Orwellian Propaganda Deconstructed: "California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show "

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Headline from The Guardian, disinformation outlet from across the pond:
California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

Wow, that's terrible the police are helping "Neo-Nazis" against "anti-racist" activists, something they couldn't even say without putting it in quotations because it is utter bullshit! Orwell would be pretty impressed by the newspaper calling violent terrorists "anti racist activists". Activists don't wear masks, criminals and terrorists do.


Officers expressed sympathy with white supremacists and sought their help to target counter-protesters after a violent 2016 rally, according to court documents

OMG, how could the police actually express sympathy for crime victims?!? by "target counter-protestors" they mean "identify criminals" and by "counter protestors" they mean "terrorists". A terrorist is someone who uses violence or the threat of violence to promote their political ideas, so the "antifa" fits the definition of a terrorist group perfectly. Note how they don't use the name "antifa" in this propaganda piece. Let me correct a few paragraphs of this nonsense:

California police investigating a violent white nationalist event worked with white supremacists in an effort to identify counter-protesters and sought the prosecution of activists with “anti-racist” beliefs, court documents show.

California police investigating violent terrorists disrupting a planned rally worked with the rally's organizers in an effort to identify terrorists and sought the prosecution of terrorists with “anti-free speech” beliefs who acted on those beliefs by trying to prevent a permitted rally of its political opponents with violence court documents show.

The records, which also showed officers expressing sympathy with white supremacists and trying to protect a neo-Nazi organizer’s identity, were included in a court briefing from three anti-fascist activists who were charged with felonies after protesting at a Sacramento rally. The defendants were urging a judge to dismiss their case and accused California police and prosecutors of a “cover-up and collusion with the fascists”.

The records, which also showed officers expressing sympathy with legal event organizers and trying to protect a victim's identity, were included in a court briefing from three terrorists who were charged with felonies after attacking a Sacramento rally. The defendants were threatening a judge to dismiss their case and accused California police and prosecutors of a “cover-up and collusion with the fascists”.

Defense lawyers said the case at the state capital offers the latest example of US law enforcement appearing to align with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups while targeting anti-fascist activists and Donald Trump protesters after violent clashes.

Defense lawyers for the terrorists said the case at the state capital offers the latest example of US law enforcement appearing to enforce the laws while targeting terrorists and deranged lunatics after their violent attacks on permitted assemblies. .

There you go "the Guardian" fixed that for you. It goes on like that but I had to stop. It's almost like they just went ahead and published the Antifa press release unedited. This is typical of the bullshit propaganda we are fed these days.

Was my translation unfair?

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Was my translation unfair?

No, it was fair. So-called antifa is so politicized, they don't even realize that police naturally sympathize with the law-abiding.

you have a real hardon for transgender people, you should get that checked, its unhealthy.

I was asked to write those, and they are not really about transgender people, did the titles trigger you?

Trigger me? No it didn't, it's just always a disappointment, when people use marginalised people as scapegoats for their NWO conspiracy theorys.

And if they were not really about transgender people, why the titles, like I get creating a good title that will draw people into an article, but come on, you're better then that right?

someone used marginalized people as scapegoats for an NWO conspiracy theory? Can you quote that part? I guess you would have to actually read them to answer your question.

I read them, it's just conspiracy shit, in all honestly you are talking out your arse, your lack of knowledge of the subject is really really obviously, and your "agender" (get what I did there) is telling.

anyway thanks for playing.


I'll take that as a "no" and a "no" to my questions. I like how you are using the same argument as the others in the articles: "You are ignorant if you disagree" So typical and predictable, frankly its boring.

As are you, let's agree that we both consider each other ignorant and boring.


agreed ;)

Release the Kraken! You got a 24.10% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @funbobby51!

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