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RE: ๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’ŠHow I was RED-Pilled๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

in #informationwar โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

why should I believe YOUR sources if you don't believe mine?
see that the deal
you guys lie up, down, and sideways..and then wonder why we don't believe you.
the seven 'bloopers' the LameStream FakeNews Media made about Trump this month comes to mind.

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I actually listed a couple sources - did you have even a single verifiable, confirmble SOURCE listed somewhere in there? I must have missed it...

In the real world (at least the world I live in) something isn't fake news just because it disagrees with your world view...

If you want to get into lies, Trump is up to 1628 completely false and/or misleading, VERIFIABLE lies since taking office. C'mon man, even if that number where only 5, that has to mean something to you - are you so willing to dismiss every ignorant, arrogant, demeaning, potentially criminal thing the buffoon in chief does?

I have to ask - why would not a single one of the grossly UNPRESIDENTIAL actions made by this person matter to you. What gives you faith in someone who obviously is doing nothing for you, and more likely doing everything that will potentially harm you personally?

Unless of course you are in that elite group of Americans who benefit from the policies he has implemented - something tells me neither you or I are included in that group. So what is the logic behind your unwavering support - I would love to know the answer...

you must have misunderstood me.
I said I watched him on TV.
what video are you spoken of?

I think it's kinda funny
The DNC and the LameStream FakeNews Media convinced Trump to run.
THEN they gave hime 3Billion Dollars of free advertising to ensure that he won the republican nomination
THEN they stole the nomination form Bernie (FBI email thing)
THEN...they expected the Hildebeast to win.
(If Bernie had run against Trump ...Trump would have lost...hell if Colonel Sanders had run...or any given dogcatcher had run....Trump would have lost...he's a pitiful politician)

guess what?
The DNC ran the only person in the whole world against hime that he could beat.

now you're upset?

One more thang.
You seem to think that I feel some need to defend Trump.
How odd.
I didn't vote FOR him...I voted against the Hildebeast.
Trump is just gravy.
So far I like what he's done...I'm not really concerned about what he says..
Deeds...not words..

What exactly has HE done that you like so much? Is it installing completely unqualified people to key positions, nominating only white men to lifetime appointments on the federal courts, dismantling the EPA, castrating the State Department, selling off public lands to the highest bidder, alienating our allies, the "beautiful massive tax cuts" for the top 1%, or is it that pipe dream wall to keep them pesky brown people out ???

Deeds... Not words... 241 years of history are testament to the fact - words do matter... Constitution Of The United States Of America

YES....that's exactly it..
He's done all that...and MORE.
(causing liberals to lose their tiny minds is just a BONUS!)

by elimination all the deadwood and the unconstitutional agencies.
Trump is doing what should be done.

The tenth amendment comes to mind.
ever heard of it?

Here's some info on the extensive ties between the US and the Muslim Brotherhood, at least after WWII and into the 60's-70ยดs. The post has some links to more recent info. The relationship between US and the MB doesn't depend on partisan politics, it's bipartisan and goes beyond single administrations, as EVERYTHING regarding the Deep State, because you know, it doesn't really matter who is in office, that's for shows.

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