considering the evidence on this blockchain alone. Wouldn't that make LGBT people victims of the same "agenda"? Wouldn't you have an affinity for them and seek to ally with them against an "agenda" that is harming both of you?

Except we both know better than that. You're just as much a collectivist tool as you accuse them of being. Just another primitive tribe seeking to dehumanize "the other". And pretending like LGBT people are the aggressors against poor persecuted rich white heterosexual Christian males is overtly disingenuous.

When did I attack LGBT people?
You're either delusional or dishonest to make that claim, considering the evidence on this blockchain alone.

Wouldn't that make LGBT people victims of the same "agenda"?


Wouldn't you have an affinity for them and seek to ally with them against an "agenda" that is harming both of you?

Sure, do you know any woke ones?

Except we both know better than that. You're just as much a collectivist tool as you accuse them of being. Just another primitive tribe seeking to dehumanize "the other". And pretending like LGBT people are the aggressors against poor persecuted rich white heterosexual Christian males is overtly disingenuous.

I am sure I never said any such thing.

"Wouldn't you have an affinity for them and seek to ally with them against an "agenda" that is harming both of you? " yes i would, i am i believe a Humanist, i believe in People, but i dont like to feel i am being spoon fed for one month anything actually by controlling mind sets in media and others!
You see again you say something which shows me that indeed we both see and fear the same thing ! Manipulation ! This is our enemy, not our own choice of sexual practice !!

And, once again, where is this agenda? What are the points on which it is based on?

This is yet another conspiracy theory born out of racism and disgust for the LGBT community (which our author here seems to have plenty of, otherwise he wouldn't have said "I'm ok with men dating men BUT"). The "but" invalidates all the "tolerance" he's trying to affirm at the beginning of the article.

Personally, I rarely see any "overemphasis on gayness" as you call it... The thing is that the human mind tends to focus on the things that matter the most to it or the ones they hate the most, a little bit like when you start obsessing over someone you like and think you are seeing him/her everywhere. This is exactly an example of that: i don't like gay people so i see the "agenda" everywhere.

Let's celebrate love and be more united. There are other enemies to fight.

Cheers from Prague ;)

Any threat to their unquestioned dominance is intolerable to the totalitarian mind. You see one gay couple kissing, it might as well be Armageddon upon us as far as they're concerned. Or at least that's what they've convinced cattle like these to believe.

Well said! And to add on top of it, there is no such thing as "threats", this is simply intolerance...

The REAL threats are weapons, guns, nuclear warheads, international tensions, economic wars, the consumerism which is depleting our planet of its resources for the gain of few selected people, while the majority of the world dies of hunger. Those are threats, not men or women kissing each other.

Intolerance ??? what are you talking about now !!! So i have to?? no choice ??? tolerate being forced fed for a month the fact that the world set up by "?" is to be informed how great it is to be gay !!
So whats loined up for next month ??? i guess we are about to find out !! Ok ill leave you two clearly circle jerk all over my post and upvote yourselves !! Have a Gay Month !! Be Proud to Be Gay !! You see its working already !! ))))

if one network drama featured gay kissing that would be one thing but why does every network drama need to feature gay kissing?

does every network drama need straight kissing? Does every network drama need white people, or black people ? it is not about people wanting to make you gay ... nothing can make you something you are not , you are being silly ! it is about wanting to give gay viewers protagonists to relate to. we want to have Characters like us in there too it really is as simple as that ...

does every network drama need straight kissing?

no, and they don't all have it, there used to be a lot of crime drama and legal drama type shows that didn't have much or any kissing at all. Now if you try to watch a crime or legal drama they all have lots of kissing, gay kissing. Every damned show! You think you are watching a crime drama but then the next scene is just 5 minutes of gay pillowtalk. It seems gratuitous.

Does every network drama need white people, or black people ?

There does seem to be a requirement for the female lead to have a wise black friend as well.

it is not about people wanting to make you gay ... nothing can make you something you are not , you are being silly !

I am pretty sure I didn't say anyone was trying to make me gay or that I had such a concern, can you tell me where that idea came from?

it is about wanting to give gay viewers protagonists to relate to. we want to have Characters like us in there too it really is as simple as that ...

At this point its not "in there too" its like more gay than not. Given that gay people are a small minority it seems like more than just catering to that minority. I don't know what it is. Seems like just pushing a general progressive leftist globalist agenda and that gay people are used as pawns in that just like any other minority who chooses a victim narrative. Why do you think they added the T? It's because the LGB pretty much got everything they wanted politically. So they had to cook up a new issue to bring that group of wealthy and powerful donors activists and voters together.

Of course if you think about the democrats current identity politics scheme it is pretty funny, they want to unite a religious minority that is intolerant of women's rights and gay rights with women's rights activists and gay rights activists. I wonder why that's not working out.

It really isn't if you look at the numbers conservative estimate 4% of Americans are gay that is one out of every 25 people most shows have way more than 25 people in them!

I am pretty sure I didn't say anyone was trying to make me gay or that I had such a concern, can you tell me where that idea came from?

because of the whole premise of "agenda" you do know that that is the whole argument your camp is making right ? that is is making people gay or potentially can ...

before we go any further, you have never actually watched Thursday night ABC programming have you?
I can't think of a drama with 25 significant characters in it. These shows are running at between 30-50% gay protagonists.

because of the whole premise of "agenda" you do know that that is the whole argument your camp is making right ? that is is making people gay or potentially can ...

I didn't say that and I don't have a "camp". you have a camp?

As i only stream and do not have conventional TV I have no idea what runs on what network so give me a few shows ...

Read the stats from one of your own trolls sources:

6.4% is definitely every network drama. If you're brainwashed by a radical totalitarian agenda.

That’s the biggest percentage on network shows found in the study’s 22 years,

LOL How did your source become my source? Some site I have never heard of is my source? Oh, that's what you call a straw man argument.
Who has brainwashed me? What is their agenda? you have made that bizarre claim twice now.

OOOOOO WAAAAAT !Now I am a Totalitarian, give me a break !! lolololol !! you have a crystal ball i guess ??

No. You're probably not. But you are a useful idiot for a radical totalitarian agenda.

I don't know if you get American network TV in Prague or not. If you did eventually you would have to wonder why every single network drama needs to have a gay storyline included in it. Why does every show have to have that? Who wants to see it?

who wants to see it ever gay and bisexual person watching the show !

but they represent a small minority, you would expect to see them as often on TV as you did in real life, can you agree that they are represented more on network dramas than their actual demographics?

“but they represent a small minority, you would expect to see them as often on TV as you did in real life, can you agree that they are represented more on network dramas than their actual demographics?”

First of all stop saying “they’ I am right here! have the manners to address me personally say you!
second -The openly living LGBT population in the USA (worldwide it is actually larger and we do sell our shows everywhere ) is at 4% this means 1 out of ever 25 people is LGBT it is estimated that thot the real figure is at about 10% of the population. So in a cast of about 25 at least one of them is gay or of we take the 10% it might be even 2. so why should there not be at least one gay couple or gay person in a show? If you are for accuracy in representation

They did a larger poll for a book called appearance is everything

they found the population beauty distribution and categorisation to be as is as follows: Bottom 2% Very Unattractive, 15% Unattractive, Slightly Below Average 10%, Average 46%, Slightly Above Average 10%, Attractive 15%, Beautiful 2%. Beautiful people and Ugly people are rare but most people fall into the average category

so are you not bothered that there are so many physically beautiful people on TV I mean one would expect it to be like in the world out there right?

What about weight ?

Percent of adults aged 20 and over with obesity: 37.9% (2013-2014)
Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity: 70.7% (2013-2014)

Are you not bothered by all the slim people in these shows i mean it has to be the slim agenda right ? because it in no way reflects how it is out there …

Take a good look at those numbers and you will find that in truth the gay representation really is the only one that is almost accurate. And even if it was more than average how does it hurt you if 1 out of 5 stories in a show is about a gay person ? how does making others happy that there is someone like them when you have a ton more to focus on hurt you exactly?

one in five would be great, but it seems like it is like 50% or more now. I never said it hurt me, I said I have no interest in watching it. Just like I wouldn't want to watch a drama about a bunch of fat ugly people. Why would it hurt me?
I thought Ellen and Xena were great shows.

ok please list the shows where there are 50% of gay protagonists? and you cannot tell me that the gay storylines are the main focus on every show out there ? Or are y saying you are not interested if there is a gay couple in the cast / if so why ? should gay people feel like that about heterosexual representation ? Do you believe we just want to see gay people and no straight people ?

Here it is straight from one of their favorite trolls sources, @tygertyger:


I state something as fact but don't have any data to support my claim. And I refuse to gather such data because my feelz are at least as valid as your facts.

Remind me again who's the delicate snowflake needing a safe space to protect them from being triggered?

Compiling such a list sounds time consuming and pointless. Tell me about your top 5 favorite current network dramas.

sure, Instinct. Or any of the ABC Thursday night line up. For some reason the gay storyline is central on all of those shows. Gay love scenes on a weekly basis. It's like every time I look up when my wife is watching TV a couple of dudes are in bed together. It's unwatchable. I don't really care what you want to see. You watch what you want, I prefer reality TV which is mostly about fat and unattractive people doing boring things.

Because your masters have convinced you to goose-step in service of their radical agenda. You're a useful idiot.

6.4% is the same as 50%, amirite?

Who are my masters?

That’s the biggest percentage on network shows found in the study’s 22 years,

What is their radical agenda?

!!This is yet another conspiracy theory born out of racism and disgust for the LGBT community!! you see that just is not true, says who??? You ?? I am not sure you have the right to decide simply by yourself ,like judge ,jury and executioner that "I hate all Gay People",
from the post and things which i said ! You see this is where for me your way of judging me on my beliefs system that i am sorry you do not know ! It seems i have to repeat myself again, its the clear manipulation which any dman fool can see is happening which i dont like ! There are far too many agendas that i see being pushed now, the no border thing, anti trump,antifa,BLM ! Its just all plain dangerous and does not I am sorry build this beautiful society that you proclaim to be building by calling me a Homophobe !!! Just makes no sense and im pretty tired of listening to these weird people telling me what i am and what i should be thinking ! I am me and that all Folks !!! lol

Thanks for jumping in here @funbobby51 and for reiterating what infact i did say in my post ! My grievance is not with the particular group in question being promototed in this bizarre over the top way ! Its absolutely that I the little grey man pulling the strings again and its him i want to get at !! I would have upvoted your comment normally, but i am having password issues here it would seem (

my votes have been slow to load today and some have required me to reload the page to either try again or to see that my vote did go through.

yeah there is some bug for sure right now !! But i managed in the end to give you an upvote !

you are probably being deluged with down votes

Paranoid too? I'm shocked. Shocked! LOL

Except nobody has flagged any of this as far as I'm aware.

Paranoid? Nope, I got a whole bunch of downvotes for daring to discuss the transgender agenda. Lucky him if he didn't. Weird that you would call someone paranoid, why do you think you did that in error?

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