Fresh Evidence Student Loans Are a Massive, Generational Scam

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

PS: it is indeed comforting to see such an article on Vice, Truth is spreading. Slowly and surely.

Here's Fresh Evidence Student Loans Are a Massive, Generational Scam | Oct 17 2018

VICE.COM: Over the centuries, America has bestowed generous, state-sponsored privileges upon select classes of its citizens. Veterans and old people get free socialized healthcare—and, for the most part, they love it. Corporations (who count as people, look it up) get sweet tax breaks and, in the case of defense contractors, no-bid deals to build extremely expensive weapons unlikely to be used in the near future. And young people get thousands and thousands of dollars of student loans to pay for college, putting them in a hole they might spend the rest of their lives digging out of.

EARTH CUSTODIANS: the few lines above are a glimpse at our money-debt system. Monetarism does only make sense if it rewards money creation, otherwise it would take a big dive and self-destruct. Debt is the essential component of any currency system. If the state does not go into debt, it cannot survive, or it would be represented by a few middle class lawakers having day jobs. It is the reward of money creation that drives bureaucracy -- and collusion.

The worst part is that those who sought an elite education on the widely accepted notion that it would help them later in life were basically sold a bad bill of goods.

Classical case of competition again. That is how one gets trapped by those instigating the competition at the next upper level. It always works like this: to self-sustain the upper layer must deceive the lower layer, and so on, til the bottom layer. The institutionalization of competition is a bottomless deception, because it prompts to lie/conceal for a paycheck. Some more than others.

.... according to a new paper released Tuesday by two researchers at the left-leaning Roosevelt Institute. Research fellows Julie Margetta Morgan and Marshall Steinbaum concluded that more and more debt hasn't significantly boosted income for college grads—it just seems that way because high school grads without BAs are making less than they once did.

There is too much supply on the market, so of course, it cannot be a success. That's another problem with moenatrism. Money generally taints the sense of integrity because too many chase it. Leading to cycles of financial crises, called "creative destruction", a term that has always left capitalists mesmerized. But they never learn the lesson because the hunt is unstoppable.

(Julie Margetta Morgan) They also found that looking at decent rates of repayment by student debtors is a misleading way to look at the scale of this crisis. And thanks to workers lacking the power they once enjoyed in an increasingly skill-obsessed economy, young people are often being pressured into getting extra degrees on their own dime (which is to say by taking on more debt) for minimal payoff.

Coercion exposed: peer pressure is constant in a competitive society, but since competition relies on misrepresentation and embellishment of reality, skill obsession can only become a nightmare.

But I think that the reason why it's sort of been allowed to exist as this quiet crisis is that there's not a lot of agreement among experts that, on the whole, student debt is getting worse. I think that's because experts primarily look at measures around successful repayment of the loan as the target.... experts have said that student debt is not a bigger burden now than it was a generation ago. And yet if you delve into the figures a little bit deeper you can see that, in fact, it is worse—

Aahh, the experts, here they are! They only look at the profitability and neglect the human costs. Business as usual. Financial experts should be called vultures and jackals.

... because we are so often fed the college earnings premium as the single measure of whether college pays off over time. Yes of course college still pays off, but it pays off because it's becoming less and less viable for someone to make a living with just a high-school diploma.

That view is skewed. Or should it rather be said that "student loan sharking" has DESTROYED opportunities for high-school students (willing to earn certifications along the road) as employers finds more profitable to hire college degrees that they can exploit, because college degrees are readily available anyway. Dilemma solved.

You go to college, you study, don't worry so much about how much it costs, it's going to be worth it in the end. And they get out on the other side, they have a ton of debt, they are working as hard as they can, but they're not getting ahead—they're treading water. They're making payments on their debt, but not able to buy a house, they're not able to save for retirement. You were sold on a promise, you come out on the other hand that that promise was false, and everybody looks at you like, What's wrong?

Definitely looks like a ponzi scheme, and the winners are those issuing and selling the loans.

VICE: It's hard not to read the paper and feel like taking on student loans is maybe (very often) a mistake or even that the larger system is a scam. Even when students are not being preyed upon by for-profit schools or predatory lenders, the whole seems flimsy or even fraudulent. Is that unreasonable?

Absolutely fraudulent. But if we make a few steps back, and scrutinize society and even the whole planet, the same patterns begin to reveal themselves. Yes, the world is run by a giant scam. And buying cryptos with money backed up by debts, will not resolve the equation. The "black hole" is still there!

(Julie Margetta Morgan) I don't think it's unreasonable. I think of it as a failed social experiment that young people are caught in the middle of.

Working for left-leaning Roosevelt Institute, she is afraid of acknowledging the state of affairs. She fears for her job (aka paycheck) and to admit the moral bankruptcy of her own left leaning ideal.

As we look to the future, we have to think a lot bigger. We should be looking at both free and debt-free options for college. Free college at public universities and more debt-free options for students. That's how we take care of generations moving forward........ FULL ARTICLE:

Nothing is free in a society run by monetarism... somebody has to pay. The only way to have free and unbiased education is to have a money-free society.

Colin Turner (FWC) answers some common questions about a money-free world.


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I stop the vicious cycle by taking my crypto earnings and roll them into precious metals.
The months that I have weak eatnings, I simply work harder the next month.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is great way to think. Keep it up and in the long run, you will be very financially secure. Debt is a really horrible thing to be stuck in. Not only does it limit your current lifestyle, but it reduces your future lifestyle. Just do a lot of research with your investments, because they will start overtaking your income.

Debt is a really horrible thing to be stuck in

wonder how many clients of yours use a credit card, a store card?

competition in debt will leave america/world devastated at some point. But according to you bankers are just doing their job and people are stupid. Bankers are free to plunder because there is no law in place saying otherwise. Lawmakers dont do a thing because banks control everything... talk of a conspiracy... competition at work

Taking a quick look at last month, I would say 80-90% of my customers use paypal. So those are the equivilent of cash purchases. The remaining is probably split between debit cards and credit cards. So a fairly small percentage of my customers use credit cards. And I would certainly advise them NOT to use credit cards for purchases if they were going to carry the debt on them. Using a credit card is fine if you pay them off every month. But in this case, you might as well be using a debit card. Credit card debt is the dumbest financial thing you can do, in my opinion. If any of my customers are doing this and reading this: STOP doing it!

People who get into large amounts of debt without a nearly certain positive outcome are dumb. They don't have a proper understanding of risk/reward. This is a shame, and I partly blame the school system. No high schools teaches financial responsibility. There should be a mandatory course on personal finance for every student before they come of age. Of course, you can learn on your own (I certainly had to), and our civilization wouldn't be in quite such a big mess if people were taught how to handle money and were taught about the horrible consequences of debt.

The poster above that I commented on has the correct attitude to succeed with his finances. He is reinvesting profits from his trading business into a very secure asset class. This is a very solid strategy. He may not become a millionaire over night, but he will be secure from many a financial storm.

I can link my Paypal account to several credit/bank cards. Or even to my bank account directly. but the seller cannot see that.

okay I understand that according to you scammers can run loose 24/7 because no high schools teach financial responsibility... but what about lawmakers? That is exactly why monetarism will end very badly... because it is driven by immorality.

Yes, scammers are on the loose. You are here! :-D Let's look at your case. You aren't promising much, and you aren't really hurting anyone financially enough for anyone to prosecute you so you have a little niche to scam people out of tiny bits of money. Even you most faithful vote bots only give you between 1-2 dollars a month. So as a scam artist, you will be able to continue on as long as you keep it small.

Scam artists are prosecuted by the law all the time. There are just so many scammers, and they usually work small like you, so prosecution isn't really an option. You aren't stealing enough for anyone to bother. And you prey on the uneducated, which is extremely sleazy.

But the best defense against scammers like you is an education. In your case, all people need is a basic understanding of economics to see through your impossible, unexplained, and ridiculous idea of a "no money" economy. And those that have an education, don't give you upvotes.

More generally, people need to learn more about how to think properly and assess claims to see if they are nonsense. A good course on logic and a look at scams throughout history should also be mandatory before coming of age.

banker apologist now.... yes divert the attention from the fact that money is inimical to 80-85% of people and nature... and I will to continue expose that, until a critical mass gets it.

That is all it will take to change the world.

Student loans scammer should be in jail.

And of course donation from webbots are now a concern of yours, maybe steemit, so you blame me for steemit's flaws??

I do not care about $$ reward, readership alone is fine, but if people donate to me, I will use the money for banners. So what? Are you against FREE SPEECH NOW?

If you are so sure that you think the right way, why dont you advocate for the REFORM OF EDUCATION IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS???

But you know what, if 80% of people were educated, profits would no longer be possible as wealth extracts its power from ignorance. Chew on that now :)

Yes, try to divert attention from the fact that you are a small time scam artist. And always divert attention from the fact that your "solution" of a "no money" economy is impossible, unexplained, and ridiculous.

The only thing that you will change is the amount of steem in your own wallet.

I'm surprised that you don't see that anybody using this debt usury based system is a scammer by default...
The the only difference between you and me is that I expose it and you go along with it...

and yes wealth is extracting its power from ignorance, that is a natural law.

Education is thus key, with or without money.
Yes lets educate people so nobody can take over... i really wouldnt mind. Education eliminates all top-down models, money or not.

Capitalism would no longer be able to generate profis IF 80% knew. We''d have a flat economy.

But maybe you wish ignorance to continue so you can keep thinking that you are right
... or ... cannot give up the fallacy of profit seeking which needs slave wages and manias aka ignorance?

thanks for sharing your 2 cents...but my blog looks at the whole situation. From my perspective only 15-20% will make it through the next bust. If a system is inimical to 80-85% (what has been the case for millennia already) it has to be abandoned... .

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