Free Speech War Continues in Texas and Georgia

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently filed suit against Texas A&M University. In an odd twist of left on left action, the EFF's plaintiff is none other than the bastion of left leaning utopianism, PETA.

The suit claims that Texas A&M University stopped PETA members from publishing anything disparaging about the campuses' lab doing medical testing on dogs. The lab on campus conducted experiments with live dogs for muscular dystrophy research. And the suit against Texas A&M University specifically claims that PETA activists were not allowed to use the following words: “cruelty,” “abuse,” “torture,” “lab,” “testing,” and “shut.”

Regardless of where there is an infraction of free speech, keeping this First Amendment Right in America should not require legal action. Granted, it is good to know that if push comes to shove, laws can be enacted to ensure free speech goes on unimpeded in our modern electronic age filled with reactionaries.

Recently, Georgia passed a free speech bill into law for it's university system. In it they specifically mention the implementation of free speech and free press. Ironically, the will of the people in the state of Georgia decided they did not want a "nanny state" implementation of free speech. The excuse of proclaiming hurt feelings as a means to silence others has been rejected by the rational majority in Georgia. Do we as a nation have to pass laws like these state by state to ensure our First Amendment Right is honored in our colleges and universities?


It is better to pass laws to help the first amendment if that is the best alternative to losing our free speech over time. Maybe we can raise some awareness that way. We can make funny memes and music videos to get people to debate about it and spread how bad it is and more.

Yes, legal action is our right. It's just weird and sad that in America, we have to use to the legal system to enforce one of our founding principles.

Someone needs a lesson in basic constitutional law.

And apparently that lesson has to be conducted in a court room.

It needs to be conducted with a slap in the face.

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