A Conspiracy Post

from a wanna be sf writer's point of view

Consider the Star Trek 'transporter'

The actual reason for it was that the TV Series 'Star Trek' had a small budget. Making the TV set kinda used it all up. Yup..it was a pretty small budget. When Star Trek was produced there was no such thing as Computer Generated Imagines. Were there even computers then for less than several million dollars? I can't recall.

What ever...making models was the thing. Clay Animation, Animation and other techniques were used.

And they were NOT cheap..and they took a lot of time.

Time and money that the StarTrek producers didn't have. It was a WEEKLY show.

So..what to do..what to do?

Invent a way around it! The transporter! "beam me up Scottie"

It worked very well until you start to think about the technology.

Consider the 1957 chevy for example.

Who'd a thunk it would change the mating habits of the US (and other countries) teenager? That big ole back seat made a handy bed.

So too..the transporter. Given transporter technology why would ANY of the characters ever die? Use the transporter even ONCE...and their file would be stored in the computer. If they got sick, hurt or died. Just materialize a new body and reboot their mind into it.

I'm sure you can come up with about eleventy-seven OTHER unforeseen consequences of transporter technology.

Now back to conspiracy theories. The FreeMasons, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, and others but particularly the Zil (lizard people)

It's a given that they all have high tech. Assume that is true. Now consider the 'unforeseen' consequences of such.

For example...almost all of the 'conspiracy theories seem to revolve around sex.

Kinda like a teen age boy....ALWAYS thinking about sex. (I know I did)

Now consider 'full sensory virtual reality'.

Talk about MIND BLOWING sex. When (not if) this is possible why settle for anything less? Why settle for mundane reality?

Given the millions of years that the Zil had to perfect the system...there's no logical reason to suspect that they don't have it.

Clones.....the zil seem to have clones

That's a nother giveaway...if they have cloning technology..there is ZERO DOUBT that they are very profecient with neurology....hence full sensory virtual reality (see above).

And the list goes on.

Reading those conspiracy theories is kinda fun...until it's not.

SO MANY internal inconsistencies.....it's kinda boring and silly after one or two.

But if that's your thing...go for it.

Have a bunch of fun.


Natalie Woods, Movie "Brainstorm" Mind blowing sex. It was a good movie, well I liked it.

didn't see it...maybe I ought too. Isn't she dead..a long time ago?

Oh yes she is dead. Movie also had Christopher Walken in it. It was about creating a virtual reality headset and recording people's experiences, was like one of the first Virtual Reality type movies out there. I think the computers they used were still running DOS so pretty old movie. mid to late 80's at a guess. Actually 1983, just looked. Trailer is of course available on youtube.

1993..damn that's ancient (as far as VR tech is concerned)
about all they had to go on back then was the works of Jaron Lanier

It was a pretty decent movie, or I thought so, but I like Christopher Walkens acting, and I was just learning about computers then, and well I'm sure you remember Ribbon cables, and giant carry-on size mobile phone cases, and connecting to the internet via dial-up. The handling of the computer part of the movie was much much better than how they handled it in the Movie War Games, which also came out in 1983.

yup...I remember all that.
I watched every movie back then that I could find that dealt with tech.
preeeeeety lame..most of them.

You not coming down the tunnels then? :-)

show me the tunnel.

You book a flight to Poland, I will show you a tunnel, sounds like a fare deal to me.

send me the money and I'll think about it.

Lol I bet you will.

not gonna send me a few thousand dollars? (I only fly first class and stay at the nicest places)

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