Analyzing Staged Happenings

One of the things an Information Warrior can do to help sift through the barrage of news, is to develop intuition. It's a bit undefined. And Skeptics will tell you this is a waste of time. Be it your mind recognizing patterns or your electromagnetic field reaching through time/space to give you "feelings" about things, (or am combination of both), their is a benefit to developing this human ability. Recently, my BS alarm was triggered when I read a story about a Tesla Model S catching fire.

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And my intuition about the story seemed all but confirmed when I realized who was telling the story. It was none other than Mary McCormack. She was one of the stars of one of the greatest propaganda campaigns ever foisted on the American people: The West Wing.

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Mary McCormack played the Deputy National Security Adviser in The West Wing. You can trust her right? She's a Hollywood actor after all.

Now, I am not saying their car didn't catch fire. But, what I am saying is that given her connections to such major propaganda makers, and knowing that Elon Musk is bucking up against the halls of power as he makes avenues into creating a true competitor for fossil fuels, an establishment actor like McCormack is not a source I would trust. Of course, the car caught fire, and McCormack and her husband might not even have been in on the psyop. But making worldwide news about a burning Tesla with someone famous gets more attention than if it was a random person from Pigsknuckle Arkansas, for instance.

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Considering Elon Musk has been at the front line of fighting for the freedom of world consumers, a story like this sounds like one of the dirty tricks used to attempt to defame someone. Recently, Musk agreed to a deal to create what is considered, a "Virtual Power Station". The plan calls for 50,000 new homes in Southern Australia to be fitted with solar panels and Tesla Batteries. The plan is so logical no one can argue with what a great idea it is. Decentralized power generation it seems, is not a fantasy.

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Of course if you are one of the people who make money the old fashion way, by local monopoly, then this plan is the Devil! The best part about all this is that Elon is donating the solar panels to the project. And the beauty of the entire idea is that once this system is up and running, millions of people who have been paying through the nose to get power are all going to realize they've been had! The entire industry of power generation will be shaken to its core!

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Elon Musk is poised to tip the apple cart of 2 of the most powerful cartels on the planet. Those of course would be energy and transportation. With the Tesla autos, it seems Elon has made powerful and interesting strides toward creating an alternative to fossil fueled powered cars. Of course they are not full proof as they are not the best choice for cross country travel. But, for the day to day driving most of us engage in, they make a lot of sense. And from his auto company he developed the Tesla home battery. His next move on the chess board, could be to make your local power company have to rethink their kilowatt per hour price. And hence, perhaps even adopt some of his methods.

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The worlds largest lithium ion battery that powers 30,000 homes in South Australia stores energy from a massive wind farm.

Has Elon pushed the oil, coal, and gas cartel too far this time? Knowing Trump is opening up Alaska to expand America's oil and gas generation seems on the surface a counter punch to Musk. But, if the USA is going to rebuild an infrastructure it is going to need a lot of oil, coal, and gas to do it. Infrastructure rebuilding was one of Trump's campaign promises. And it seems he has now secured the energy reserves America will need to do just that.

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The long game here is that while Elon is generating power abroad with solar and his batteries go online to store clean energy, the data will become available. And, the infrastructure rebuild promised by Trump could include Tesla's tech as a strategic asset to defend America, (as outlined in a Pentagon white paper a decade ago about energy independence as a strategy.). And when you consider the feckless negative campaigns against Trump, is it really hard to imagine that a world changer like Musk would be immune to such treatment? If it came from anyone else, there might not be enough to trigger my intuition. But, the fact that it not only came form a Hollywood establishment actor, but one whom participated in a propaganda campaign called The West Wing, is what triggered my intuition to call this #fakenews.

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