The Next Dystopian Frontier of Plastic Pollution

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Plastic pollution is taking another nasty turn in Dystopia, it is jaw-dropping and appalling. And this is going to infuriate many. Studies regarding microfibers pollution really started more or less a year ago! And until then, scientists could not even anticipate such consequences, while mircrofibers have been sold everywhere for decades already. They gotta be kidding, right? It is what happens when scientists follow their paychecks and think that man is above Nature/The One. Atheism has infected science.

Moreover this abominable situation is the result of money manipulating science. This is the best evidence ever of how the "money making mentality" is harming the planet. Research favors performance at the expense of Nature and humans. Even kitchen rags are made with synthetic materials these days. Thick cotton is deemed too expensive.

Our plastic and microfibers pollution is also the byproduct of our petrol driven world economy. The legacy of society's oil addiction will be remembered as the most toxic ever. As you read this, scientists still research the long-term effect of microfibers consumption. Beyond belief. Only We The People have the power to decide and drastically reduce the use of plastic and microfibers in our households, or eliminate them completely... and time is running out.

At first glance:
microfibers prevent the sand from warming up, which affects species living on beaches.
... sustain certain bacteria, which when ingested cause gastric/digestive issues, in humans and marine life.
... decrease reproduction in bivalves, such as mussels and oysters
... release of hazardous chemicals and shed when machine washed, in turn pollute city tab water and rivers
... get into the soil when watering crops
... 190,000 tons of synthetic clothes enter the oceans every year

Let's not mince our words here. Any serious action will demand to stop all production of plastic and microfibers at the consumers level (supermarket, fast foods, fashion industry, etc). That is the only way to reverse the trend, and of course the same must be done worldwide simultaneously. In the practical sense, as you may guess, it is another story because this measure will never be supported by the 1%. Now we really can see what the stock market (collusion and speculation) stands for.

The Law of Equilibrium and that of The Cause And Effect as well, are lurking. Metaphysics will forever rule the material world. Monetarism has allowed recklessness to rule our lives for about centuries, and it is now time to realize that Creativity itself cannot be monetized.

Microfibers: The Next Frontier of Plastic Pollution and the Search for a Solution
Scientists are still beginning to understand the effects of plastic pollution on marine life who suffer injury and death through entanglement and ingestion of the synthetic material. Now we’ve discovered that there is a new microscopic form of plastic pollution entering our waterways from the washing of clothing that includes nylon, acrylic, and PET materials.

Plastics from our clothes is polluting oceans


Fast Fashion is Absolutely Destroying the Planet (2016)
According to a 2013 report, the global apparel industry produced 150 billion garments in 2010, enough to provide 20 new articles of clothing for every person on the planet. And it's only gotten worse since then. Today, the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry on earth. And the primary culprit is fast fashion—well, that and the culture of throwaway clothing that it has inspired.... MORE

Fast Fashion Is the Second Dirtiest Industry in the World, Next to Big Oil
The clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world ... second only to oil," the recipient of an environmental award told a stunned Manhattan audience earlier this year. “It's a really nasty business ... it's a mess."


Thank you for sharing this. I can't stand preventable pollution. There are so many decent natural solutions besides cotton too like flax and hemp. I will have to shop smarter now.

sure, not only cotton... next week I will have a blog about hemp, so you know
Thanks for dropping by

I can’t stand microfiber products. I had no idea that they were harmful though. I would rather buy 100% cotton for any product in my house if the choice is available. Great information!

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thanks for your comment... the situation is pretty bad.

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