Dystopian War On Cash: Half of Britain's Bank Branches Will Be 'Closed Within Five Years'

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The question is not as to whether the world needs digital currencies, but the comprehension as why digital currencies are condoning and fueling the war on cash. It is all about synchronicity and the hidden hand setting it into motion. Controlling the velocity of money controls time. In this sense, there is absolutely no way we can expect to beat this synchronicity because the more we go along with it, the faster we stand to step into quick sands.

The long-term goal of competition is to eliminate all competition, and we can really see this aftermath approaching in the distance. 4 thousands of years to get where we are, to complete a full loop and get back to square one but this time with the duty to do something about it.

We must understand that blame games will not serve any purpose anymore, because we are in a full-fledged twilight zone. The chances for either the "very good" or "very bad" to manifest are absolutely equal, about the same.

Money is the materialization of control and power, there is a black magic to it attached, embedded in it and spreading the addiction to it, that we only can overcome by distancing ourselves from it.

We got to this point because of the subjectivity of value is being played on populations. The very few making the latter believe that money promotes security and eases whatever hectic lifestyle. That we can get more than what one puts in. Money always makes things appear different from what they truly are, and as a result a rude awakening is now taking shape above the horizon.

More materialism will never be the answer to materialism. Social indoctrination wants us to believe that, but it is rather the opposite, because "authentic knowledge" teaches humility and empathy and the eagerness to propagate enLIGHTenment.

Half of Britain's bank branches will be 'closed within five years' warns former Barclays boss who admits closures are happening faster than expected ... He stressed the onslaught of closures in the past decade was happening faster than expected as banks slash costs. Jobs are being axed as more people bank online and office tasks are automated... He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘These things get automated and the jobs will go away. Of course, new jobs may be created, but my expectation is there will be many fewer than the ones that are eliminated.’.........

2016 | Why Big Government Is Waging War Against Cash..... The ostensible reason is to help in the fight against terrorists, bribers, drug dealers and tax evaders by making it more inconvenient for these bad guys to move around and store their ill-gotten cash.... The real reason for this war on cash--start with the big bills and then work your way down--is an ugly power grab by Big Government. People will have less privacy: Electronic commerce makes it easier for Big Brother to see what we're doing... https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2016/03/01/the-great-cash-grab/#79e44cfb4aed

The academic debate continues unabated. A paper that has recently triggered intense debate is the IMF working paper “The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing,” which was published in March 2017. Its author Alexei Kireyev examines the possible macroeconomic consequences of abolishing cash. His central conclusions are:

  1. A cashless payment system would make the monetary policy transmission mechanism more efficient, as there would be very little or no cash available anymore. In particular, it would become possible to implement negative interest rates on a broad front, in order to boost consumption.
  2. Since a decline in cash holdings would go hand in hand with an increase in demand deposits at banks, the banking sector would be able to extend more loans. That would lower the level of interest rates and boost economic growth.
  3. A sudden increase in the demand for cash is a sign of an imminently impending financial crisis. Shortly before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, demand for cash currency increased significantly. That was a sign that bank customers increasingly lost confidence in the solvency and liquidity of commercial banks. This warning signal would no longer be available if cash were abolished.
  4. A cashless economy makes tax collection easier, as the example of Sweden illustrates

Let's see now. Less than 6 years until the robots take over and destroy humanity. That's if greedy people don't use money to destroy humanity. Now britain will close half its banks to destroy humanity? I sense a pattern here...lol.

Earhcustodian's solution: get rid of money and destroy humanity.

Sounds legit.

How can we avoid this trap of a cashless society? Hmm, if there was only a non-governmental money that can't be controlled by government or banks. Hmm, this is a tough one...

Ever hear of bitcoin? :-D

How can we avoid this trap of a cashless society? Hmm, if there was only a non-governmental money that can't be controlled by government or banks. Hmm, this is a tough one... Ever hear of bitcoin? :-D

... even when a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist site like mises.org warned against the digital cashless society, you continue to look the other way. The evidence that your economic knowledge is minimalistic. Or are you a troll?

... money will forever concentrate power and wealth in the hand of a very few. Only a small % of investors who bought bitcoin when it was worth peanuts benefit, because what caused the far reaching mania are people who used their 401K, savings and borrowed to be part of the so-called boom.

Most bitcoin shares are ALREADY in the hands of people who do NOT need to get more wealthy and now THEY CAN CONTROL the outcome as they control the VOLUME.

Not to mention that FRAUD Is already rampant... MONEY does not make people honest, far to the contrary. MONETARISM will always prompt people to look for quick schemes and the foundations of society are thus FRAUDULENT.

Released this week, research compiled by the Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI) gives clearer insight into how massively overstated the daily volume numbers actually are. Tallying up the volume numbers of the top 130 exchanges, the report found that over $6 billion in daily trade volume is being faked, comprising over two-thirds of the total 24-hour trade volume. https://bitcoinist.com/6-billion-volume-faked-coinmarketcap/

MONETARISM CANNOT PREVENT COLLUSION: Individualism AND the collective SHARING for a greater good will always be CRUSHED .

Yes Mises warns against a cashless society. You know, the cashless society that you are promoting. lolz Mises understood that no money would destroy civilization and that communists are actively promoting no money society. So yes, Mises hates you.

You are literally quoting Mises who says having a no money economy is very immoral and very bad, and has written books about it. And somehow you claim that he would be interested in your opinion. The stupid is very strong in you.

An important point about bitcoin that you don't understand is that bitcoin is cash. You can give it directly to anyone, just like pieces of government paper. But there is no bank involved, no government involved. Pretty fascinating stuff!

It is very simple to see how much bitcoin is transacted every day. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain. All you have to do is add them up. There are many websites that do exactly that, like this one for example:

It breaks down transaction by dollar amount, bitcoin amount, total transactions, and a variety of other metrics. You see, blockchains are completely transparent. Exchanges, on the other hand, are not and should be trusted about as much as one trusts a bank. I personally only keep the bitcoin I buy in an exchange for the few minutes it takes to buy and then move to my personal wallet.

Individualism AND the collective SHARING for a greater good will always be CRUSHED .

lol, what??? If you don't do something for yourself, or you don't do something for somebody else, what else is there? Where is Bessie the lolz cow?

PS" hiding behind a mindless avatar will not give you any credentials

There is a difference between cashless and money free... cashless exists in the form of numbers in a computer and obviously the FRAUD is already rampant among digital currencues... money-free is only producing what is needed because profits do not exist

you are blinded by the money making mentality. you keep talking of how fantastic bitcoin cash is while turning a blind eye to the massive fraud happening in the blockchain. (bitcoinist.com link above) how rational are you?

von mises would have found me highly interesting, especially since most libertarian economists advocated for a basic income, because they knew that the battle for sound money was lost forever. von mises and I agree on the subjectivity of value to start with, so I am sure we'd have had a compelling discussion. You cannot even wrap your mind around such a concept.

An important point about bitcoin that you don't understand is that bitcoin is cash. You can give it directly to anyone, just like pieces of government paper. But there is no bank involved, no government involved. Pretty fascinating stuff!

just like piece of government paper....Any theory that does not take into account the subjectivity of value is TRAP....

Von Mises would have ripped you to shreds. You don't have a coherent plan, you think that for some reason getting rid of money will somehow improve something. Laughable.

Of course value is subjective, how could it not be? Who are you arguing with about the subjectivity of value? Yourself? lolz.

There is no fraud on the bitcoin blockchain. Either you hold the keys to some bitcoin, or you don't. Either a transaction is valid on the blockchain, or it isn't. The blockchain is available for everyone to verify. Don't trust, verify.

The problem you are talking about is how the individual exchanges count their own in house, off chain transactions. Regardless of how the exchanges count their own off chain transactions, bitcoin goes chugging along.

.Any theory that does not take into account the subjectivity of value is TRAP....

The theory that launched bitcoin does take the subjectivity of value into account. All the earliest programmers and devs were big fans of Mises. They built it purposely with that in mind.

no fraud in bitcoin blockchain??? . that must explain why the boom/bust was a cake walk then... LOL. It is fraud manipulating the subjectivity of value AGAIN.

You do not get the subjectivity of value and it is your achile heel, which ridicules anything you say from A TO Z. You cannot make sense of the von mises quote which says that value is NOT in money.

My readers get it though, and yes NO BOTS

you do not even have A REAL pic of yourself, you are HIDING and TROLLING... even if you put a picture now, I will believe it is not you. You are hiding and then post stupid cow pictures... enlightening

wait , corruption being rampant will just help governments create their own crypto market... we live in a digital prison now ... not to mention devastating power outages that will happen. No if but when.

GREED will destroy humanity... Trying to take more out than what one puts in (millennia old institutionalized debtism)... this is mathematically unsustainable. Hence our $300 trillion global debt bubble waiting to burst.

there are more people out there seeing the LIGHT

The Free World Charter is a statement of principles that has the potential to optimise life on Earth for all species, eradicate poverty and greed, and advance progress. http://freeworldcharter.org/en

You seem to be prospering in your digital prison with your army of bot votes. :-D

Yea, being overly greedy is generally accepted by humanity as being bad. No good will come of it. That being said, capitalism INCREASES total wealth. Division of labor increases wealth. Putting these two things together has been the motor that has given us all the marvels of the modern world.

Money free, and higher consciousness communist men have brought us untold human misery and murder on the scale of genocides.

Hmm, which one is better...

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I live in Wales - the banks are disappearing extremely rapidly.

I bank for my business with NatWest, one of the big four. After a recent round of closures they only have one branch left in the whole county.

I have to drive an hour to reach a bank!

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

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